AREA OF FOCUS 4: Home,town,neighbourhood & region Flashcards
Yellow: include a negative
Je n’aime pas ma ville parce que il n’y a pas grand-chose à faire
I don’t like my town because there is not much to do
Yellow: opinion with a justification
J’aime ma ville car c’est animée.
I like me town because it’s lively.
Yellow: one time frame and attempt a second
Present & past/future sentences
Pink: include prepositions
Ma ville est à Côté de la plage.
My town is next to the beach.
Pink : present tense + depuis
J’habite à ___________ depuis dix ans
I have lived in _______ since I was six years old
Pink : opinion and justification in two different time frames
Present & future/past
J’ai aimé - I loved
Pink : use two different time frames
Present & future/ past
L’année prochain, nous allons aller au parc aquatique à 30 minutes de chez nous.