AQA Bio A Level Unit 1 Flashcards
Describe the primary structure of all proteins. (2)
(a) 1. Sequence/order of amino acids;
- (Joined by) peptide bonds;
What is hydrolysis?
- Breaks a chemical bonds between two molecules;
- Using water;
What is a condensation reaction?
- Creates a chemical bond
- Removing a molecule of water
Glycogen - Describe the structure of Glycogen (3)
- Polysaccharide of α-glucose;
- (Joined by) glycosidic bonds;
- Branched structure
Glycogen - Glycogen structure
related to function (5)
- Insoluble (in water), so doesn’t affect water potential;
- Branched / coiled / (α-)helix, so makes molecule compact;
- Polymer of (α-)glucose so provides glucose for respiration;
- Branched / more ends for fast breakdown / enzyme action;
- Large (molecule), so can’t cross the cell membrane
Glycogen - Glycogen compared
with cellulose (4)
- Cellulose is made up of β-glucose (monomers) and glycogen is made up of α-glucose (monomers);
- Cellulose molecule has straight chain and glycogen is branched;
- Cellulose molecule has straight chain and glycogen is coiled;
- Glycogen has 1,4- and 1,6- glycosidic bonds and cellulose has only 1,4- glycosidic bonds
Starch – Relate 3 properties to its
function (3)
- Insoluble;
- Doesn’t affect water potential;
- Helical;
- Compact;
- Large molecule;
- Cannot leave cell
Test for reducing sugar (2)
- Heat with Benedict’s reagent (1);
- colour change from blue to brick-red (1)
Test for a non reducing sugar (3)
- Heat with Benedict’s reagent and no colour change (1);
- boil with acid (HCl) and then neutralise with (NaHCO3) (1);
- re- heat with Benedict’s reagent and colour change from blue to brick-red (1)
Test for starch (2)
- Add iodine in potassium iodide solution (1);
- colour change from brown to blue-black (1)
How are triglycerides formed (3)
- One glycerol and three fatty acids;
- Condensation(reactions) and removal of three molecules of water;
- Ester bond(s) (formed);
Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by a condensation reaction between which monosaccharides? (2)
- Glucose;
- Fructose;
How is cellulose formed? (3)
- Condensation (reactions) and removal of water;
- Many β-glucose monomers;
- Glycosidic bonds
Test for a lipid (2)
- (Mix / shake sample) with ethanol, then water;
Sequence is important - White / milky (emulsion);
Protein - Protein Structure (7)
- Polymer of amino acids;
- Joined by peptide bonds;
- Formed by condensation;
- Primary structure is order of amino acids;
- Secondary structure is folding of polypeptide chain due to hydrogen bonding; (into alpha helix or beta pleated sheet)
- Tertiary structure is 3-D folding due to hydrogen bonding and ionic/disulphide bonds between R groups;
- Quaternary structure is more than one polypeptide chains;
Test for a protein (2)
- Add Biuret reagent to the sample (1);
- colour change to lilac (1)
Enzymes – “Induced Fit” Model (3)
- (before reaction) active site not complementary to/does not fit substrate;
- Shape of active site changes as substrate binds/as enzyme-substrate complex forms;
- Stressing/distorting/bending bonds (in substrate leading to reaction);
Enzymes – Increased temperature
and reaction rate (4)
- particles have more kinetic energy
- therefore they move more
- so there are more collisions between substrates and active sites
- so more ES complexes form
Enzymes – Denaturation (5)
- Heat above the optimum breaks hydrogen bonds
- this causes the tertiary structure to unfold
- so the active site changes shape
- substrate can no longer bind to the active site, as it’s no longer complementary
- so fewer ES complexes form
Enzymes – Effect of Changes in pH
- Ionic bonds holding tertiary structure break
- active site distorts and substrate no longer binds to active site
- charges on amino acids in active site affected
- fewer ES complexes form
Enzymes – Comparison of
Competitive and Non Competitive
Inhibition (4)
- Competitive inhibitor binds to active sites of enzyme but non-competitive inhibitor binds at allosteric site/away
from active site; - (Binding of) competitive inhibitor does not cause change in shape of active site but (binding of) non-competitive
does (cause change in size of active site); - So with competitive inhibitor, at high substrate concentrations (active) enzyme still available but with noncompetitive inhibitor (active) enzymes no longer available;
- At higher substrate concentrations likelihood of enzyme-substrate collisions increases with competitive inhibitor
but this is not possible with non-competitive inhibitor;
Describe DNA replication (6)
- DNA helicase unwinds DNA/double helix
DNA helicase breaks hydrogen bonds; - Both strands act as templates;
- (Free DNA) nucleotides line up in complementary pairs/Adenine-Thymine and Guanine-Cytosine;
- DNA polymerase joins nucleotides (of new strand);
Reject forms hydrogen bonds/joins bases - Forming phosphodiester bonds;
- Each new DNA molecule consists of one old/original/template strand and one new strand;
Describe the structure of DNA (5)
- Polymer of nucleotides;
Accept ‘Polynucleotide’
Accept for ‘phosphate’. phosphoric acid - Each nucleotide formed from deoxyribose, a phosphate (group) and an organic/nitrogenous base;
- Phosphodiester bonds (between nucleotides);
- Double helix/2 strands held by hydrogen bonds;
- (Hydrogen bonds/pairing) between adenine, thymine and cytosine, guanine;
Describe and explain how the structure of DNA allows accurate replication (4)
1 two strands therefore semi-conservative replication (possible);
2 base pairing / hydrogen bonds holds strands together
3 hydrogen bonds weak / easily broken, allow strands to separate;
4 bases (sequence) (exposed so) act as template / can be copied;
5 A with T, C with G / complementary copy;
6 DNA one parent and one new strand;