AR 95-5 Study SAAO Assistant Flashcards
What topics are covered in Chapter 8, Section I?
Public Affairs Missions
Community Relations Activities
Orientation Flights
Support to non-government entertainment productions
What topics are in Chapter 8, Section II?
PA Travel
Civic Leader Travel
News Media Travel
What topics are in Chapter 8, Section III?
Authorized Aerial Demonstrations and Activities
Parachute Team Demonstrations
Aircraft Static Displays
Military Open House, Change of Command, Retirement Ceremony, Gubernatorial Inauguration and Funeral Flyovers
What topics are in Chapter 8, Section IV?
Prohibited Aerial Demonstrations and Activities
PA flyovers and other aerial demonstrations
Transportating costumed characters
Exceptions to Policy (ETPs)
What topics are in Chapter 9, Section I?
Passenger Restrictions and Eligibility
Eligible passengers
What topics are in Chapter 9, Section II?
Operational Support Airlift (OSA) Missions Definition DoD Policy Employment Use of FW vs RW Aircraft OSA Requests
What topics are in Chapter 9, Section III?
Other Official Travel Passengers Congressional Travel Foreign National Travel State Officials and employee travel Contractor Travel Invited Travelers Dependents and family member travel
What topics are in Chapter 9, Section IV?
Travel to Special Events
Funerals, retirements, change of commands ceremonies
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program events
ESGR Boss Lift
Assistance for certain youth and charitable orgs
What topics are in Chapter 10?
Reimbursement for use of ARNG Aircraft
- Federal missions
- SAD Missions
- Reimbursement commitments
- Reimbursement exceptions
- Use of DD Form 1144 Support Agreement
What is Appendix A?
What is Appendix B?
Management Control Evaluation Checklist
What is Appendix C?
Use of Aircraft Approval Flowchart (pg. 45)
What is Appendix D?
Spouse Orientation Memorandum Formats
What is Appendix E?
Event Request Formats
What is Appendix F?
Air Transportation Agreement
What is Appendix G?
Contractor Identification Memorandum/Letter of Authorization
What is Table 4-1?
ARNG Utilization Authorities
What is Table C-1?
Use of Aircraft Approval Flowchart
What are key reference publications?
AR 95-1 (Flight Regulations)
NG Supp to AR 95-1 (Flight Regulations)
AR 360-1 (The Army Public Affairs Program)
NG PAM 95-5
NGR 500-1/ANGI 10-8101 (NG DOMOPS)
NGR 500-2/ANGI 10-801 (NG CD Support)
NGR 600-5 (AGR, T32, FTNGD)
DoD 4515.13-R (Air Trans Eligibility)
What does Table C-1 have for Columns?
MIssion/Event Request Routing Approved by Required Request Packet Items (must have all items for approval) Time to Approve References Reimbursement (A/C flight hours)
Where are the annual reimbursement rates published?
GKO Aviation
Excel Table with billable / hr rate by a/c type
non-emergency (public rate)
emergency (federal rate)
SAD Missions (para 10-2, NG PAM 95-5)
- Emergency Situations
- Emergency Situations: Immediate response (any form of immediate action taken to save lives, limbs, or eyesight, prevent human suffering, or mitigate property damage under imminently serious conditions).
- first 24 hours: SAD Emergency rate for flight hours
- beyond 24 hours: State shall reimburse the Federal Government at the SAD Emergency reimbursable rate for flight hours established
SAD Missions
- Non-emergency situations
- Non-emergency situations: State shall reimburse the Federal government at the SAD non-emergency reimbursable rate
SAD Missions
- Counter Drug Aviation Operations (CDAOPS)
- Counter Drug Aviation Ops: Such flying hour programs are part of Air Operations Tempo (OPTEMPO) tracked under Management Decision Package (MDEP) Account Code for Counterdrug Flight Hours (VCNA), and is distributed to the States, with funding IAW State plans approved by NGB-J32-CD
SAD Missions
-Support to Civil Law Enforcement Ops (CLEO)
- Support to Civil Law Enforcement Ops (CLEO) non-Counterdrug ops: Unless approved by NGB to be conducted in T32 status, the State shall reimburse the Federal Government for the cost associated with supporting State and Local CLEO at the SAD Non-emergency reimbursable rate
What Table depicts reimbursement rates for each type of aviation support mission?
Table C-1
What is DD Form 1381 and what is it used for?
Air Transportation Agreement
- agreement to fly a passenger
What is OSAA?
Operational Support Airlift Agency
What does SAAO Stand for?
State Army Aviation Officer
What is the definition of DSCA?
Defense Support Civila Authorities:
Civil support provided under the auspices of the NRP (National Response Plan). AKA NG Civil Support, DSCA is the umbrella under which NG forces support civil authorities.
What is the Stafford Act?
to provide assistance by the Federal Government to State and Local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to alleviate the suffering and damage which results from such disasters by-
- expanding existing disaster relief programs
- encourage disaster preparedness programs
- increase coord/responsiveness of response programs
- encourage insurance to sup gov’t assistance
- encourage hazard litigation
- provide Federal assistance programs for both public and private losses sustained in disasters
What is the Economy Act?
Authorizes agencies to enter into agreements to obtain supplies or services from another agency. Provides authority for placement of orders between major organizational units w/in an agency; procedures for such intra-agency transactions are addressed in agency regulations. Each EA is supported by a determination and findings (D&F)
What are the 3 SAGs the SAAO manages?
SAG 116
SAG 131
SAG 121
What is SAG 116?
VCNA - Counter Drug $ is cost transferred to VFHP in deposits for fuel reimbursement
What is SAG 131?
Safety (no reimbursement) *MAJ Morgan
- QNMG (office supplies, etc., anything needed)
What is SAG 121?
School House fund (HAATS LTC Somogi)
TAGP - (Majority of $$ comes from FMS reimbursements)
Who manages what portions of the SAAO monies?
LTC Gentle - Program Manager
SGT Tegtman - Budget Analyst
LTC Somogi - School House Fund HAATS
MAJ Morgan - Safety
Which type of money is SAG specific versus PRID?
2065 is SAG specific
2060 is PRID
Explains 2065 money
SAG specific
Operations and Maintenance
always 3 digits
Explains 2060 money
PRID - only loaded to the fund center level (not SAG)
always 2 digits
all IDT/AFTP/etc. Pay and Allowances
Regulatory includes $$ 31 (AFPT), 71 (RMA), 91 (RMP) in specific $ from NG AVN but into the same pot DANGER and Regulatory (not Mandatory) to fund
Statutory - IDT/AT Mandatory to fund
What are some types of 2060 money?
31 AFTP 71 RMA 91 RMP 1L - AVN (PRSA) (AASF*) 1F - School (TAGP)
What do you know about DTS?
Input orders / Approve orders / close out upon returning
What is a schools management goal of the SAAO?
Put returning crew members on 4 week orders to progress immediately upon completion of training
AVN Readiness / Orders support
What is 37-100?
DFAS IN Manual (Army Management Structure)
Has Reserve Related Information here
What are all the Aviation units in the state?
HAATS 2-135th GSAB AASF Det 33 / 6 Flyers at NNC, JFHQ
What does AFP stand for?
Annual Flying Program (known annual amount per program (1LPRSA)
What is the priority of schools?
* must be DMOSQ, current on PME for 3, 4* - ASI/SQI
- Nice to have schools
Centennial Sentinel
JOC BASE Orders/Annexes