Approach to pedal oedema Flashcards
What are 4 causes of bilateral pedal oedema?
1) CHF
2) AKI
3) Nephrotic syndrome (hypoalbuminemia)
4) Chronic kidney disease (advanced)
5) Chronic venous stasis
What are 5 causes of unilateral pedal oedema?
1) Lymphoedema
2) Fracture
3) Haematoma
4) DVT
5) Infection (cellulitis, myositis)
6) Pretibial myxoedema
What are the categories for the severity of oedema?
0+: no pitting oedema
1+: 2mm, disappears rapidly
2+: 4mm, disappears in 10-15s
3+: 6mm, >1min
4+: 8mm, >2min
What are the 2 pathophysiological theories for fluid overload in nephrotic syndrome?
1) Underfill theory:
↓plasma albumin
→ ↓oncotic pressure for filtration
→ underfill activate neurohormonal system (ADH, RAAS, SNS, ANP, etc.)
2) Overfill theory:
Abnormal protein filtration → Na retention by ENaC
ENaC density controlled by aldosterone, ADH
What are the clinical implications of the underfill theory of fluid overload in nephrotic syndrome?
Px with nephrotic syndrome are very sensitive to diuretics.
(give too much → AKI)
What are the clinical implications of the overfill theory of fluid overload in nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic px respond better to amiloride (K+ sparing) + Frusemide (Loop) than just Frusemide monotherapy.
What are the 2 aspects/parameters most important in assessing the prognosis of CKD?
GFR and Persistent albuminuria
Why would px with CKD present with delayed fluid overload and thus have a delay in diagnosis?
Renal reserve
(eGFR remains stable for awhile as nephron number decreases because of reserves)
What is the consequence of progressive loss of kidney function (estimated by eGFR)?
1) Reduced sodium filtration
2) Inappropriate suppression of tubular reabsorption
What are the criteria for AKI?
1) Serum creatinine ↑ by ≥ 0.3mg/dL in 48hrs
2) Baseline serum creatinine ↑ by 50% in 7 days
3) Urine output < 0.5ml/kg/hr for ≥6hrs
In severe AKI px, what is indicated when there is volume overload?
Dialysis support
Does fluid overload manifest early or late in CKD?
True or false. Different diuretics are needed at different stages of a px with CKD.
Loop diuretics (GFR <30 ml/min)
Thiazide diuretics (GFR >30 ml/min)
What are the stages in AKI?
3 stages:
1) SCr ↑ ≥26umol/L in 48hrs / ≥1.5-2 fold from baseline
+ <0.5ml/kg/hr for 6hrs
2) SCr ↑ ≥ 2-3 fold from baseline
+ <0.5ml/kg/hr for 12hrs
3) SCr ↑ ≥3 fold from baseline / ≥354umol/L / initiated on renal replacement therapy
+ <0.3ml/kg/hr for 24hrs / anuria for 12 hr
What to ask in HPI for Hx taking in a px with pedal oedema?
1) Location
2) Urinary symptoms (poly/dys/oligo/hematuria)
3) Complications associated with excess fluid (eg. SOB, orthopnea, exertional dyspnoea, chest pain, palpitations)
4) Duration
5) Speed of onset
6) Intensity
7) Development pattern
What are some systemic signs/symptoms to ask in Hx taking of a px with pedal oedema?
Facial: (Photosensitive) rash → SLE
Dermatological: Nails → autoimmune; Skin → Diabetic skin changes
Rheumatological: Joints and tendons
GI: Abdo pain → Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Neurological: Headache, seizure, cognition
Cardiac: Chest pain, palpitations
What to ask in PMH for Hx taking in a px with pedal oedema?
1) Developmental Hx:
- solitary kidney? (FSGS)
- recurrent UTI? (reflux nephropathy)
- oedema? (minimal change, recurrent flares)
2) Pregnancy:
- Eclampsia
- Preclampsia
- De-novo GN
3) Accidents/Industrial mishaps:
- solitary functioning kidney
What to ask in FH for Hx taking in a px with pedal oedema?
1) Any on CKD/dialysis
2) Any with autoimmune conditions
What to ask for DH for Hx taking in a px with pedal oedema?
1) Any other chronic medications:
(eg. gold, penicillamine, hydroxychloroquine) (Minimal change disease)
2) Any OTC meds:
- actue interstitial nephritis
- nephrotoxicity
3) Any painkillers
- NSAIDS (nephrotoxic, Minimal change disease)
What are the essential components of PE for a px with pedal oedema?
1) Lung: crepitations, reduced air entry
2) Heart: muffled heart sounds
3) Abdomen: ascites