Apr-22 Flashcards
Calcarea phos - head
Phosphate of lime, Ca3. 2PO4
Dr. Hering
Ailments - Defective assimilation
Rachitis cranial bones thin brittle
Fontanelle & sutures remain open too long , hydrocephalus
non union of bones promote callous,
headache worse near regon of suture from change of weather in school girls
Hepar sulph - respiratory
ailments : exposure to dry cold winds cough -Croupy,choking, strangling
Asthma - short deep breath wheezing rattling < suppressed eruptions >must bend head back or must sit up, damp
Croup < by cold air cold drinks before midnight or towards 🌞morning
Natrum mur - mentals
Irritable gets into passion about trifles
Awkward hasty drops things
Marked disposition to weep without any cause & consolation aggravates
Dreams of robbers, ailments from anger grief fright vexation mortificatio
Sulphur - skin
Boils coming in various parts of body or single boil succeeded by other as soon as 1st one healed
#itching of skin feels good to scratch it causes burning worse by heat of bed & soreness in folds
Puls - eye
Styes especially on upper eye lid from eating fat greasy rich foods or 🐖🥩pork
Mag phos - modalities
Agg - cold air, motion, touch
Better - warmth , bending double, pressure
Spongia - glandular effections
Males - spermatic cord swollen painful testicles swollen bruised squeezed # ailments from : after suppressed gonorrhea or maltreated orchitis
Thyroid gland - swollen even with chin , with suffocative paroxysms at nyt, Goitre
Cinchona - 🤒fever
Intermittent fever returns every week sweat profusely all over on being covered or during sleep
Perspiration caused by little exertion
Allium cepa - respiratory
Hay fever in August every year
Violent sneezing 🤧 on rising from bed & from handling 🍑peaches
# Acute catarrhal inflammation of mucus membranes with increased secretions ;Catarrhal laryngitis ,cough compel patient to grasp larynx as if tear
Apis - head
Poison of 🐝 , Humphrey
Cry encephali Or brain cry (congestion) low muttering delirium pupils dilated contracted alternately unconsciously pass stool, urine ie are burning #convulsions when covered <by warmth one side body twich other motionless #hydrocephalus child wakes during sleep due to pressure, pain in head
Silicea - head
Chronic sick headache since severe diseases of youth, fasting - causation
📍- arise from nape of neck to vertex , finally settle over right eye
< from draft of air, uncovering
>profuse urination, covering head
Vertigo - spinal ascend from back of neck to head, as if fall forward, looking up
Natrum mur - head
Headache of shool girls from sunrise to sunset, left sided as if bursting red face nausea, 🤮, during after menses sensation - as if 1000 little🔨 knocking in brain during fever >by perspiration
Headache- begins with blindness ;hair falls when touched in nursing women
Apis - urinary
Incontinence of urine with irritation, can scarcely retain urine for moment, scanty coming in drops bloody albuminous burning soreness which micturating
#Before urination- much straining used during “ - scalds severely stinging pain
Silicea - rectum
Inactivity of rectum with great straining as if paralyzed, partly expelled, recedes again, feces remain long time in rectum
Fistula in ano alternate with chest
Painful fissures & haemorrhoid cause irritation spasm of sphincter anii
Calcarea flour - glandular effection
Remedy for hard stony glands
Hard knots in female breast, goitre
Periosteal swelling due to cong.syphilis
Hard swelling on cheek on jaw bone gumboil with hard swelling on jaw , crypts of tonsils, hardening of tongue
♂️ - hydrocele induration of testes