Arab Immigration - Early & Post War Flashcards
The majority of early Arab immigrants were from what country?
Syria and Lebanon
The Lebanese to emigrated during the 19th century were part of what religion?
In 1911, how many people if Arab origin were estimated to be in Canada?
7000 people
Why did immigration of Arabs to Canada drive in 1907-08
Because Canada’s gov. Introduced a huge landing fee of $200 on immigrants
What was the primary factor of early Arab immigration to Canada?
Economic necessity
Newcomers form Syria and Lebanon had little formal education and capital, although because they new knew french, they integrated well. How did they know french?
Large European populations were present in the Middle East since the 17th century.
Where and what and when was the name of the first Mosque in Canada?
The Al Rashid, in Edmonton Alberta in 1938
Why was the the early settlebemmt of Arab immigrants to Canada urban and scattered?
Because they did not form segregated communities, and they resided mostly in areas of Montreal and Toronto.
In the 1932 census, Out of a total of 10,070 Arab origin Canadians, how many were recorded to be Muslims?
645 Muslims
Why did Edmonton draw attraction to Muslims in Canada?
Because at the time, this was the only mosque just built in Canada, as well as AB’s economic boom and educational opportunities were of interest to Muslims
What was taught in the basement of the Al Rashid mosque?
Rudimentary Arabic, preliminary Islamic school teaching, and Quran reciting
Throughout the history of the Al Rashid Mosque, which diaspora of Muslim arabs lead the mosque
Mostly at the hands of Lebanese Muslim arabs
As the mosque expanded Sunni ideology became more dominant and the role within the mosque was confined to who?
Professional bilingual Arab-English imams all of whom were Sunni
Many Arabs coming to Canada from 1945-85 were what kind of people?
Secular professionals educated in Western type institutions
The fundamental political developments that activated Arab immigration after 1945 to Canada was a result of what?
The formation of the state of Israel and the Arab-Israeli wars in 1948 and ‘67
From 1945-82 Canada admitted how many Arabs and from where in the Middle East?
Around 76,000 mostly from Lebanon and Egypt
What is Zionism
A right-wing racist current of Jewish nationalism under the guise of Judaism
When did Zionism emerge and what principles is it based off?
Emerged at the end of the 19th century, and had the following principles:
Jews have historical rights to the lands of the Old Testament (Palestine)
Jews must populate Palestine and create a pure Jewish state
Militant expansionism
Zionism has been an officially ideology in Israel since when?
Since it’s formation in. 1948
Why shouldn’t conflate Zionism and Judaism?
Because Judaism is a monotheistic religion with the idea that Jews are the chosen nation, and Zionism is seen as a racist ideology according to Arabs and the United Nations.
Palestine had been under mandate of whom?
The British
Who’s decision was it to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish states?
The decision of the United Nations.
I’m 1948, what three countries declare dear against Israel and what was the outcome?
Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. - about half of the the territories allocated for the Arab state became occupied by Israel and more than 700,000 Arab Palestinians fleas Palestine and were relocated as refugees in Lebanon and Jordan.
In 1955-56, what was Canada’s actions as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict?
The Canadian gov. Assumed a position based in the principle of humanitarian relief and admitted 100 selected Palestinians refugees
what is an explanation for only admitting 100 palestinians to canada from palestine?
because after WW1, Canada introduced racist restrictions into their immigration policy by encouraging mostly Europeans and/or Christians
What is an explanation of why only 100 Palestinian refugees were admitted to Canada?
Because after the ww1 Canada introduced rexist restrictions of immigration encouraging it only from European and/or Christian’s
After the racist clauses were released in 1962 and 67, what system did Canada implement as criteria for immigration.
A point system based in skills such as education, work expressive, and English proficiency
In the period of 1967 after the six day war, what group of Arab Muslims was the largest of immigrants to Canada, and why?
Egyptians, because the six day war resulted in Israel invading the Sinai peninsula among other locations.
Most immigrants from Egypt during 1946-75 were what?
They were Copts.
What are Copts.?
Egyptian Christian’s who make up approximately 10% of the total population in Egypt.
What is the population of copts in Egypt?
About 100,7000,000 (not sure if this number is formatted right lol)
Who lead the socialist regime in Egypt in 1952-70?
Gamal Abdel Nasser
What happened as a result of the socialist regime in Egypt?
Many land owners and financiers working in European companies lost their positions in society, the distribution of national wealth, activities to empower the Muslim population. Private property restricted, and redistributed among small scale land users. Egyptian gov. Also imposed restrictions on luxury goods, and foreign travel. Middle class Egyptians began to flee the country.
Why did Canada classify citizens if most middle eastern countries as European rather than Asian?
For the purpose of privately sponsored immigration
Once the Arab-Canadian population reached a large size in 1990, they started what process?
The process of institutional development (community organizations at local municipal and national levels)
The Syrian Orthodox Church was institutionalized when?
In the late 1880’s - 1990’s
Following the large number of immigrants to Canada, When was the Coptic Orthodox Church established?
Where were the most influential churches for Arab Canadians established?
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa
What is one of the most distinctive features of Arab organizations in Canada?
It’s that they have always tended to be politicized
In the 1940’s -50’s Zionist propoganda was displayed by a Jewish leader in Montreal that said what?
“That Arabs are by nature lazy people. Dried up the land in Palestine and turned it into a desert. England should give this land to the Jews. They can make it flourish as it used to in Roman times”.
What are two ways Arab immigrants have been discriminated in Canada?
- As immigrants to Canada
- As targets of Zionist defamation
What does Canada and Israel enjoy together
They enjoy close diplomatic, economic, cultural, military and intelligence ties
What did Canada vote against at the UN in 1974?
They voted against Palestine gaining observer status, which they later gained in 2012