Argument for the existence of God: Design Argument. Flashcards
A posteriori
Arguments that depend on sense experience
argument that is based on the experience of the senses (smell, touch)
When used of arguments, refers to those based on probability
It is based on a comparison between the features of 2 different things. Attempt to explain meaning of something
Natural theology
View that questions Gods existence, nature + attributes can be answered by reasoning, science and observation rather than appeal to special revelation.
Special revelation
Refers to scripture or some form of religious experience.
Paley’s arguments
A POSTERIORI: 1) its empirical in nature 2) its based on the sense experience.
INDUCTIVE: 1)Based on probability + not knock-down proof 2) conclusion is not necessarily true: stronger the evidence more likely to be true.
ANALOGICAL: 1) Based on the comparison of 2 different things.
PALEY’S arguments uses the approach to natural theology- makes no appeal to any form of special revelation (BIBLE OR RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE)
-Uses reason, latest scientific knowledge + observation.
PALEY’S BOOK ( natural theology) published 1802
- complexity
- purpose ( design qua purpose) Teleological argument
- Regularity(design qua regularity)
At his time, Paley had the most effective way of arguing for the existence of God.
-He uses the watch analogy:
1) A watch couldn’t have appeared by accident
2) existence of the watch gives proof of a watch maker
Thus, the universe couldn’t have came about by accident, as its intricate design eg: molecular structure of ice
“The watch had a watch maker”
“We must also argue from the world a world maker”
Everything in this world has a purpose like the watch for telling the time. He linked the example of an eye.
The eye has lots of intrinsic part which allows us to see.
He believes the eye is due to an intelligent designer. God gave us the ability to see.
Birds feathers, bones and wings = perfect for flight.
Order of the universe suggests a designer. Paley used astronomy to show this, Newton’s laws of motion to prove the design of the universe is intrinsic. He suggest the motion and orbits of the planets have not come by chance. Thus, there must be something greater imposing order- GOD.
Things to note about PALEYS DA
- Treats world as a mechanical object which is comparable to things humans make.
- concerned with order and purpose
- uses principles of “similar effects + causes” (watchmaker)
- concern with proportion- watchmaker + worldmaker, both intelligent designs but are hugely different
- He is motivated due to his religious faith
Criticisms of DA
starter: “Hume’s criticisms of the design arguments may be applied to Paley’s argument” ( from different times in history)
Criticisms of DA
Starter: “Hume’s criticisms of the design arguments may be applied to Paley’s argument” ( from different times in history)
David Hume:
Mechanistic analogies are inappropriate:
- Deliberate analogies are chosen as they encourage the idea of a designer.
-Living organisms would be more appropriate eg:vegatable.
- Hume suggested due to changing arrangements of atoms over an infinite period of time, it was inevitable order would emerge.
-Suggested the possibility universe alternates between periods of order + chance, existence is currently period of order.
criticisms of DA
Anthropomorphic ( language connects human characteristics or ideas to non human ethics):
-humans have no knowledge on how the universe are made.
-Thus we nothing about the capacities or nature of any universe designer
-mechanist analogy creates the universe designer in our image
..The designer might not be the God of Christian theism
-cause must be proportional to its effects
-Traditional Christian understanding of God isint required by what is known of the universe.
- intelligent minds are attached to physical bodies, so the designer could be mortal or long dead.
criticisms of DA
Problem of Evil
- The existence of much moral + natural evil in the world is evidence the world is flawed
- Hume considered God’s omnipotence + omnibenevolence as incompatible to the existence of evil.
Evaluation of Paley’s DA
1) Existence of evil suggests incompetent or malevolent designer - or no designer
2) Universe could’ve “designed itself” by chance. Support for this multiverse theories.
3) Claims made by theism about the nature of a designer God go beyond the evidence
4) Apparent order + purpose + design are chance. Support from Darwin + Dawkins.
Evaluation of Paleys DA
1) Swinburne explanation = existence of single omnipotent God = explanation
2) PALEY= evil is unavoidable for God to bring good. (Free will defence/ Process theodicy/ Hick’s ireneaean theodicy.
3) Evolution requires explanation (Swinburne) Not compatible without theism.
4) Paley= “Nature shows intention” supported by ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE. ( multiverse theory is incapable of truth.)
ARGUMENT CANNOT offer proof of God
1) Only deductive arguments can give absolute proof.
DA is inductive, so can never be certain.
2) Paley’s observations cannot be explained naturally. e.g: regular rotation of the planets is due to gravity
if multiverse theory = true then design is pure chance.
ARGUMENT CAN offer proof of God
1) Most things in life based off inductive arguments. “true beyond reasonable doubt” stronger evidence = more probable true the claims.
2) some saw, laws of nature = explanation, not sure multiverse theory is true. Challenges do not diminish probability that Paley’s argument= true.
Relevance to Religious faith
Paleys argument =
-Rationally + empirically based
-consistent with Biblical teaching= guiding presence directing human life + nature in purposeful way.
-THEISTS can’t prove God, nor can atheists disprove:
Both rely on reasoning + empirical evidence.
Paley’s Argument = provides strong support for theists, with simplicity + reinforcement of cosmological argument.
- (according to H.H price, faith should include “belief that” acceptance + “belief in” trust)
Paleys Argument = evidence to support “belief that” God exists. + his description of worlds design encourages “belief in” God.
FIDEISTS: Rational argument play no part in faith = doesn’t lead to commitment. (only faith gives certainty)
Paley’s argument does not tackle problem of evil.
Anthropic principle ?
Boundary conditions (cosmological constants) had to be precise for intelligent life to develop. - Not here be chance, God “fine tuned” these conditions.
View that religion is a matter of pure faith in sense of commitment. Rational argument has no role to play.