AR Flashcards
A: The total number of other shapes is the same number of sides present on the shape in the top left corner. There are exactly two shaded shapes.
B- The total number of other shapes is two less than the the number of sides present on the shape in the top right corner. There is exactly one shaded shape.
A: The number of triangles on a section of the oval equals the number of lines on the same vertical but opposite horizonal side of the oval. E.g., 3 lines on the top of the right circle equals 3 triangles on the upper left side of the oval.
A plain line equals a white triangle.
A line with a white circle at the end equals a grey triangle.
A line with a black circle at the end equals a black triangle.
B: The number of triangles on a section of he oval equals the number of lines on the opposite diagonal side of the oval. E.g., 3 lines on the top right circle equals 3 triangles on the lower left side of the oval.
A line with a white circle at the end equals a black triangle.
A line with a white circle at the end quals a grey triangle, the same as in set A. In line with a black circle at the end equals a white triangle.
A: Two lines not intersecting with large central circle. Contains a small triangle and a small circle.
B: One line not intersecting with large central circle. Contains either two small triangles and a small circle or one small triangle and two small circles.
A: Total number of cross-overs is four or five; number of lines and breaks are irrelevant
B: Total number of cross-overs is two or three; number of lines and breaks are irrelevant.
A: The number of unshaded circles is equal to shaded pentagons. Unshaded pentagons and unshaded plus sign shapes are distractors.
B: The number of unshaded plus sign shapes is equal to shaded pentagons. unshaded circles and unshaded pentagon shapes are distractors.
A: has hollow triangles pointing towards solid squares, and/or solid triangles pointing towards hollow squares.
B: has hollow triangles pointing towards hollow squares and/or solid triangles pointing towards solid squares.
A: The total number of sides on all shapes combined is equal to twice the number of crosses.
B: The total number of the sides on all shapes combined is one less than twice the number of crosses.
A: All letters have a vertical axis of symmetry
B: All words contains at least one letter which is not symmetric when halved vertically
A: Each box has a total of eight vertices
B: Each box has a total of 10 vertices
A: Square are always larger than other shapes. The shaded to unshaded shapes ratio is 1:1
B: Squares are always smaller than other shapes. the shaded to unshaded shapes ratio is 2:1
A: shape adjacent to a circle is black
B: shape adjacent to a square is black
A: The whole shape can be drawn in a single stroke without going over any lines (without lifting pencil)
B: The whole shape can be drawn in two stroked (lift pencil once only) without going over any lines.
A: the number of sides on the top left shape is qual to the number of interaction between the line segments
B: the number of sides on the bottom right shape is equal to the number of intersection between the line segments.
A: If the number of intersections is odd, the number of shapes is odd. If the umber of intersections is even, the number of shapes is even.
B: If the number of intersections is even, the number of shapes is off. If the number of intersections is odd, the number of shapes is even.
A: There are always two less squares than triangles, number of circles is irrelevant.
B: There is always one less circle than squares, number of triangles is irrelevant.
A: Each of the shapes in the top half has fewer sides compared to the shape below it. Each shape in the top half has an odd number of sides.
B: Each of the shapes in the top half has more sides compared to the shape below it. Each shape in the top half has an even number of sides.
A: 1 unshaded circle is equal to 1 shaded triangle; 1 unshaded rectangle is quals to 3 shaded circles
B: 2 unshaded circles are equal to 1 shaded triangles; 1 unshaded rectangle is equal to 2 shaded circles.
A: The number of circles is equal to the number of right angle triangles
B: The number of circles is equal to the number of sides in all the triangles (i.e., 3 times the number of triangles)
A: Three striped sections
B: Two striped sections
A: The top two shapes add to 7
B: The bottom two shaped add to 6
A: The shape in the middle has one side less than the shape on the top right corner
B: the shape in the middle has one side more than the shape in the bottom left corner
A: The number of sides strictly increases top to bottom
B: the number of sides decreases from top to bottom
A: The sum of all sides is a multiple of 4
B: The sum of all sides is a multiple of 3
A: There is a 2x3 v shaped pattern of the same white shapes, i.e., 3 white squares, octagons, triangles etc..
B: There is a 2x3 v shapes pattern of the same black shapes, i.e., 3 black squares, octagons, triangles etc..
A: The black circle is always next to a white square
B: The white circle is always next to a white triangle
Set A: The number of small circles is equal to the number of right angles +2
Set BL The number of small circles is equal to the number of right angles +1
A: Each image has exactly one pair of identical shapes. If all two of them are shaded, a vertical line will pass through one of them. If they are unshaded, a vertical line will be present between them
B: Each image has exactly one triple of identical shapes. If all three of them are shaded, a vertical line will pass through one of the identical shapes. In other cases, a wiggly line will be present along the shapes.
A: The L shape can only be found in the top-right or bottom-left corners. the intersecting lines on the middle shapes are more outside than inside the shape.
B: The L shape can only be found in the top left or bottom right corners. The intersecting lines on the middle shape are more inside than outside the shape.
A: White = D+1; Black = H -1
B: White = H+1; Black = D-1
H= hourglass
D = diamond
A: the first square from the centre is black in all the boxes
B: the third circle from the centre is black in all boxes
A: In total, there are always 2 more straight lines than there are curved lines
B: In total there are always 3 more straight lines then there are curved lines
A: Starting from the white quadilateral, the pattern in a clockwise direction around the cell is white, checked, vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, black.
B: Starting from white oval/circle, the pattern in an anticlockwise direction around the cell is checked, vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, black.
A: Two right angled shapes present
B: No shapes with right angles
A: black circle = white + (x is a distractor)
White circle = black + (x is a distractor)
B: black circle = black + (x is a distractor)
white circle = white + (x is a distractor)
A: the black part of the three boxes diagonally from top left to bottom right rotate clockwise
B: The black part of the three boxes diagonally from top left to bottom right rotate anticlockwise
A: The type of antenna determines the number of legs on the same side.
A plain antenna equals one leg.
An antenna with a white circle at the end equals two legs
An antenna with a black circle equals three legs.
No antenna equals no legs
B: The type of antenna determines the number of legs on the opposite side.
A plain antenna equals three legs.
An antenna with a white circle at the end equals two legs.
An antenna with a black circle equals no legs.
No antenna equals four legs.
A: no striped shape is vertically or horizontally adjacent to another striped shape
B: no white shape is vertically or horizontally adjacent to another white shape
A: several lines with a total of two or three breaks
B: several lines with a total of one or four breaks
A: The sum of intersection points and the number of solid circles equals 5
B: The difference between the number of solid circles and the number of intersection points equals 4
A: Any shape adjacent to a circle is black.
B: any shape adjacent to a square is black
A: The sum of the number of sides of all white shapes is equal to the number of sides of the black shape.
B: The sum of the number of all white shapes 1 higher than the number of sides of the black shape.
A: Any four of the sixteen squares are shaded. Shaded squares in the top right quadrant or bottom left quadrant are grey.
B: Any four of the sixteen squares are shaded. the shaded square in the bottom right quadrant is black. The shaded squares in the top right quadrant are grey.