ARCHS Flashcards
how does this story represent the MONSTER arch?
The word ‘monster’ derives from the original Latin word ‘monstrum’ which has the meaning ‘sign of future events’.
-can be a physical idea of ugly,big, and strong
-this is the idea that though they are physcially strong(like a king), they ar ementally weak and vulnerable when it comes to their weaknesses.
-this is when the monster is consumed by their own pride and it leads them to ugliness and their own down fall.
The tragic figure arch?
-this falls under that catagory of the monster again. this is when while not wanting to purposely hurt others, they are compelled to do so due to the circumstances of to wich they were born into.
-essentially, rigth from the get go, when Oedipus was placed on the Mountain by his father to die, this determined his prohecy coming true and the his destiny for life.
-category the monster is cursed by birth to suffer and do evil work, sometimes for others and sometimes by the circumstances in which they are born.
what is the rock by the
omphalos- the representation of zeus trying to find the center of the world.
who was plato?
In ancient greece, in the temple of Apallo in delphi, plato played the ORACLE at the center of this city.
who did Appolo come to find in delphi?
he came to find his oracle, but in order to so he had to defeat PYTHO. he killed pytho and became
what is the rock of the sibyl?
where the oracle of godesses Gaia was told to have prophesise and fro told the trojan war.
who was the oracle in ancient times?
the pythia
how old is this story of oedipus?
When the story of Oedipus was written it was already nearly a 1 000 years old.
who was aristonake?
she was the oracel which communicated appolos will, reserved only for woman.
how did they determine the new oracel?
through a purification ceramony; water from the springs is brought and sprinkled on the goat, if shutters then its a prophecy dya… if not then no!
where can aristonike cants go?
the adyton
how were the roles in ancient athenian?
Dexilelia=women of the house who cant be in politics or own property. main thing is cleaning and THRATA raises them
Archias= men who paints and can do learning and politics. PHILON helps teach the boy.
through what did the greeks cope?
In late Greek Empire, Drama was one of the ways in which the Greeks would question the authority of the Gods
what was the festival called which the 3 playwrites compeet agaisnt eachother?
the festival of dionysus
what were 3 types of dramam?
2.COMEDY(masks were ugly and lower class which was viewed as funny) no one really wen to it-morning
2.TRAGEDY(beautiful masks and characters) main competition
3.SATYR(half men half goat=mythical beast) weird one at night
why was there a use of masks?
masks=religious ritual, way of celebrating dionysus
ALSO: useful for character changes and when there were only 3 actors
what was the idea of the chorus?
this was the idea of a guide, the coice of people who would cause catharsis. they provided perspective on what people beleeived and was the voice of the conscius. it let the audience know what side they should be paying attention to.
who was thespis ?
stepping out of the chorus and started acting and changing characters
where deos the word tragedy stem from?
what does catharsis allow for?
it allows us to be productive memebers of society and fell pitty or fear through characters
what makes a tragedy
his own pride, trying to avoid his afte, making it happen. Its done in ignorance.