Approach to Anemia Flashcards
What are the big main categorical causes of anemia? (4)
- Increased RBC Destruction
- Decreased RBC production
- Increased RBC loss
- Sequestration
What’s is high RDW called? and what does it mean? What conditions can it be seen in? (2)
- Anisocytosis
- Increase in the range of red cells width and it is seen in stress eythropoiesis.
- Can be seen in iron deficiency and hemolysis.
What’s retic count like in the following conditions:
- Blood loss
- Hemolysis
- Sequestration
Elevated in all
What are examples of causes of iron deficiency? (3)
- Decreased dietary intake
- Chronic blood loss
- Anatomical cause (short gut syndrome)
What are causes of microcytic anemia? (5)
- Iron deficiency
- Hemoglobinopathies (Eg. Thalassemia or Hgb E)
- Chronic diseases/infection
- lead toxicity
- sideroblastic anemia
What are causes of normocytic anemia? (10)
- Early iron deficiency
- Red cell aplasia
- Malignancy
- Infection
- Renal failure (could be microcytosis too)
- Hypersplenism
- Drugs
- Acute blood loss
- Hemolysis (enzyme deficiency, membrane defect)
- Aplastic anemia (can be macrocytosis)
What are causes of macrocytic anemia? (9)
- Normal newborn
- Reticulocytosis
- Post splenectomy
- Liver disease
- Aplastic Anemia and marrow failure syndromes
- Hypothyroidism
- Down syndrome
- Syndromes with elevated HgB F
- Megalobolastic anemia.
What happens to MCV post splenectomy?
Gets bigger; can see macrocytosis
What happens to iron indicies in IDA? (4)
TIBC: Elevated
Serum iron: Low
Ferritin: Low
Transferrin saturation: Low
What medications can lead to iron deficiency? (2)
Histamine-2 Blockers
How does lead toxicity cause microcytosis?
Lead actually impairs iron absorption which in turns cause IDA and microcytosis
What are examples of chronic disorders that impair iron absorption? (3)
- PUD (peptic ulcer disease)
- IBD (UC and crohn’s)
What are the indications for oral iron challenge in IDA?
Anytime a poor response to oral iron is being questioned.
How to conduct an oral iron challenge?
- Draw serum iron
- Give a dose of 3mg/Kg or elemental iron orally
- Draw another serum iron level 30-60 min post.
You would expect an increase in serum iron by at least 100mcg/dL if absorption is adequate
Name different parental iron preparations that are currently available in the US? (4)
- Ferric gluconate
- Iron sucrose
- Ferumoxytol
- Ferric carboxymaltose
What are the advantages of the newer parentral iron preparations over ferric gluconate and iron surcose?
Total dose replacement can be done in a very short and single infusion
What are some of the concerns with iron dextran? (2)
- Severe allergic reactions can occur with iron dextran and therefore LMW product should be used.
- mild/moderate arthralgias the day after infusion
What precautions should be undertaken when infusing iron dextran? (2)
- A test dose of 10-25mg should be given prior to the first dose.
- If tolerated, the patient should be observed for 30-60 min during the first infusion.
What medical condition is considered to be a contraindication to the use of iron dextran? (1)
Rheumatoid Arthritis.
What are the cutoffs for the different degrees of Anemia? (3)
- Mild: Hgb <10
- Mod: Hgb 7-10
- Severe: HgB <7
What’s the treatment dose of oral iron?
What are some indications for EPO? (6)
- End-stage renal disease
- Anemia of prematurity
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Anemia associated with the treatment of AIDS
- Autologous blood donation.
- Religious factors in patients who are receiving chemo
What is the most common SE with the use of EPO?
- Hypertension
What’s he starting dose of EPO?
Typically 150u/Kg three times a week
Response is usually seen within 1-2 wks
Patients should be taking iron supplements too