apush chapter 27 Flashcards
American Imperialism
“expand or implode”
new markets
didn’t want to be left behind EU competition
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American War
Alfred Thayer Mahan
wrote “The Influence of Sea Power on History”
strong navy, naval dominance, adequate # of ports, stimulated the navel race
James G. Blaine
Secretary of State
first to embrace imperialism in policy
Big Sister Policy
Big Sister Policy
with support from blaine
allied US with Latin American countries
opened new trade markets
Guyana & Venezuela border disputes
-Gold discovered in contested area
-US v. Britain
-Cleveland cited Monroe Doctrine - British denied its relevance
-Cleveland’s survey - “accept or aggress”
-GB anger deflected toward Boer War
led to the Great Rapprochement
-Monroe Doctrine reinforced
Great Rapprochement
-reconciliation between the US and Britain
-new alliance in 20th century regarding (foreign policy)
waystation, provisioning point
-1875 reciprocity agreement
-1887 rights to Pearl Harbor
-sugar trade
-McKinley import Tariff created obstacles
-solution: white planters - annex Hawaii
-led to an organized revolt in 1893
-Cleveland’s election changed things
-He stood up for Queen Liliuokalani
-1898 - annexation
McKinley Tariff
1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history
Queen Liliuokalani
the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American instigation/business interests
-Cubans revolted against Spainish oppresors
-spanish tried to supress revolts w concentration camps
-washington sent USS Maine to cuba to protect americans, the ship later blew up, angering the americans
-led to americans adopting Teller Amendment
Valeriano Weyler
General sent by Spain to stop Cuban revolt, referred to as the “Butcher” because of merciless tactics “concentration camps, shooting civilian, etc.)
Yellow Journalism
-Pulitzer and Hearst(leaders of the method)
-Hearst published letter from Depuy de Lome
-incited desire for war in americans
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
USS Maine
Ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War
Depuy de Lome
Spanish diplomat that wrote a letter criticizing president McKinley by calling him weak, indecisive, and relying to heavily on public opinion. Letter was published by the press.
Theodore Roosevelt
26th president, known for: military strength, Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War
Spanish American War
In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans’ fight for independence
Teller Amendment
Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after defeating spain
-Cuban independence
John Hay
proclaimed the war was a “slendid little war”, instigating the SpanAmerican war furthur
important in the SpanAmerican war campaign
American won battle at manila bay
a source of argument amongst americans to decide weather to annex them or not
George Dewey
- Praised naval commander chosed by theodore roosevelt
- collaborated with philipino insurgents and defeated spanish fleet in manila bay
Captured easily by USS Charleston in S-A War w/o fighitng
Ceded to US in Treaty of Paris
William Shafter
- American commander in carribean(cuba)
- more symbolic leadership due to his wieght(300+ lbs)
- his army was not prepared(wore wool clothes in heat, leading to dehydration/disease, upderprepared overall)
rough riders
- 1st US Volunteer Calvary of “cowboys to convicts”
- Idea of Teddy Roosevelt (asst sec of Navy)
- led by Col Leonard Wood
leonard wood
commander of the rough rider calvery
puerto rico
- campaign began w/ swift blockade of san juan
- after capturing santiago, Gen. miles led a ground attacl
- August 12 ended all hostile fronts, armistice signed on August 13
- war ended in puerto rico
nelson miles
general that lead invading forces in puerto rico and became first Amercan governor, helping set up the new government
Treaty of Paris
- Ended SpanAmerican war(1898)
- recognition of cuban independance
- ceded philippes, PR and Guam to US
Foraker Act
-allowed PR self-government
- trade restrictions on PR(govenrned by US)
- foundation for Puerto rican citizenship
jones shafroth Act
- gave Puerto rican citizenship in 1917
- Civil rights to individuals & locally elected bicameral legislature
-foundation for PR government
Platt Amendment
- americans forced cubans to sign in 1901
-gave US indirect power over cuba
- no treaties w foriegn powers
-us had right to intervene
- no going into national debt
- US gets right to buy lad for naval/refueling
- Americans would remove troops if these provisions were added
-led to anti americanism in cuba
Anti imperialist league
group that rose agaisnt imperialism in the phillipeans
supported by powerful figuresd like mark twain
argued that imperializm violated decleration of independace, it was a costly burden, would lead to issues w asian powers
insular cases
series of cases that determined that inhabitants of american territories had some, not all rights of an american
Philippine-American War
- Citizens expected same treatment as cuba
- when expectations were not met, rebels lauched battle of Manila Bay
- US outnumbered rebels, Aguinaldos forces captured in 1901
- US made concentration camps, etc
- hostilities ended w/ philipine-organic act 1902
emilio aguinaldo
- lead filipino rebels against americans in Philippine-American War
- advocate for philippino independance
- ultimatly captured by us forces in 1901
william howard taft
governor of the philippines, later became us president
philippine-organic act
- ended Philippean American war in 1902
- allowed for creation of phillipheane assembly, granting filipinos a small amount of self governance
- Americans began to invest in island infrastructure
- the phillipeans would remain a US common wealth/unincorporated territory
Jones act
- 1916, promised philippine independace
- granted freedom in 1917, thier economy grew alongside the us’
- thier independace want officially recognized for 30 years until treaty of Manila
Open Door Policy
-policy proposed by US calling for “spheres of influence” in china, respect chinease rights, and occupency based on fair trade
- was the response to the fear of US being cut out of trade w/ china bieng colonized by other nations
Boxer rebellion
- Rebellion in beijing china, to eliminate Euro interverntion
- Euros and US squashed rebellion, but paid 333 mil in reperations
- called for 9-power treaty, ending open door Policy
9-power treaty
- 1922, a consequence of Boxer rebellion
-ended open door policy, all memebrs allowed equal trade with china - signed by US, Japan, China, France, Britain, Itay, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal
imperialism vs. Byranism
- topic of 1900 election
- Mckinley v Bryan
- McKinley picked the popular teddy roosevelt as vp
- Bryan campainged “free silver and free cuba”
mckinley wins
Leon Frank Czolgosz
- was an anarchist who killed president Mckinley
- Roosevelt steps up and becomes youngest president
the big stick
“speak softly and carry a big stick”
-roosevelts use of military power for diplomatic reasons and enforcing foriegn policy
Panama Canal
- crucial for Naval supremacy
- Us gained control of canal through hay-pauncefote treaty
- compleated in 1914
hay-paunancefote treaty
1901, britain recognized US. sphere of influence, giving US full control of canal and building rights
philippe Bunau-varilla
- French engineer, advocated for an american canal through panama
- helped instigate panamanian rebellion against columbia
-American recognized panamanian independance and made philippe first pm - Signed Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, started canal construction
panamanian revolution
- columbia refuses to agree with US terms for canal
-Roosevent and Varilla instigate revolt in panama - rebellion succeeds, panama gains independance from columbia
- granted the us control of canal
hay-bunau varilla treaty
1903- us gaurenteed independace of new republic of panama
- treaty between panama and US detailing contruction of panama canal
roosevelt corollary
- addition to monroe doctrine
- effect of fear of Euro power increasing LA involvement
- stated that only US could invervene in Latin america
russo-japanese war
- war between russia/japan, deteriorated relaions w us from both countries
- japanese migration increased, led to segregation in W coast
- led to gentlemans agreement w japan, great white fleet tour
gentlemans agreement
agreement, reducing japanese migration to US in exchange for integration of japanese in US
great white fleet
1907-1909- roosevelt sends navy on a world tour to show the world the power of US navy
- also to pressure japan to agree to Gentlemens agreement
Root-takihara agreement
- pledged the US and Japan to respect each others territorial possessions in the pacific and to uphold open door policy in china