Architecture Flashcards
-Scale: compare w surroundings/surrounding buildings
-Focus/Focal points- central axis/section? emphasised by a big central window/entrance/tympanum etc.?
-Vertical/Horizontality: name features that add to these e.g. spires/towers add verticality or stringcourse/continuous horizontal band adds horizontality. Vertical and horizontal alignments of windows? if alignment not correct in areas state where
-Repeating shapes: triangular/pyramidal, rectangular, geometrical
- how many sections of building or one singular mass: ABA? ABCBA? etc. - use of material to unify or varying materials?
-Sense of order and balance? Visual harmony? Complex or clear and simple?
- Regular fenestration, grouped in pairs/threes? Graduating scale?
-Geometrical arrangement of masses and features?
-Flat façade or planar/little articulation? 3D/2D?
-Focus on Mass or volume? Solid, weighty, monumental, massive/ weightless, lifted up, insubstantial?
-Rhythms of projections/recessions?
-Decorative detail: minimal/highly detailed, used to differentiate sections? Colour/pattern? textured?
-Line and shape? straight and geometric/curvy and organic, clear outline?
Architectural elements and features:
- Walls
- Entrances and fenestration
- Roof
- Sections
- Articulation (defined/stands out)? Divisions- use of bands, entablatures, cornices, orders on columns, pilasters
- Pedimented windows, porticoes (porch leading to entrance), strip windows (horizontal continuous band of windows), oeils de boeuf (small oval shaped widow above door on roof)
- Gabled, pitched (slanted), domed structures, lanterns, spires
- Chapels, wings, stairs, balconies, balustrade (fencing), pavilion
Colour (appearance)
Raw material visible? Bright, primary/Muted, dull, subtle? Natural and organic use of colour? Contrast or blend w surroundings? Decoratively used? Variety of masonry/painted?
Style/Stylistic elements and appearance
Grand scale or modest
Very ornate/ostentatious/extravagant/flamboyant: rich textures; tracery; surface patterns
simple and undecorated/modern appearance, pure, ordered and elegant with clear organisation of parts
Dynamic/exuberant composition
Asymmetric/Irregular silhouettes
Imposing mass
Horizontals and verticals- e.g. predominantly horizontal but balanced by vertical accents
Architectural elements and repeated shapes, used decoratively? harmonious, proportioned relationships of architectural elements
carefully placed and restrained use of sculpture, enhancing not concealing architectural elements/ excessive use
Site and Location and effect
Rural or urban location?
Surrounded by other buildings or in open space?
On a hill/slope or flat surface?
Connected to other buildings or free standing?
Raised and seen from afar or can only experience close up?
Fits/Blends with surroundings
Stand out / Dominate surroundings
Appearance reflects function
Religious: Plain, austere, unornamented/ornate, lavish and richly decorated?
Verticality (features such as spires/towers) reflecting pointing to heaven/ aspiration to the heavenly or transcendental?
Harmony, symmetry, mathematical proportion and balance?
Christian: Tripartite arrangement of sections/features/windows symbolises Trinity
Rose window – all-seeing eye of God
Open arched windows in bell tower allows sound of the bells to be heard from a distance