APR 106 Flashcards
The Valuation Process is
“a systematic set of procedures an appraiser
follows to provide answers to a client’s questions about real property
The process begins with the _____________ and concludes with an _____________
appraisal assignment, appraisal
use of the appraisal ad valorem
property taxation
client for ad valorem
county treasurer
Appraisal Date Ad Valorem Colorado
June 30, even year by CRS
When appraising for ad valorem, the type of value, property interests, date of value opinion (level of value), and data collection period are provided by
Colorado Revised Statutes and the Colorado Constitution
The client definition
“the party or parties who engage, by employment or
contract, an appraiser in a specific assignment.”
“The type and extent of research and analyses in an appraisal or
appraisal review assignment”.
Scope of Work
HBU tests
physically possible,
legally permissible, financially feasible, and most profitable
_______ is the
analysis of conclusions from the three approaches to arrive at a final value opinion
The final step in the valuation process is
Report of Defined Value
Individual appraisal reporting = USPAP STANDARD __
The report must be written in a manner that is not ________
For a mass appraisal the \_\_\_\_\_\_ may include: property records sale ratios and other statistical studies appraisal manuals and documentation market studies model building documentation regulations statutes and other acceptable forms.
“the process of valuing a universe of properties as of
a given date using standard methodology, employing common data, and allowing for
statistical testing.”
“Improved land or a lot in a finished state so that it is ready
to be used for a specific purpose.”
a site
“A development right that cannot be used by the landowner, or that
the owner chooses not to use, but can be conveyed to landowners
in another location or leased for a period of years to then revert
back to the original owner;
The ________________ technique is the most reliable and common method of land
sales comparison
“The characteristics or attributes of properties and transactions that
cause the prices of real property to vary.”
Elements of Comparison
Transactional Adjustments
Real property rights Financing Conditions of the sale Expenditures made immediately after the purchase Market conditions (time)
Property Adjustments
Location Physical characteristics Economic characteristics Use Non-realty components
_________ is defined as:
“Land that is not needed to serve or support the existing use. The
highest and best use of the excess land may or may not be the same
as the highest and best use of the improved.
Excess land
_________ is defined as:
“Land that is not currently needed to support the existing use but
cannot be separated from the property and sold off for another use.
Surplus land does not have an independent highest and best use
and may or may not contribute value to the improved parcel.”
Surplus land
The ______ technique involves determination of the contributory value of the
improvements as part of the total sales price of an improved property. The
balance of the sales price is attributed to the land.
Using the_______ technique, a portion of the total property value is assigned to
the land. It establishes relationships based on the economic principles of
balance and conformity.
“The procedure in which a discount rate is applied to a set of
projected income streams and a reversion.
When adjusting for the elements of comparison using the paired sales technique, the
appraiser should first adjust for ______adjustments, and then ______adjust for adjustments
transactional, property
Identify client and intended users
Identify the intended use
Identify the purpose of the assignment (type of value)
Identify the effective date of the opinion
Identify the relevant characteristics of the property
Assignment conditions
“A set of procedures through which an appraiser derives a value indication for an income-producing property by converting its anticipated benefits (cash flows and reversion) into property value.
income approach
“The term of ownership of an investment is known as the __________! The presumed period of ownership; a period of time over which expected net operating income is projected for purposes of analysis and valuation is known as the _________!”
holding period, projection period
The duration of the income stream is expected to be at least as long as necessary to recover invested capital. This period is known as the _____________.
capital recovery period
There are three primary sources of data used to analyze and determine correct
vacancy and collection rates:
The historical record of the subject.
Market studies of comparable and similar properties.
Published studies in periodicals and other publications.
“The conversion of income into value.”
“A method used to convert an estimate of a single year’s income expectancy into an
indication of value in one direct step, either by dividing the net income estimate by
an appropriate capitalization rate or by multiplying the income estimate by an
appropriate factor.
Direct capitalization
Which of the following is not a correct form of the IRV Formula?
a) I = R x V
b) R = I x V
c) R = I -:- V
d) V = I -:- R
An individual has $500,000 to invest and expects a 10 percent overall return for the
investment. What net income would a property have to have to meet his return expectations?
a) $50,000
b) $500,000
c) $5,000,000
d) $50,000,000
Joel James, MAI. is, developing an income approach for a 18-unit apartment building. He has
collected market rent information and determined the PGI. He has been able to collect market
vacancy rates but hasn’t located an amount for collection loss. What is the name of the current
income he has reached?
a) Effective gross income
b) Effective gross rents
c) Effective net income
d) Expected gross rents
A property has an annual net income of $240,000. An investor requires an RO of 8 percent.
What should the investor pay for this property?
a) $1,920,000
b) $2,400,000
c) $3,000,000
d) $19,200,000
In the preceding questions if the income remains the same, but the value decreases, what must happen to RO ? a) Remain the same b) Increases c) Decreases d) none of the above
What is the effective tax rate when you have a mill levy of 65 and an assessment percentage of 30%? a) .0105 b) .0195 c) .0250 d) .1950
What is the value of a commercial property if you have an effective gross income of $283,500,
allowable expenses of $20,500 and a RO of 12.5%?
a) $ 164,000
b) $2,104,000
c) $2,140,000
d) $2,268,000
What is the value of a commercial property if you have an effective gross income of $283,500,
allowable expenses of $20,500 and a RO of 12.5%?
a) $ 164,000
b) $2,104,000
c) $2,140,000
d) $2,268,000
What is the value of a commercial property if you have an effective gross income of $283,500,
allowable expenses of $20,500 and a RO of 12.5%?
a) $ 164,000
b) $2,104,000
c) $2,140,000
d) $2,268,000
Which of the following does not affect the capitalization rate?
a) Reliability of gross income.
b) Income and expense ratio.
c) Stability of the income stream.
d) The gross national product. (GNP).
Which of the following is an allowable expense?
a) Capital expenditures.
b) Miscellaneous one-time expenses.
c) Landscaping.
d) Debt service.
Chris McDowell has collected financing information for an appraisal of a duplex. He has
obtained a loan-to-value ratio, an equity dividend rate, and a mortgage constant. What can he
derive from this information?
a) PGI
b) OER
c) RO
d) VM
Characteristics of an income stream are:
1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________
Operating expense ratios …
a) should only be used for mass appraisal
b) may be used for individual expenses
c) may only be used for total operating expenses
d) VM represents the mortgage loan amount
Colorado Constitution Article X, Section 20, sometimes called ______________, which was approved by Colorado voters in November 1992, became effective for the 1993 assessment year. This amendment to the Colorado Constitution eliminated consideration of the cost approach to value for the valuation of residential property for ad valorem tax purposes in Colorado.
the taxpayers bill of rights (TABOR)
_____________ is the period over which improvements contribute to property value
Total Economic Life
__________ is the total time a building might last or is expected to last as opposed to its
economic life.
Physical life
loss in value for any reason
“One cause of depreciation; an impairment of desirability and usefulness
caused by new inventions, changes in design, improved processes for
production, or external factors that make a property less desirable
valuable for a continued use; may be either functional or external.
“Items of physical deterioration or functional obsolescence that are
economically feasible to cure.
______________ is that which is not economically feasible or practical to correct; where the cost to remedy the problem would outweigh the value
benefit to the property after its correction.
incurable depreciation
“The amount of money it will take to remedy a cause of depreciation.”
cost to cure
___________ cost is the cost of producing an exact replica of a building or improvement.
________ cost is the cost to produce a building or improvement
having the same utility.
Which of the following is not a direct cost?
a. Lumber
b. Labor
c. Building permits
d. Equipment rental
The __________method is the most comprehensive method of estimating
cost, which breaks out materials and labor for each building component.
quantity survey
The __________method is the most common method of estimating cost used in mass
comparative unit
List the five principal characteristics that influence cost. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Design type construction type quality shape size (floor area)
The __________ ratio is found by dividing the ground area of a building
by the perimeter of its outside walls.
Physical curable deterioration is generally measured by the
cost to cure
Super-adequacy is known as what type of depreciation?
a. Functional
b. Physical
c. External
d. Desegmentation
The ________method of measuring depreciation requires separation of
depreciation into all its various causes.
The economic age-lifemethod assumes straight-line depreciation.
The Real Property Transfer Declaration (TD-1000) is __________
The only persons allowed to review this information are; the grantee,
the grantor IF they filed it, the assessor and his/her employees, the
PTA and DPT employees and the auditor!
highest point of wall
double top plate
between foundation and floor system
sill plate
greater the r value, the greater the degree of
The ____________ plan shows where an improvement is located in relation to the lot
The _________________ view shows the interior of an improvement from the side and
may provide types of construction techniques.
Which type of foundation requires caissons or extended piers to support the improvement? a) Wall b) Deep c) Shallow d) Footing
The beam that crosses over the top of a window is called a ______________________