APUSH Unit 11: Ch.13 Flashcards
John Q. Adams
-6th president
-negotiated the treaty of Ghent which ended the war of 1812
Corrupt Bargain
- deal between John Q. Adams and Henry Clay
- they wanted to make it so the election decision would go to the house of reps. and vote in Adam’s favors
- Jackson ended up getting more votes (popular vote)
“Dark Horse” Candidate
James k Polk
William H. Harrison
- became president
- died anf his vice president Tyler became president
Robert Hayne
Horseshoe Bend (Battle)
Black Hawk (Chief)
Native American
Henry Clay
-from kentucky
one of the greatest compromisers of the century with his compromise of 1850
Andrew Jackson
-defeated John Q. Adams in the election
Was a sort of war hero in the revolution? He went against orders and won in New Orleans
“Kitchen Cabinet”
- Jackson’s cabinet which was filled with his friends
- they met in his house kiychen
McCulloch vs. Maryland Case
supreme court case that said the bank was constitutional
“Panic of 1837”
- when Jackson was president many banks recieved gov. money that wasn’t good
- many state banks collapsed
James K. Polk
His goals were to reduce tax and tariffs, get Cali, settle the Oregon dispute, and restore the national bank
He was the only president who actually completed his goals
Indian Removal Act (1830)
- Jackson’s main goal was to move the indian tribes of the southeast to the plains region in the west (oklahoma)
- made the indians move
2nd Bank of the U.S.
- benefited the rich so Jackson vetoed this bill
- showed that Jackson was democratic
Nullification Crisis
- South Carolina threatened to nullify any policies that it disagreed with
- tariffs
- Jackson makes it so that the president can use the military power to make the states pay taxes/tariffs
- this shows that the gov. is being tyrannical and the South threatens to leave the union
“Spoils System”
-Jackson shows appreciation to his supporters by giving them gov. jobs
Tariff of Abominations
-angers the South towards the North
John Tyler
- 10th president
- became president after the death of Henry William Harrison
Martin Van Buren
- “Little Magician”
- 8th president
Daniel Webster
- nationalist
- involved in debate over states rights
- member of the whig party (ran for president)
- lost to Martin Van Buren
Whig Party (1834)
- created because they didn’t agree with Jackson
- against the democrats
- dies out after Jackson left the presidency