Archiving & Compression Flashcards
What is the linux command to hide a file?
mv file.ext .file.ext
What is the linux command to remove an item?
What is the linux command to copy an item?
What is the linux command to create and remove a folder?
rmdir *folder must be empty
What is the linux command to update a folder/files timestamp?
touch file.ext
What is the linux command to create an empty file?
touch file.ext
What is the linux command to copy a folder?
cp -R
What is the linux command to remove a folder/item forces?
rm -rf
What can be substituted for quotes when referencing a name with spaces?
My\ Pictures
What is the linux command to zip a file?
zip -r filetobezipped
must specify -r to recurse folder hierarchy/structure on folders, tar does automatically
What is the linux command to archive (concatenate) files/folders?
tar -c -f filename.tar files/folderstobearchived
- c create -f must be called last
- z gzip file -j bzip2 file
- x extract
What is the linux command to gzip a file/folder?
gzip filetobegzipped
*cannot archive multiple
gunzip filetobegunzipped
What is the linux command to bzip2 a file/folder?
bzip2 filetobebzipped
*cannot archive multiple
bunzip filetobebunzipped
What is an alternative file extension to .tar.gz?
What is an alternative file extension to .tar.bz2?