AREAS SECTION (E) Flashcards
gulliver street
niddrie house park
kig’s haugh
peffermill road (industrial estate)
baillie (terrace)
duddingstone park south .milton road
cosidine (gardens)
queen’s park avenue
niddrie house
greendykes road / niddrie mains road
Argyle crescent
Brunstane road ( watch others )
brighton (place)
brightone place /portobello high street (watch brighton street )
whitehill street / road
newcraighall road (map not accurate)
Baileyfield road
Fiahwives causeway /
Sir Harry Lauder road
brunstane (drive)
milton road east
duddingstone row /mountcastle drive south
scone gardens
lillyhill terrace
woolmet place
greendykes road
wauchope (place)
niddrie mais road (map not accurate)
park avenue
milton road (watch other)
john street
abercorn terrace (watch other)
craigmillar castle
as ‘‘craigmillar”
niddrie mains road / peffermill road
straiton place
bath street
duddingston road west
niddrie mais road (map not accurate)
brickfield place
bridge street (not on map)
niddrie mains
niddrie mais road (map not accurate)
newcraighall road (watch housing area )
fort kinnaird
newcraighall road
abbey lane
lodon road / abbeyhill
great carleton (square)
nidrie house drive
ulster (area & various streets )
willowbrae road
stanley place
lower london road (watch other)
king’s road /place / terrace
portobello high street
laing street
john street lane
clockmill lane
london road / royal park terrace
Windsor place
Portobello high street
priestfield road
niddrie cottages
newcraighall road
niddrie mais road (map not accurate)
dalzied place
part london road (not on map )
chapel court
thistle foundation
peirsfield terrace
part portobello road
craigmillar castle road
niddrie mais road
london road
moffat way
wauchope terrace
craigmillar castle gdns /peffermill road
Sandford garden
Brighton place
brand (drive)
hope lane / milton road (watch brand place)
taylor place
lower london road (watch other)
lady naire
paisley drive / willowbrae road
south elixa place
nothfield road
electra place
westbank place (portobello high street )
south meillis park
northfield broadway
duddingstone park south (watch cleikiminfield & cleikiminrig)
bellfield street
portobello high street
bridge street
portobello high street (watch other)
duddingstone road / milton road west
tudsbury avenue
greendykes road
vexhim park
the jewel
pittville street
abercorn terrace
northfield (crescent)
northfield broadway /willowbrae road
marlbrough street
portobello high street
ramsey place
beah lane / portobello high stret (watch other)
cameron house avenue
pefermill road
james street
abercorn terrace
South Morton street
Milton road east
peffermill road
dalkeith road
gret cannon bank
westbank street (portobello high street )
matthew street
tudsbury avenue
collie place
hay road
Lee crescent
Brighton place
Pretonfield avenue /road
comely green
lower london road
corbieshot / corbie wynd
the jewel (both)
regent street
portobello high street (watch other)
lower london road
londan road (at abbey lane)
elcho terrace
pittville street /abercorn terrace
abercorn road/willowbrae road
cameron toll gardens /lade
old dalkeith road
peacocktail close
newcraighall road
farrer (terrace)
portobello road / moira terrace
milton street
spring gardens (watch other)
queen’s park avenue
meadowbank terrace /royal park terr
quarry cottages
newcraighall road (watch other)
Seaview terr/cre
Musselburgh road
Watch similar
mentone avenue
bath street / ramsay place (watch other)
newcraighall road of cleekin
brand place
abbeyhill (not on map (watch other)
waverley park & park terr
soring gardens
abercorn terrace
portobello high street (watch other)
duddingstone park south / milton road
southfield place
duddingstone road /brighton place
the jewel
arran place
james street
adelphi (place)
portobello high street
baronscourt (area &road )
willowbrae road
Daiches braes
Brunstane road south
bridge end
old dalkeith road
prestonfield (area & bank )
Pretonfield avenue /dalkeith road
pertobello road / inchview terrace
industrial units
figgate street
portobelli high street
spring gardens
pipe street
portobello high street
dryburgh crescent
peffermill road
Queens bay crescent
South Morton street ( watch similar )
kenmure avenue
abercorn road / willowbrae road
park lane
park avenue / duddingstone park (not on map)
blackchapel road / close
newcraighall road
moira terrace
part portobello road
niddie mill
niddrie mais road / duddingstone park south
(note :- no vehicle access from niddie mill drive to niddrie mains drive
abercorn (drive)
willowbrae road (watch other)
old church lane
duddigstone road west
cameron (park & terrace)
dalkeith road
peffer (place)
duddingston road west (map wrong)
queen’s walk
thistle foundation
william jamieson place
bridge street (not on map)
Esplanade terr
Morton street / Joppa road
westbank (street)
portobello high street
lismore (avenue)
abercorn road (jock’s lodge )
queen’s drive
road in hollywood park
north greens
the jewel
harbour place
bridge street (map not accurate)
Mount lodge place
Windsor place
parson’s green terrace
london road
Morton street
Joppa road ( both sides )
hillend place
part london road
milton road west
figgate lane
figgate street
lower london road
eat &west cousrt
thistle foundation (watch other at ravelston )
Tait wynd
Milton road east
milton road east
aitchison place
figgate street (not on map)
hope lane / milton road
Ormelie terrace
Part Joppa road
king’s meadow
prestondield road
Fishwives causeway
Portobello high street /
Portobello road
packer place
harewood road
cellar bank
peffermill road
north craintow
duddingstone road west
greendykes road / niddrie mains road
eastfield (gardens)
milton road east /musselburgh road (watch eastfield road )
hamilton (drive &terrace )
duddingstone road / mountcastle drive north (watch other)
joppa (road)
abercorn terrace /brunstane road
hope lane
milton road (watch others)
lilyhill terrace
meadowbank crescent
holyrooad park road
dalkeith road
the causeway
duddigstone road west
Bedford terrace
Brunstane road north
watch others
rosefield (place)
brighton place
piershill place
part portobello road
St mark place
Abercorn terrace
parker (terrace)
portobello road / moira terrace
bridge end cottages
old dalkeith road
wilfred terrace
wolesley crescent (map wrong)
bath street
portobello high street
priestfield road / dalkeith road
hillcoat (loan)
westbank street / portobello high street
paisley (area & various streets)
willowbrae road
castle park
craigmillar castle loan/niddrie mains road
wisp green
the wisp
furcheons park
northfield broadway
sir harry lauder road
part portobello road (bypass road
station brae
southfield place (watch others)
wolseley (crescent)
london road (jock’s lodge )
royal park terrace
spring gardens
St Mary place
Abercrombie terrace
abercorn gardens
portobelo road (watch other)
iddrie marischal
greendykes road / niddrie mains road
mountcastle drive north /northfield broadway
woodland grove
duddigstone road west
kilmaurs (road)
priestfield road / dalkeith road
the jewel
duddingstone park south
brunstane road south /milton road
spa place
figgate lane
standley street
southfield place (watch others)
Woodside terrace
Morton street ( watch similar)
duddingstone mills
willowbrao road
thistle foundation
greedykes oad / niddrie mains road
almond court
thistle foundation (watch other)
cavalry park drive
duddigstone road west
inchview terrace
part portobello road
tytler gardens / court
milton street (map ot accurate )
figgate lane (watch other at abbeyhill)
milton (terr)
1) milton road west (intwo parts also
2) milton road east watch milton street )
hosie rigg
the jewel
Dalkeith street
Brunstane road ( watch other )
Williamfield square
Portobello high street
whyte place
lower london road
corft -an-righ
romero place
dalkeith road
duddingstone road west
Musselburgh road
Joppa road
priestfield road / dalkeith road
beach lane
portobello high street
law place
pipe street (not on map )
southfield (terrace)
duddingstone road / milton road west