Arabic Verbs Flashcards
Ana akalet
I ate
Enta akalet
You ate (M)
Ente akalte
You ate (F)
Huwe akal
He ate
Hiyye akalit
She ate
Ne7na akalna
We ate
Ento akalto
You ate
Henne akalo
They ate
Ana daraset
I studied
Enta daraset
You studied (M)
Ente daraste
You studied (F)
Huwe daras
He studied
Hiye darasit
She studied
Ne7na darasna
We studied
Ento darasto
You studied
Henne daraso
They studied
Ana re7et
I went
Enta re7et
You went (M)
Ente re7te
You went (F)
Huwe ra7
He went
Hiye ra7it
She went
Ne7na re7na
We went
Ento re7to
You went
Henne ra7o
They went
Ana jit
I came
Enta jit
You came (M)
Ente jite
You came (F)
Huwe eja
He came
Hiye ejit
She came
Ne7na jina
We came
Ento jito
You came
Henne ejo
They came
Ana fallet
I left
Enta fallet
You left (M)
Ente falleite
You left (F)
Huwe fall
He left
Hiyye fallit
She left
Ne7na falleina
We left
Ento falleito
You left
Henne fallo
They left
Ana wsolet
I arrived
Enta wsolet
You arrived (M)
Ente wsolte
You arrived (F)
Huwe wosel
He arrived
Hiye woslit
She arrived
Ne7na wsolna
We arrived
Ento wsolto
You arrived
Henne woslo
They arrived
Ana akalet
I ate
Enta akalet
You ate (M)
Ente akalte
You ate (F)
Huwe akal
He ate
Hiyye akalit
She ate
Ne7na akalna
We ate
Ento akalto
You ate (Pl)
Henne akalo
They ate
Ana nemet
I slept
Enta nemet
You slept (M)
Ente nemte
You slept (F)
Hoowe nem
He slept
Hiyye nemit
She slept
Ne7na nemna
We slept
Ento nemto
You slept (Pl)
Henne nemo
They slept
Ana shrebet
I drank
Enta shrebet
You drank (M)
Ente shrebte
You drank (F)
Huwe shereb
He drank
Hiyye sherbit
She drank
Ne7na shrebna
We drank
Ento shrebto
You drank (Pl)
Henne sherbo
They drank
Ana mshit
I walked
Enta mshit
You walked (M)
Ente mshite
You walked (F)
Huwe meshe
He walked
Hiyye meshyit
She walked
Ne7na mshina
We walked
Ento mshito
You walked (Pl)
Henne meshyo
They walked
Ana 7kit
I spoke
Enta 7kit
You spoke (M)
Ente 7kite
You spoke (F)
Huwe 7eke
He spoke
Hiyye 7ekyit
She spoke
Ne7na 7kina
We spoke
Ento 7kito
You spoke (Pl)
Henne 7ekyo
They spoke
Ana w2efet
I stood
Enta w2efet
You stood (M)
Ente w2efte
You stood (F)
Huwe we2ef
He stood
Hiyye we2fit
She stood
Ne7na w2efna
We stood
Ento w2efto
You stood (Pl)
Henne we2fo
They stood
Ana 2rit
I read
Enta 2rit
You read (M)
Ente 2rite
You read (F)
Huwe ore/ara/era
He read
Hiyye oryit
She read
Ne7na 2rina
We read
Ento 2rito
You read (Pl)
Henne oryo
They read
Ana l2it
I found
Enta l2it
You found (M)
Ente l2ite
You found (F)
Huwe le2a/le2e
He found
Hiyye le2it/le2yit
She found
Ne7na l2ina
We found
Ento l2ito
You found (Pl)
Henne le2o/le2yo
They found
Ana 3tit
I gave
Enta 3tit
you gave (M)
Ente 3tite
you gave (F)
Huwe 3ote/3ata
he gave
Hiyye 3otyit / 3atyit
she gave
Ne7na 3tina
we gave
Ento 3tito
you gave
Henne 3otyo/3atyo
they gave
Ana rje3et
I came back
Enta rje3et
you came back (M)
Ente rje3te
you came back (F)
Huwe reje3
he came back
Hiyye rej3it
she came back
Ne7na rje3na
we came back
Ento rje3to
you came back
Henne rej3o
they came back
Ana tsalleit
I had fun
Enta tsalleit
you had fun (M)
Ente tsalleite
you had fun (F)
Huwwe tsalla
he had fun
Hiyye tsallit
she had fun
Ne7na tsalleina
we had fun
Ento tsalleito
you had fun
Henne tsallo
they had fun
Ana ghanneit
I sang
Enta ghanneit
you sang
Ente ghanneite
you sang (F)
Huwwe ghanna
he sang
Hiyye ghannit
she sang
Ne7na ghanneina
we sang
Ento ghanneito
you sang
Henne ghanno
they sang
Ana dabbeit
I packed
Enta dabbeit
you packed (M)
Ente dabbeite
you packed (F)
Huwwe dabb
he packed
Hiyye dabbit
she packed
Ne7na dabbeina
we packed
Ento dabbeito
you packed
Henne dabbo
they packed
Ana lbeset
I wore
Enta lbeset
you wore (M)
Ente lbeste
you wore
Huwe lebes
he wore
Hiyye lebsit
she wore
Ne7na lbesna
we wore
Ento lbesto
you wore
Henne lebso
they wore
Ana zeret
I visited
Enta zeret
you visited (M)
Ente zerte
you visited (F)
Huwe zar
he visited
Hiyye zarit
she visited
Ne7na zerna
we visited
Ento zerto
you visited
Henne zaro
they visited
Ana 7atteit
I put
Enta 7atteit
you put (M)
Ente 7atteite
you put (F)
Huwe 7att
he put
Hiyye 7attit
she put
Ne7na 7atteina
we put
Ento 7atteito
you put
Henne 7atto
they put
Ana kabbeit
I threw
Enta kabbeit
you threw (M)
Ente kabbeite
you threw (F)
Huwe kabb
he threw
Hiyye kabbit
she threw
Ne7na kabbeina
we threw
Ento kabbeito
you threw
Henne kabbo
they threw
Ana w3it
I woke up
Enta w3it
you woke up (M)
Ente w3ite
you woke up (F)
Huwe we3e
he woke up
Hiyye we3yit
she woke up
Ne7na w3ina
we woke up
Ento w3ito
you woke up
Henne we3yo
they woke up
Ana shtareit
I bought
Enta shtareit
you bought (M)
Ente shtareite
you bought (F)
Huwe shtara
he bought
Hiye shtarit
she bought
Ne7na shtareina
we bought
Ento shtareito
you bought
Henne shtaro
they bought
Ana 3melet
I did
Enta 3melet
you did
Ente 3melte
you did (F)
Huwe 3emel
he did
Hiyye 3emlit
she did
Ne7na 3melna
we did
Ento 3melto
you did
Henne 3emlo
they did
Ana da22eit
I touched
Enta da22eit
you touched (M)
Ente da22eite
you touched
Huwe da22
he touched
Hiyye da22it
she touched
Ne7na da22eina
we touched
Ento da22eito
you touched
Henne da22o
they touched
Ana d7eket
I laughed
Enta d7eket
you laughed (M)
Ente d7ekte
you laughed (F)
Huwe de7ek
he laughed
Hiyye de7kit
she laughed
Ne7na d7ekna
we laughed
Ento d7ekto
you laughed
Henne de7ko
they laughed
Ana bkit
I cried
Enta bkit
you cried (M)
Ente bkite
you cried (F)
Huwe beke
he cried
Hiyye bekyit
she cried
Ne7na bkina
we cried
Ento bkito
you cried
Henne beko/bekyo
they cried
Ana natteit
I jumped
Enta natteit
you jumped (M)
Ente natteite
you jumped (F)
Huwe natt
he jumped
Hiyye nattit
she jumped
Ne7na natteina
we jumped
Ento natteito
you jumped
Henne natto
they jumped
Ana rbe7et
I won
Enta rbe7et
you won (M)
Ente rbe7te
you won (F)
Huwe rebe7
he won
Hiyye reb7it
she won
Ne7na rbe7na
we won
Ento rbe7to
you won
Henne reb7o
they won
Ana khsoret
I lost
Enta khsoret
you lost (M)
Ente khsorte
you lost (F)
Huwe khoser
he lost
Hiyye khosrit
she lost
Ne7na khsorna
we lost
Ento khsorto
you lost
Henne khosro
they lost
Ana jlit
I did the dishes
Enta jlit
you did the dishes (M)
Ente jlite
you did the dishes (F)
Huwe jele
he did the dishes
Hiyye jelyit
she did the dishes
Ne7na jlina
we did the dishes
Ento jlito
you did the dishes
Henne jelyo
they did the dishes