Approaches Flashcards
Origins of Psychology: Wundt, introspection and the emergence of Psychology as a science
How it started, structuralism, introspection, empiricism
Behaviourist approach
Classical conditioning: Pavlov’s dog, four features of classical conditioning (timing, extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalisation)
Operant conditioning: Skinner box
Social learning theory
Modelling, imitation, identification (Shutts et al.), Bandura et al., vicarious reinforcement and mediational processes
Cognitive approach
General definition, inferred, schema, theoretical models, computer models, cognitive neuroscience
Biological approach
Genetic: Heredity, genotype/phenotype, differences in genetic code and characteristics, heritability
Neural: Nervous system, brain, neurotransmitters, hormones
Psychodynamic approach
General definition, role of unconscious, tripartite, defence mechanisms, psychosexual stages
Humanistic approach
General definition, importance of free will, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, properties of self-actualised, self-concept and congruence, conditions of worth (Roger)