APUSH midterm Flashcards
What are early examples of American democracy?
1.Virginia house of Burgesses
2. Mayflower compact
3.Connecticut Fundamental orders
4.New England Town Meetings
What is the 13th Amendment?
abolition of slavery
What is the 14th Amendment?
Anyone born in America is a citizen, right to due process, and equal protection under the law
What is the 15th Amendment?
Gives African males the right to vote- very controversial because women were not included
Who made up the New England Confederation?
Hartford, New Haven, Massachusetts Bay colony, Plymouth
What was the Dominion of New England?
Put in place of the New England confed. Now it included all of New England and New York and New Jersey
Who was John Peter Zenger?
used his freedom of speech to criticize the gov.
What was Beacons rebellion?
Ex-Indentured servants looking for land, natives were on the land they wanted
What did the first great awakening emphasize?
Predestination, you either go to heaven or hell and cant change your destiny
what did the second great awakening emphasize?
free will, good things will get you into heaven; reason for later reform movements
What was the enlightenment period?
Spread of new ideas that challenged religion
What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
The ability to make territories states. Which many wanted to have members in the house and voting rights
Who created manifest destiny?
John L. O’Sullivan
Why did Jackson refuse to annex Texas?
Fear of whether it would be a free or slave state.
Where did the first great awakening originate?
North Hampton Mass.
Who were key speakers in the first great awakening?
George Whitefield and Johnathan Edwards
Who were key speakers in the second great awakening?
Charles Grandison Finney, and Peter Cartright
Cash Crops to the new world, Tobacco?
John Rolfe
Oregon Territory?
54 40 or fight, Polk
Which treaty ended the Mexican cession?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
What were examples of impressment?
XYZ affair, Chesapeake incident, embargo act of 1807, non intercourse act, quasi war
What ended the federalist party?
Hartford convention
What were the components of the American system?
Protective tariffs, internal improvements, second national bank
What was different about Andrew Jackson
first self made man, westerner, “Man of the People”
Who started/heavily used the spoils system
Andrew Jackson
What was one reason Jackson won his presidency?
Most states eliminated requirements to own property to vote
What was the nullification crisis?
North loved the protective tariffs and the south hated them
What was the trail of tears?
Removal of natives off their land, Indian removal act of 1830
Who was the great compromiser?
Henry Clay
What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
Missouri accepted into the union as a slave state and Maine accepted as a free state, outlawed slavery above the 36 30 parallel except for Missouri
What was the Kansas Nebraska act?
repealed the Missouri compromise, moved closer to civil war, resulted in popular sovereignty in Kansas
What was the name of Fredrick Douglass’s newspaper
The North Star
What the name of Fredrick Douglass’s autobiography?
The Narrative of The Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave
What was the Emancipation Proclamation 1863
Made slavery illegal in all rebellious states, border states were not mentioned
Who authored the Liberator?
William Lloyd Garrison
Why was Garrison seen as radical?
He wanted the immediate emancipation of slaves
What was the Dredd Scott decision
Dredd Scott sued for freedom after being transferred from a slave state to a free state, led to supreme court decision that African Americans weren’t citizens and couldn’t sue
What was the Crittenden Amendment 1860?
Permanently legalize slavery in the constitution
Who introduced the American System?
Henry Clay
What treaty ended the war of 1812?
Treaty of Ghent
Why was Jefferson afraid to purchase Louisiana Terr.
He believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution so he used the elastic clause (loose interp.) to purchase Louisiana Terr.
What is significant of the election of 1800?
(Adams vs. Jefferson) Jefferson because 1st democrat republican in history, peacefully transition between political parties
What was the Adams-Onis Treaty?
U.S acquired Florida, gave Spain Texas
What was the Monroe doctrine?
Keep Europe from colonizing and influencing the western hemisphere
Who used federalist beliefs in the supreme court?
John Marshall
What was the Tallmadge Amendment?
Gradually emancipation of slaves in Missouri
What were G.W the precidents?
2 term limit, cabinet, and enforcement of laws
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
West Pennsylvania farmers rebelling on excise tax. Put down quickly, showed respect for the new gov.
What was the Pickeny Treaty?
Spain grants America access to the Mississippi River
What does the quote “Millions for defense not one cent to tribute”?
Foreign impressment, XYZ affair, shouldn’t have to pay to speak to great Britain
What was secretly written by Jefferson and Madison?
Kentucky and Virginia resolves (alien and sedition act unconstitutional)
What were the alien and sedition acts?
Raised citizenship requirements from 5-14 years, federalists wanted to hurt the Democratic party, democrats were gaining support from immigrants
What was shays rebellion?
farms being taxed heavily (foreclosures),sparked in west Mass. by Daniel Shay, increased need for strong gov.
What was the articles of confederation?
1st national gov. of U.S, Unicameral, could not tax, all states had 1 vote
Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
What was a Patriot?
Colonists who fought against British, 30-40% of population
What was a Loyalist?
Colonists loyal to British, educated and wealthy, seen as traitors
What was the final battle of the rev. war?
Battle of Yorktown
What were the New England colonies?
Rhode island
new Hampshire
What were the Middle colonies?
New York
New Jersey
What were the Southern Colonies?
N. Carolina
S. Carolina
Who founded newfoundland?
Sir Humphrey Gilbert (first unsuccessful attempt at British colonization)
Who founded Roanoke Island?
Walter Rolley (2nd unsuccessful attempt)
Describe French and Indian war
began in America over the ohio river valley
-french wanted to connect to Louisiana terr. but British were defending their land and colonies
What colonies were good with natives?
Rhode Island and pennsylvania
Describe the treaty of Paris 1763
French gave up all territories in north America, marked the end of the 7 years war, led to the end in salutary neglect
What was the Albany plan of union?
wanted a more centralized gov, meeting called to discuss how the colonies will handle growing military threat from French and their native allies, get Iroquois to ally with british
What was the Pontiac Rebellion?
natives American uprising against British after french and Indian war, led to proclamation of 1763
What can characterize the era of good feelings?
The term was a prediction not a reflection of a time that was rife with controversy
What did 54 40” represent?
control all of the Oregon terr.
What was the corrupt bargain?
Quincy Adams let Henry Clay be his secretary of state if he advocated for Quincy Adams in the house to win presidency
What was true about the election of 1824?
Andrew Jackson won the most popular votes and electoral votes
What was the main reason of the Louisiana purchase?
to gain control of miss. river
Who was the father of the factory system?
Samuel Slater
What was listed in the declaration of sentiments?
Inability to own property
custody rights
divorce rights
lack of the right to vote
Who wrote the declaration of sentiments?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Who founded the AWSA
Lucy Stone
Who founded the NWSA
Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
3 Crops from old world to new world?
coffee, onions,livestock, disease
3 Crops from new world to old world?