Aqeedah 101 Flashcards
1) Where is the first place that the basmalah (saying bismillaah ir Rahmaan ir Raheem) occurs in the
It occurs at the beginning of the mus-haf – i.e. at the beginning of Soorah al Faatihah (the first
2) What is the wisdom behind starting with the basmalah – Shaykh al Fawzaan mentions two
The two reasons that the Shaykh mentions are:
a) as a means of seeking blessing from Allaah for that which is being begun
b) as a request for aid and assistance from Allaah.
3) Whose example is the Imaam following by beginning with the basmalah?
He is following the example of the Book of Allaah – which begins with the basmalah - and also the
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam, who used to begin his letters with
4) Is Rahmaan a Name which can be applied to Allaah alone?
Yes, it is not permissible to call anyone or anything other than Allaah with this Name.
5) What does Ar Rahmaan mean?
The One who has the Attribute of very great and extensive Mercy.
6) Is Raheem a Name which can be applied to Allaah alone?
No, Raheem can be applied to other than Allaah as well as to Allaah.
7) What does Ar Raheem mean?
The One who bestows Mercy upon others.
8) What does Ar Raheem mean when it is used together with Ar Rahmaan?
Ar Raheem, when used in this way, means the One who bestows His Mercy upon whomsoever He
wishes from His Servants.
Know – may Allaah have mercy upon you
9) Why does the Shaykh say ‘Know’?
He says this in order to draw attention to the important matters which are coming – it means ‘learn
what is about to be discussed and pay attention to it’.
10) What does al ‘ilm (knowledge) mean?
Knowledge is: to comprehend a thing as it really is with a certain and firm comprehension.
11) What are the types of knowledge?
Knowledge can be divided into two types:
a) Durooree – that which is known by necessity – such as the knowledge that fire is hot. This is
known without any need for investigation or seeking evidence.
b) Nadharee – that which is known as a result of investigation and which needs proof – such as
the knowledge that it is obligatory to have the intention when performing wudhoo
12) For what reason does the Imaam ibn Abdil Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) make du’aa (supplication)
for the reader by saying ‘may Allaah have mercy upon you’?
The Imaam makes this supplication for the one who is about to read the treatise by way of courtesy
and friendliness to the student of knowledge, and by way of beautifying the speech to the student –
so that the student may devote himself to the seeking of knowledge.
These words show the care and concern which the Imaam has for the reader
That tawheed is to single out Allaah – free is He from all imperfections –
with (all matters of) worship.
13) What does tawheed mean in the language (linguistic) sense?
It means to make something one.
14) Does the person who actualises tawheed need to both affirm and deny, or is just one of these
It is obligatory to affirm and deny when singling something out.
To give an example:
To single out Allaah in terms of worship means to affirm that Allaah alone has the right to be
worshipped as well as to deny that right for anyone or anything other than Allaah
15) What does tawheed mean in the technical sense?
As the Imaam mentions, it is to single Allaah out in matters of worship.
16) What is a more general definition of tawheed than the one which the Imaam gives here?
It is to single Allaah out in those matters which are specific to Him.
17) What are the three types of tawheed?
a) Tawheed ur ruboobeeyah (tawheed of Lordship)
b) Tawheed ul uloohiyyah (tawheed of Worship)
c) Tawheed ul Asmaa was sifaat (tawheed of Allaah’s Names and Attributes)
18) What is tawheed ur ruboobeeyah?
It is to single Allaah out in the aspects of Creation, Sovereignty and Controlling the affairs of the
19) What are some of the evidences for tawheed ur ruboobeeyah?
«Allaah is the Creator of all things.»
Soorah Az Zumar (39) aayah 62
«Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the Dominion, and He is able to do al things.»
Soorah Al Mulk (67) aayah 1
See also Soorah al Faatir (35) aayah 3 and also Soorah Al A’raaf (7) aayah 54
20) What is tawheed ul uloohiyyah?
It is to single Allaah out with worship – that a person does not take along with Allaah anyone or
anything such that he worships it as he would worship Allaah or that he seeks to draw close to it as he
would draw close to Allaah, the Exalted.
21) What is tawheed ul asmaa was sifaat?
It is: To single Allaah out in His Names and His Attributes which occur in His Book and the Sunnah of His
Messenger sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam
- and that is with affirming what He has affirmed
- and negating what He has negated
without falling into any of the following:
- tahreef (distortion of the meaning)
- ta’teel (negation of the Name or Attribute )
- takyeef (asking how that Attribute is)
- tamtheel (making resemblance between Allaah and His Creation)
22) Which kind of tawheed did the mushrikoon (polytheists) affirm?
They would affirm tawheed ur ruboobeeyah.
23) Which kind of tawheed is the one that Allaah seeks of us?
It is tawheed ul uloohiyyah.
24) What is the relationship between tawheed ur ruboobeeyah and tawheed ul uloohiyyah?
Tawheed ur ruboobeeyah is a proof for tawheed ul uloohiyyah.
How can a person worship other than Allaah when he affirms that Allaah is the Sole Creator and
Organiser of the Universe?
See Soorah Al Baqarah (2) aayah 21 to 22