Approaches AO1 + AO3 Flashcards
Outline and Evaluate the Origins of Psychology
Wundt set up the first psychology lab in Leipzig 1879
- developed introspection:
Understanding the mind, sensations and feelings, gather my a ticking metronome
+ - development of carefully controlled conditions
+ - insights into cognitive processes
x - subjective experience
Outline and Evaluate the Learning Approach (Behaviourism)
1) Behaviour is Learnt by environment
Behaviour is based on stimulus and
E.g Stim(Red Light) Resp(STOP)
2) Behaviour is learnt by association
Pavlov - Dog salvation study:
Classical Conditioning 
3)Beh is learnt by operant conditioning
Skinner - pos + neg reinforcement
+ - many PAs - (Token Economy)
x - reductionist - ignores biology
x - uses animals. :
Humans are more complex due to understanding of cognitive processes and biology
Outline and Evaluate SLT
1)Four Concepts:
Imitation, Identification, Modelling, Vicarious Reinforcement
2) The Four Mediational Processes
Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation
Bandura - Bobo Doll:
G1 - reward
G2 - punish
G3 - control
+ - scientific - based on lab experiments
+ - less deterministic, suggests we have control over what we pay attention to
+ - PAs - the Watershed on TV
Outline and Evaluate the biological approach
1) Evolution
Natural selection - Darwin
2) Genotype + Phenotype
Molds behaviour based on genes and how they are expressed
3) Genetic Behaviour
Twin studies can show that behaviour is as a result of biology
+ - PAs - led to drug therapy
+ - very scientific - lab studies and brain scans
x - deterministic - Suggests we are controlled by genes….better to use a Diathesis-Stress Model approach
Outline and Evaluate the Cognitive approach
1) Internal Mental Processes should be studied Scientifically
- Cognitive is concerned with the mental processes IN BETWEEN stimulus and response ( unlike behaviourists )
Stimulus - Mental Process - Response
2) Role of Schemas
Schemas are packets of ideas, info and knowledge that develop by experience
- help us predict
- can become distorted (RAT-MAN study)
3) Computer Models
To explain mental processes they use computer models (MSM)
+ - PAs such as development of AI
4) Humans are Info Processors
Input - Processing. - Output
(MSM is similar to this)
5) Emergence of Cog Neuroscience
Brain Scanning have shown reliability and validity and is a preferred approach to explaining behaviour
+ - PAs - led to CBT therapy
+ - Scientific - based on brain scans and lab experiments
x - low eco validity - Loftus + Palmer used film clips and not real life scenarios
Outline and Evaluate the Psychodynamic Approach
1) The Role of the Unconcious
- we have an “unconscious mind” that influences our behaviour
2) The Structure of Personality
ID - the pleasure principle: ID is selfish
EGO - Reality principle: Decision making
SUPEREGO - Morality principle (Angel)
3) Defence Mechanisms
- repression
- displacement
- denial
4) psychosexual stages of development
Oral - Satisfaction from feeding - Aggressive - optimistic
Anal - Pleasure from defecating - stubborn - disorganised
Phallic - pleasure from genitals - reckless
Latent - interest from hobbies - “null”
Genital - establishment of adult relationships - Difficultly forming relationships
Oedipus Complex - boys desire moms , if the dad finds out he will cut penis off, the boy imitates father (Little Hans)
Electra Complex - girl desires dad, but she realises she doesn’t have a penis, develops penis envy, she imitates mother
+ PAs - psychoanalysis
x deterministic
x unscientific - based off case studies and are difficult to test
Outline and Evaluate the Humanistic Approach
1) people have free will
2) each person is unique
3) Idiographic, focuses on understanding a person, not large groups
4) People have a goal of personal growth and fulfilling their potential
Rodger’s - everyone has the ability to self-actualise
To do this we must receive unconditional positive regard (meaning love from the parent is not withdrawn)
The Self Concept is who you are
The Ideal Self is who you wish to be
Congruence is when the Self and Ideal Self are similar
e.g you want an A but achieve a B
Maslow: Hierarchy if Needs
Self Actualisation
+ PAs - Led to client centred therapy
x Difficult to test
x ignores cultural differences