Archetypal Theory Flashcards
Arch Lit Cric
Archetypal Literary Theory explores recurring symbols, themes, and
character types across different cultures and time periods.
understand how these archetypes reflect universal human
experiences and societal values.
Carl Jung
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (1875-1961) and Founder of Analytical Psychology.
Found of Collective Unconscious
The Collective Unconscious
a level of unconscious shared among all humans.Unlike personal unconscious, which holds individual experiences, the collective unconscious contains universal experiences and memories.
Innate (Inherited), Universal (Common)
Innate, Universale Symbols and moties in CU that shape human expierences and narrtices
Primodial Images (Deep-rooted symbols and themes that recur
across different cultures and epochs.)
Influence on Behavior (Affect thoughts, emotions, and actions)
Characters of Archetypes
Hero, Lover, Rebel, Everyman, Caregiver, Magician, Joker, Sage, Seducer, Ruler, Innocent,
Joseph Cambell
Scholar in mythology and comparative religion
ideas influence modern
storytelling, from ancient myths to
contemporary films.
(Hero Journey)