Argument Mining Flashcards
Name some areas where AM is usefull
- Qualtitative analysis of comments in sosial media
- Analyzing acceptance of arguments and roles of users
- Providing tools to policy makers and researchers in sosial sciences
- Extraction of claims and supporting premises from legal documents
What are the components of arguments?
Premises and conclusion
What are the relations between arguments
Attack, support, neither
What is the typical pipeline for argument detection?
Raw text > Argument sentence detection > Argument component boundary detection > Argument structure prediction > Annotated text
How can we do argument sentence detection?
Usually supervised learners like LTSM
What is argument component boundary detection
Seperating premises and conclusion. And segmenting arguments that span over parts of sentences or over several sentences.
what is argument structure prediction
Linking different arguments, to support/ attack, neither…
What is argumentativ soning?
segmenting a text into different zones, e.g. scientific background, comparative segments, the aim of the paper
Name som argumentation schemes
1) Argument from example
2) Cause to effect
3) In position to know
4) Practical reasoning
What is:
1) Subordinatively Compound Argumentation
2) Coordinatively Compound Argumentation
3) Multiple Argumentation
1) A chain of arguments supporting eachother
2) Several args supporting one, connected by “and”
3) Several args supporting one, connceted by “or”
What is CDC?
Context Dependent Claims. A short topic and CDC’s, general concice statement that directly supports or contests the topic
Name 3 different types of premisses.
1) Unverfiable, does not contain a objectiv assertion
2) Verifiable non-experimental.
Contains an objective assertion that isn’t about the writers personal state or experience.
3) Verifiable experimental:
Contains an objective assertion that is about the writers personal state or experience.