Area Canvas Flashcards
What are the purposes of a methodically conducted area canvas?
- A methodically conducted area canvas presents a high likelihood of identifying or contacting the ofender, asociates of the offender, significant witnesses, identifying evidence or exhibits and establishing significant facts
- The offender had to move into and out of the area around the scene in order to acess the scene itself and it is not uncommon for the offender to reside within the canvas area. A canvas can therefore identify witnesses to the movements of the offender before and after the offence occurred, as well as witnesses to the actual offence
What are the responsibilities of the OC area canvas?
- The OC area Canvas reports to the OC investigations and together must ensure that the canvas is conducted thoroughly and recorded accuratley
- The OC area canvas must ensure that the are canvas team remains focussed and that the canvas results in efficient use of resources and the return of relevant and manageable information and material
The main objectives of an area canvas?
- Identifying and locating evidence, such as vehicles, discarded clothing, weapons, and other articles
- Identifying the offender
- Identifying witnesses
- Gathering information
What are the other benefits of conducting an area canvas?
- Sightings of the victim or offender before or after an event
- Sightings of relevant property or vehicles
- Sightings of potential witnesses
- Obtaining an accurate record of the local community
- Obtaining key information to develop lines of enquiry
- Creating the opportunity of an early arrest through early ID of offender
- Promoting awareness of significant occurrences
- Eliminating unidentified witnesses/vehicles
Why is it important in some cases to conduct an area canvas at the same time of as the offence?
To capture people who reguarly pass through the area at that time of the day. E.g. homicide of a person in a park in the early hours of the morning.
When deciding on the parametres for the area to be canvassed, what are some relevant locations?
- Where victim, witnesses and offender have been present
- Where offence took place
- Where vehicles, property and exhibits have been found
- Premises within line of sight of scene
- Access and egress routes to an from the scene
- Area where offender may have lain in wait
- Last place victim seen alive
- Locations and premises frequented by the victim
- Locations of similar or previous incidents identified by intelligence as having occurred locally
Once the location parameters are set, intelligence systems should be analysed to establish if there are any people or event in the area which those carrying out the enquiries should be aware of. This may include:
- Violent offenders
- Person wanted by Police for other crimes or wanted on warrant
- Groups with particular linguistic or cultural needs
- Local incidents or issues which residents may raise with Police
For an area canvas, time parameters should be set for?
- The time of the offence (same time as when offence is thought to have occurred)
- The scene (times when people have visited the scene)
- Sightings (times when victim / offender were seen in that location)
- Previous residents and visitors
- Consideration of people varying work hours
For an area canvas, witnesses may include those that have witnessed:
- Events connected to an incident under investigation
- Sightings of victim / offender before or after event
- Sightings of potential witnesses
- Sightings of relevant property
What resources should OC canvas seek to obtain?
OC Area Canvas should seek to obtain a suitable street maps, aerial photographs showing houses and the locations of sections, geological information, local council records and other applicable references.
How can specialist Police units such as the criminal profiling unit or criminal or geographic profilers assist the OC area canvas during the area canvas plannig stage?
Specialist Police unit such as the criminal profiling unit or criminal or geographical profilers may be consulted to assist with setting parameters or identifying locations where suspect are likely to frequent or reside.
What alertnatice approached can be made to area canvas?
- Media
- Poster campaign
- Mail drop
- High profile police presence, using a caravan
Key points for team breifing
- Summarise the situation and details duties and areas of responsibility
- Emphasise the need for thoroughness
- Questionnaire is only a guide and is flexible - ask other questions if required
- Visit the canvass area recording every address including flat numbers to correlate with maps
- Ensure all forms are completed and actions as outlined
- Reconcile completed locations
- Advise staff of on
What to do if ID suspect
Action to take if they locate evidence
What to do if individuals refuse to assist
How to complete correspondence flow
What informatoin can and cannot be dislcosed during area canvass
How can OC area canvass keep up morale of the staff?
This can be achieved by providing regular feedback on the way canvass enquiries are contributing to the progress of the investigation, together with updates on the progress being made with other phases of the enquiry.
A detailed master record of ongoing progress should be continually maintained and updates by the OC. What things should the master record show?
- Which addresses have been visited
- Which occupants interviewed
- The documentation completed
- Any and relevant comments made
Under the completion of the area canvass phase, the OC area canvass must submit a final report to the investigation outlining the circumstances of this particular aspect of the investigation. What matters must the report contain?
- Summary of all action taken
- Any significant findings highlighted
- Attention drawn to any action that has been undertaken which was outside of the original phase strategy