Aquatic Ecosystems Flashcards
How does Depth affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Determines where plants can grow
Deep Lakes are Oligatrophic, dark & no plants at the bottom, and cooler
Shallow Lakes are Eutrophic, productive to start then become Anoxic (no O2) and warm
How does Light affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Where light reaches is called the Photic Zone (photosynthesis)
How does Soil affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Provides substrate & nutrients for plants in shallow areas
Some organisms live in & under the soil, called Benthos (the soil at the bottom is called the Benthic Zone)
How does Turbidity affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
How clear the water is, influenced by: soil, silt, algae/plankton, motion
Turbid= murky (light can’t penetrate)
How does Motion affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Flow rate, waves etc. impact (turbidity, dissolved gases)
How does Temperature affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Temperature influences enzyme activity & therefore living organisms
Temperature influences dissolved gases
More gases is cool
Less if warm
It impacts density (closeness of H2O molecules)
H2O is most dense at 4°C
So ice floats
What is a Thermocline in a lake?
Separation based on a steep temperature change
What is a Hypolimnion in a lake?
Cool water below the division
What is an Epilimnion in a lake?
Warm water above the division
What two Elements can impact Aquatic Ecosystems?
Nitrogen & Phosphorus - Botha required for primary productivity
Too much of either (especially PO4 3-) can lead to Algal Bloom. Algal Bloom is an Overgrowth of algae, these algae block out light
Which leads to a decrease in rooted plants, a decrease in O2 levels then death in Organisms. Which leads to an increase in decomposition and CO2 & acidification
How does pH affect Aquatic Ecosystems?
Typically neutral is ideal
Too acidic (low pH) = tissues become
pH is determined by surrounding geology … pollution (burning of fossil fuels)
How does Dissolved Oxygen affect Aquatic Ecosystems, and what is Biological Oxygen Demand?
D.O is O2 available to producers & consumer for cell resp. (& nitrification) D.O will increase with: Decrease in temp Increase in motion Photosynthesis
High D.O= 😄
B.O.D is the O2 needed for decomposers (bacteria [bacteria remove O2 from the environment before other things can get to it])
= a limit on O2 for all other organisms
High B.O.D= 😡
What are three Biological Indicators of Health?
Coliform Bacteria
Aquatic Invertebrates
How does Coliform Bacteria work as a Biological Indicator?
It is Intestinal Bacteria, contamination by Fecal matter Found in ranching/farming Animal feces Can cause damage to human water treatment facilities
How do Aquatic Invertebrates work as Biological Indicators?
Larval/nymph stages of insects More diverse populations = healthier Pollution tolerant species present = unhealthy Leeches Chironomids Pollution Intolerant species present = healthy Mayflies Stoneflies Dragonflies
How do Amphibians work as Biological Indicators?
Frogs, Salamanders, Caecilians have permeable skin (sensitive to pollutants)
Present = healthy
Many parts to their life cycle Eggs They steep in their enviro. which can impact development Tadpoles Are aquatic and they have one diet type. ex. carnivorous Adults Are terrestrial or amphibious with a different diet types ex. herbivorous Climate change Leads to a decrease in H2O level Increase in UV radiation = mutations Chytrid Fungus Mutagenic Fungus