Arabic - ENG Most Important Verbs Flashcards
Ask (present)
Asked (past)
Will ask (future)
She asks the teacher a question.
تسأل المعلمة سؤالاً.
Am/are/is (present)
Was/were (past)
Will be (future)
I am a woman. She is from Syria.
أنا إمراة. هي من سوريا.
Become (present)
Became (past)
Will become (future)
I am becoming better at English.
لقد أصبحت أفضل في اللغة الإنجليزية
Begin (present)
Began (past)
Will begin (future)
Class begins at 9:30.
يبدأ الدرس في الساعة 9:30.
Call (present)
Called (past)
Will call (future)
I call my family on the phone.
اتصل بعائلتي عبر الهاتف
Can (present)
Could (past)
I can speak English and Spanish.
أستطيع أن أتحدث الإنجليزية والإسبانية
Come (present)
Came (past)
Will come (future)
Come closer - I can’t hear you!
اقترب - لا أستطيع سماعك!
Feel (present)
Felt (past)
Will feel (future)
I feel happy today.
أشعر بالسعادة اليوم
Find (present)
Found (past)
Will find (future)
Can you find my phone?
هل يمكنك العثور على هاتفي؟
Get (present)
Got (past)
Will get (future)
Did you get the milk at the store?
هل حصلت على الحليب في المتجر؟
Give (present)
Gave (past)
Will give (future)
I will give you a gift!
لكي أعطي
سأقدم لك هدية!/سأعطيك هدية
Go (present)
Went (past)
Will go (future)
I want to go to the mall!
انا اريد الذهاب إلى المول!
Have (present)
Had (past)
Will have (future)
I have 3 children - one son and two daughters.
لدي 3 أطفال - ابن واحد وبنتان
Hear (present)
Heard (past)
Will hear (future)
Can you talk louder? I can’t hear you!
لكى اسمع
هل يمكنك التحدث بصوت أعلى؟ لا أستطيع أن أسمعك!
Help (present)
Helped (past)
Will help (future)
Can I help you with your homework?
هل يمكنني مساعدتك في واجباتك المنزلية؟
Keep (present)
Kept (past)
Will keep (future)
Here’s a nice dress, you can keep it.
هذا فستان جميل، يمكنك الاحتفاظ به.
Know (present)
Knew (past)
Will know (future)
I know the answers to your question!
أعرف إجابة سؤالك!
Leave (present)
Left (past)
Will leave (future)
Let’s leave and go home, I am tired.
دعنا نغادر ونعود إلى المنزل، فأنا متعبة.
Like (present)
Liked (past)
Will leave (future)
I like ice cream very much.
لكى تحب
أنا أحب الآيس كريم كثيرا.
Live (present)
Lived (past)
Will live (future)
We live in Thessaloniki.
نحن نعيش في سالونيك.
Look (present)
Looked (past)
Will look (future)
I am looking for a new job. I don’t like my job now.
أنا أبحث عن وظيفة جديدة. أنا لا أحب عملي الآن.
Love (present)
Loved (past)
Will love (future)
I love my family.
أنا أحب عائلتي!
Make (present)
Made (past)
Will make (future)
I will make a delicious dessert for the party.
سأقوم بإعداد حلوى لذيذة للحفلة
Mean (present)
Meant (past)
Will mean (future)
What does this word mean? I don’t know it.
ماذا تعني تلك الكلمه؟ أنا لا أعرف ذلك!
Move (present)
Moved (past)
Will move (future)
I move my bag to a new place.
نقلت حقيبتي إلى مكان جديد.
Need (present)
Needed (past)
Will need (future)
Humans need to drink water and eat food to live.
لكى يحتاج للحاجه
يحتاج الإنسان إلى شرب الماء وتناول الطعام ليعيش
Play (present)
Played (past)
Will play (future)
The baby plays with her toys.
طفل يلعب بألعابه.
Put (present)
Put (past)
Will put (future)
Where did I put my phone? I can’t find it!
أين وضعت هاتفي؟ لا أستطيع العثور عليه!
Run (present)
Ran (past)
Will run (future)
Don’t walk, run! We need to go quickly!
يهرب من/الركض
لا تمشي، اركض! نحن بحاجة للذهاب بسرعة!
Say (present)
Said (past)
Will say (future)
I say “Hi” to her!
قلت لها “مرحبا”!
See (present)
Saw (past)
Will see (future)
I can see a beautiful view from this window.
أستطيع أن أرى منظراً جميلاً من هذه النافذة.
Seem (present)
Seemed (past)
Will seem (future)
Are you okay? You don’t seem well.
هل أنت بخير؟ لا تبدو بخير.
Show (present)
Showed (past)
Will show (future)
I show you the video.
أرني الفيديو!
Start (present)
Started (past)
Will start (future)
Our class starts at 9:30.
يبدأ فصلنا في الساعة 9:30.
Take (present)
Took (past)
Will take (future)
I will take my son to school.
سوف آخذ ابني إلى المدرسة.
Talk (present)
Talked (past)
Will talk (future)
Let’s talk! I miss you lots.
لكي نتحدث
دعونا نتحدث! اشتاق لك كثيرا.
Tell (present)
Told (past)
Will tell (future)
I will tell you a story!
انا سوف اقول لك قصه!
Think (present)
Thought (past)
Will think (future)
I think you are very nice.
أعتقد أنك لطيف جدا.
Try (present)
Tried (past)
Will try (future)
I try to learn Greek, but it is very hard!
لكي يحاول
أحاول أن أتعلم اللغة اليونانية، لكن الأمر صعب للغاية!
Turn (present)
Turned (past)
Will turn (future)
Turn right to find the office.
انعطف يمينًا للعثور على المكتب.
Use (present)
Used (past)
Will use (future)
I use the computer to do my homework.
أستخدم الكمبيوتر في أداء واجباتي المنزلية.
Want (present)
Wanted (past)
Will want (future)
I want to eat chocolate because I am hungry.
أريد أن آكل الشوكولاتة لأنني جائعة.
Work (present)
Worked (past)
Will work
He works as a doctor.
يعمل طبيبا.