Apush unit 2 Flashcards
Articles of confederation
Before the constitution, 1777, ultimately failed
Land ordinance of 1785
Old northwest should be sold to pay off debt
Northwest ordinance
Northwest Territories gave gov land to be sectioned off the citizens
Great compromise
Called for representation by pop. In house and equal in senate
Society of the Cincinnati
Continental Army officers
Founded the first anti slavery society
Civic virtue
Democracy depended on unselfish commitment of each citizen
Republican motherhood
Mothers were devoted to their family’s
Henery knox
Secretary of war
Bill of rights
Written by James Madison
Juicary act
Fed court system making the sumoreme court
Bank of the US
Print own money and make a national currency
Whiskey rebellion
Distillers strongly opposed the whiskey tax and it was put down by wash
Neutrality proclamation
Nuetraity to the Britain and France war
Battle of fallin timbers
British would not help feeing Indians
Treaty of greenville
Indians gave up a lot of land to US
John jay
Chief Justice chosen to negotiate
Jays treaty
Britain said they would leave the posts in the US and pay for damaged ships
Pinckney’s treaty
Spain granted Americans free navigation of the Mississippi
Napoleon Bonaparte
Dictator from France
Convinced king of Spain to give Louisiana area to France
Alien laws
Raised requirements for aliens
Wanted war
Naturalization law
Reduced the requirement of 14 years to 5
Albert Gallatin
Sectetory of tres to Jeff
Judiciary act of 1801
Created 16 new judges
James Madison
New sec of state
Lausana purchase
We got the land from France with natgaotioan
General James Wilkinson
Corrupt military gov of Louisiana territory
Orders in council
Closed ports under France controls
Chesapeake affair
Brit ship attacked ours
The embargo
Banned exportation of any good to any country’s
War of 1812
Americans tried to invade Canada and fought off by Canadians
Oliver hazard Perry
Captured a British fleet on Lake Erie
Francis Scott key
Wrote the star spangled banner
Andrew Jackson
Defeated New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent
France and us stopped fighting
Hartford Conventions
Finachal assistsnse from wash, 2/3 got for anything to go through Congress, no slavery, no 3/5
Expansion and unity
Henry clay
Created a plan or the us economy
Introduced a compromise that would decide weather or not Missouri would be a solace for free state
American system
Stint banking system, protective tariff, network of roads and canals
James monroe
Sent to Paris by Jeff. to buy as much land as he could for 10mil
Won election and this started the period era of good feelings
Panic of 1819
First financial panic (over speculation)
Talladge amendment
For difficult for missiori to become a state
Peculiar insition
Expression used to describe slavery and its economic impact
Missouri compromise
Missouri was now a slave state
John Marshall
Said bank was constitutional
Chief Justice was a Federalist Judge under Jeff.
Allowed the state I give the acres to private spectators
John Quincy Adams
Sec of state to Monroe
Amgle-American convention
Allowed Americans to share new found fisheries with Canada
Florida purchase treaty
Spanish gave Florida to US
Monroe doctrine
Warning European powers to back off and do not try to conolniz
Industrial revolution
Was in England and moved to America because of the increasing use of machines
Eli Whitney
Created to cotton gin
Tariff of 1816
To protect American merchants
Sewing machine
Created by Elias Howe
Lancaster Turnpike
Hard serfaced highway thats was from Philadelphia to Lancaster
Cumberland road
Western Maryland to Illinois
Transportation revolution
People started moving west
Market revolution
Transformed the American economy and it changed to people would by and use instead of make their own
2nd Continental congress
Massachusetts called to draft new constitution
Lord Sheffield
Made a pamphlet that said that Britain could win back America’s trade without repealing navigation laws
Alexander Hamilton
For central gov.
Large state plan (Virgina plan)
First framework for the constitution
Says that reps in congress should be based on states pop.
Small state plan (New Jersey plan)
Equal representation in Congress (nothing to do with state size)
Three-fifth compromise
Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person within the about of electoral votes the state has
Common law
Laws that are super specific with every possible detail
Didn’t like strong federal government they feared it would take away power of the people
Wanted Strong federal government
Wealthy and educated
Virginia statue for religious freedom
Made by Thomas Jefferson, stated that religion should not be imposed on anybody and that each person decided their own faith
Anti-slavery society 1775
Founded by the Quakers
Funding at par
Federal gov. Would pay off its debts at face value
National debt
Hamilton believed that it was a nessissity
First tariff
It imposed taxes on certain import
Excise tax
Tax on a few domestic items including whiskey
Thomas Jefferson
Strongly opposed the bank
Two party system
Two opposing political party’s
Jefferson’s side
Hamitions side
French Revolution
The French revolt against British crown
Miami confederacy
Alliance of 8 Indian nations
John Adams
Beat jefferson in the second election
French foreign minister
Convention of 1800
Where Napoleon signed the treaty of stop a potential war
Sedition act
Anyone who impeded the policies of the gov. Or defrayed it’s office would be fined aloe and imprisoned
Whispering campaigns
Federalists accusing Jefferson of bad things
Revolution of 1800
No Federalists became pres after this election
Republican-democratic congress
Repealed the judiciary act and kicked out the 16 new judges
Marbury vs. Madison 1803
Madison cut judge Marbury salary so Marbury sued him
Court said that he had a right to his pay but the court didn’t have the authority to force Madison to pay him
Samuel chase
A court justice that democratic republicans congress tried to impeach
Robert Livingston
Went with James Monroe to buy land, signed treaty’s
Arron burr
Got dropped from Jefferson’s cabinet and joined a group of extremists Federalists who plotted secession of New England and New York
Non intercourse act
Opened trade to every country except France and Britain
Macon’s bill no. 2
Reopened American trade with the entire world but it said that if Britain or France repealed its commercial restrictions
Twelfth congress
The war hawks wanted to go to war with the British and eliminate the Indian threats
William Henry Harrison
Gov. Of the Indiana territory; defeated the Shawnee at the battle of tippeanoe
One of the whigs pres. Nominee
Defeated Van Buren to win the election of 1840
Battle of the Thames
Gen Harrison’s army took over tithe British at Detroit at fort Malden
Rush-bagot agreement
Was made between U.S and Britain and it limited the navel arrangement on the Great Lakes
Tariff of 1816
Was made to protect American companies
Added tax to super cheap British goods
Era of good feelings
During when Monroe was pres
Land act of 1820
A buyer could buy 80 acres at 1.25
McCuilloch vs. Maryland
An attempt by Maryland to destroy a branch of the bank of the US by imposing a tax on the banks
Cohens vs Virginia
Involved the cohens appealing to Supreme Court after being found guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets
Gibbons vs Ogden
Came up when New York and tried to give a private company a monopoly of waterborne commerce between New York and New Jersey (no other company could use the waterway)
Fletcher vs peck
Georgia legislature granted 35mil acres to private speculators, next legislator cancelled the transaction
Dartmouth college vs Woodward
Dartmouth college was given a charter by king George but new hamsirer wanted to take it away
Andrew Jackson
General who won the battle of New Orleans
Went to Florida and captured spanish posts
George canning
British foreign secretary asked the American minister in London if the us would hand togetherness in a joint declaration (basically warning the Europeans to keep away from Latin America
Russo-American treaty
The Russians retreated farther north north into Alaska
Rendezvous system
Fur trappers would meet with traders for the east to exchange beaver pelts for manufactured goods
The ancient order of Hibernians
A secret society to fight landlords
Known nothing party
Native Americans who opposed immigrants
Samual Slater
Father of the factory system in America
Stole British plans for textile machinery
First machine to spin cotton
Elias Howe
invented the sewing machine
Laws of free incorpation
Enabled businessmen to create corporations without applying for any individual charters from legislation
Catharine Beecher
Urged women to become teachers
Cult of domesticity
Culture that glorified the customary functions of a homemaker (women)
John Deere
Made the steel plow
Mcormick reaper
A horse drawn mechanical reaper that cut and gathered crops fast
Robert Fulton
Made the first steam boat
Erie Canal
Constructed by gov. DeWitt Clinton (gov of New York)
Pony express
Was established to carry mail from st.joseph Missouri to Sacramento California (collapsed 18 months after bc of low money)
Corrupt bargain
Andrew Jackson thought since clay convinced people to vote for Quincy Adams and Jackson thought there was foul play
John Quincy Adams
Pres. After Jefferson
Spoils system
Democrats replaced public officials with illiterate and incomplete people, rewarding supporters with gov jobs
Tariff of abominations/Yankee tariff
Increase on imports, hated by southerners
Columbia Convention
Called for the tariff to be void in South Carolina
Society for propagating the gospel among Indians
Made to Christianize Indians
Indian removal act
It moved more than 100,00 Indians west of the Mississippi (trail of tears)
Black hawk war
Black hawk Led Indians to fight the relocation
Nicholas Biddle
The pres of bank out US held a possible un constitucional amount of power
Daniel Webster
Him an Henry clay presented a bill to renew the banks charter
Financial panic
Jackson destroyed the second US bank and it heavily contributed to the panic
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Jackson’s choice as his successor in the election
Divorce bill
Called for separating the gov. Banking
Stephen Austin
Promised to bring families into Texas
Santa Anna
Dictator of Mexico, removed Texans local rights and started to raise army to suppress the rebelling Texans
Sam Houston
Commander and chief for Texas army
Battle of son Jacinto
Gen. Houston captured santa Anna and made him sign a treaty to give Texas to them
Two party system
Whigs vs Democrats
Doctrine of deism
Relied on science rather than the Bible
Did believe in a Supreme being
Came from deism, believed god existed
Appealed to intellectuals
Second great awakening
Wave of religious fever
Women more involved with religion
Peter Cartwright
A revivalist, traveling preacher who converted thousands to Christianity
Charles Grandison Finney
One of the greatest revivalist preachers
Joseph Smith
Formed the Mormon church when he deciphered the Book of Mormon (Illinois)
Horace Mann
Campaigned for better school system
Emma Willard
Huge part of creating a women’s secondary school
Dorthy Dix
Traveled visiting asylums and pushed to improve the conditions within them
American peace society
Led by William Ladd
American temperance society
Tried to persuade people to stop drinking
Neal S Dow
“Father of prohibition” supporter the Maine law
Maine law of 1851
Banned manufacturing and sale of liquor in Maine
Seneca falls
Women rights convention and said to rewrite the Declaration of Independence to include women
Robert Owen
Founded a utopian community in New Harmony Indiana to seek human betterment
Brook farm
Founded in Massachusetts, Utopian community
Greek revival
architecture came to America
Hudson River school
Expelled at romantic art
James Fenimore Cooper
First American novelist to gain world fame
Transcendent movement
Believed that knowledge transcended the senses and can’t found just by observation knowledge comes from within
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Transcendentalist poet and philosopher, urged American writers to forget European traditions
Wrote “the American scholar”
Henry David Thoreau
Transdentslist who believed that people should ignore bodily and pursue truth through study and meditation
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
One of the most famous poets to come from America (adopted by the less cultured)