AQP Flashcards
Low Visibility Take-Off us less than 1 mile- what happens:
- Captain does take-off
- Check 10-9- make sure it is legal take-off from this airport
- Take-off alternate needed.
- No checklist while moving
- Static take-off
Sim world- heard “vectors”
Go to HDG mode
Flaps8, bug 200
Sim- “Maintain 3000”
I say “Set my next altitude”
Auto pilot automatically disengages during:
AP/SP DISC button pushed AP ENG button on FCP pushed AP disc switch bar pushed down Stick shaker activated TOGA buttons pressed STAB TRIM manually operated Wind shear warning (after 2 seconds) Excessive altitude One or both FCCs fail Both yaw dampers disc or fail
Stall warning??? System manual
SYNC switch
On control wheel- allows FD command bars to synchronized with the actual vertical and lateral reference when autopilot is disengaged
In a power failure - how are the Primary flight controls powered?(rudder, ailerons, elevator)
Hydraulic Pump 3B-which is electrically energized by the ADG
What are the Secondary Flight controls
Horizontal stabilizer trim
Multi-function spoilers
Ground spoilers
Aileron and rudder trim
What does the D.C. SERVICE switch power?
- Lights (NAV, beacon, service,boarding, toilet and galley dome)
- Boarding announcement
- Cabin lighting, upward and downward
- Service bus feed
- Power sensing (Service bus and TRU)
- Chart holder
- Water and waste control
What lights illuminate with BATTERY MASTER ON ( NO AC power established)
- The AC ESS XFER switch light
- INOP portion of L and R boost pump switches
- Fault portion of the PRESS CONT switchlight
- OFF portion of the L and R PACK switch lights
- MACH trim switch light
What is Mach number
Ratio of aircraft’s airspeed to the speed of sound.
.8 Mach- aircraft traveling at 80 percent of speed of sound
Air is compressible and at high air speeds- there are big density changes
When you go faster, the air molecules “pile up” in front and can not get out the way fast enough- increasing pressure, density and temperature in that region.
As plane enters transonic speeds, the air going over parts of the wing are supersonic, resulting in a sudden tremendous increase in air density as air piles up in front of the plane.
Mach trim
Once plane travels faster than the speed of sound, it is moving faster than the air molecules can get out-of-the-way. A Powerful compression or shock wave forms at the boundary between the disturbed and undisturbed air forms.
The faster the plane goes the further back on the wing the shockwave moves.“. The shock wave causes airflow separation toward the trailing edge of the wing. This disturbed air ultimately begins to affect the horizontal stabilizer, causing a high-speed buffet similar in feel to a stall buffet. A high-speed buffet may be encountered at different Mach numbers depending on altitude, load factor, and the weight of the plane.
“Mach tuck develops because a wing’s net center of pressure moves aft as its speed approaches the sound barrier. The farther aft the center of pressure moves the greater the pitch-down moment generated by the wing. The problem may then compound; as the aircraft pitches down, its airspeed continues to climb, increasing the effects of the shock wave and thereby worsening the Mach tuck effect. Left uncorrected, the aircraft may increase its pitch-down tendency and continue to accelerate until airframe failure.
Recovering from Mach tuck requires slowing the aircraft, either by throttle reduction, pitch change, or increasing drag. This is not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Airload on the tail under such circumstances can reach the point where there’s not enough pitch authority for recovery. Accordingly, many aircraft are equipped with protective Mach trim compensators. These devices track airspeed and, if the onset of Mach tuck is projected, automatically apply up-elevator to slow the aircraft and avoid the encounter.
Significant deviations as defined by current CFM
(3) Significant deviations are defined as:
(a) Airspeed + 10 KTS.
(b) Altitude + 100 feet.
(c) Heading + 10°.
(d) Vertical Speed + 250 fpm from target rate.
(e) Course 1 dot.
(f) Glideslope 1 dot above, 1/2 dot below.
(g) Bank Angle exceeding 30° or + 5° of desired.
(h) MDA + 100 feet/-0 feet.
(i) VREF -5 KTS.
(j) Other- Any parameter pertinent to the phase of flight.
What happens when TOGA pushed on the ground?
TO Lateral mode
TO vertical mode
FMS aligns the aircraft at the end of the runway indicated on legs page
Autopilot disengages
What does TO lateral mode do?
On the ground, generates a wings level command.
After takeoff, it generates a hold command with a 5°bank limit using the heading existing at takeoff
What does TO vertical mode do
Generates an optimized pitch up attitude for takeoff
What happens when a TOGA is pushed in flight
GA lateral mode
GA vertical mode
Missed approach procedure depiction appears on the MFD if instrument approach procedure selected in the FMS
Autopilot disengages
What does GA lateral mode do?
Same as TO lateral mode and follows heading flown when TOGA was pushed
TO lateral mode - on the ground generates a Wings level command
After take off, generates a heading hold command with the 5° bank limit using the heading existing at take off
What does GA vertical mode do?
Generates a 10° pitch up attitude
PSEU- Proximity Sensing Unit Electronic Unit
The proximity sensing electronic unit (PSEU) processes information received from the ground spoilers, thrust levers and flap position and provides instructions to other aircraft systems.
The PSEU receives inputs from the sensors and controls the takeoff
configuration warning system and GLD deployment (through the SECU).
The PSEU also provides instruction to the following systems:
- SPS - Stall Protection System - Stick shaker and pusher are disabled on the ground and at rotation.
- HSTCU - Horizontal stabilizer trim control unit Built In Test (BITE), disabled in flight. • FECU - Flap electronic control unit prevents reset of the flap asymmetry during flight and enables preflight test on ground.
- SECU - Spoiler electronic control unit can initiate automatic GLD deployment at touchdown with wheel spin-up and radio altitude less than 5 feet.
Failure of the proximity sensing system is indicated on EICAS.
SPS - Stall Protection System
The stall protection system (SPS) provides the flight crew with aural, visual, and tactile (stick shaker) indications of an impending stall. If the captain does not take corrective action the system activ ates the stick pusher mechanism to prevent the airplane from entering the stall.
Components and Operation
A dual -channel stall protection system (SPS) computer monitors the following inputs:
- angle of attack - LH, RH Angle Of Attack (AOA) transducers (vanes)
- lateral acceleration - Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) or optional Inertial Reference Systems (IRS)
- flap position - LH, RH Flap position transmitters
- weight on wheels - #1, #2 WOW
- Mach speed – ADC 1, ADC 2, and ISI
The Air Data Computers supply primary Mach data to the SPS computer for Mach compensation of the aircraft’s stall margin.
The SPS uses the above inputs to calculate the angle of attack trip points. When a high angle of attack is approached, the continuous (CONT) ignition is activated. If the angle of attack continues to increase, the stick shaker is activated and the autopilot is disengaged. If the angle of attack still continues to increase, the stick pusher is activated, STAL
switchlights on the glareshield panel flash red and a warbler sounds.
APU battery
The APU battery is provided as an onboard power source for starting the APU and as a secondary source of DC power. It has a nominal output 24 volts DC, rated at 43 ampere-hours. The battery and its AC-powered charger are located in the aft equipment bay.
Main battery
The Main battery is provided as a secondary source of DC power, with a nominal output of 24 volts DC, rated at 17 ampere-hours. The battery and its AC-powered charger are located in the f orward, unpressurized equipment bay with the TRUs.
What buses do the battery supply power to
The batteries supply DC electrical power to the following buses:
Main and APU Battery Direct buses
As their name implies, these buses are power ed directly from the associated battery. The main battery is connec ted to the MAIN BAT DIR BUS and the APU battery is connected to the APU BATT DIR BUS. The buses provide power to the services that are primari ly related to ground operation. The buses are located in circuit breaker panels 5 and 6 and are not accessible in flight.
Battery power distribution (DC)
The Battery Power Distribution System represents a small portion of the aircraft’s total DC load. The batteries provide the energy needed to start the APU and get the APU generator on line. The batteries also supply emergency DC power in flight should all AC power be lost and the ADG is unserviceable.
The batteries supply DC electrical power to the following buses:
DC emergency bus
The DC EMERG BUS provides power to the en gine and APU fire extinguishers and fuel and hydraulic shut off valves. The bus is connected to the APU DIR BATT BUS and the BATT BUS and is continuously powered. The DC EMERG BUS is located on circuit breaker panel No.1.
The DC EMER BUS is only displayed on the EICAS DC synoptic page when the bus is not powered as a result of a fault
Emergency tie contactors
In flight, with the ADG deployed and operating, the ADG generator powers the AC ESS BUS that in turn powers the ESS T RU 1. The DC ESS BUS and the BATT BUS (through the ESS TIE) are powered by ESS TRU 1 during ADG deployment. Should ESS TRU 1 fail, ESS TRU 2 will be powered by AC ESS Bus through the ESS TRU 2 Transfer Contactor.
Set my next altitude
Maintain 4000, …
Set my next altitude
300 feet per nautical mile
5 miles out- you should be at 1500 ft. (300x5)