Applied, Neolithic, Ethnology & Ethnography Flashcards
What is Ethnography?
Study of a particular culture, primarily based on fieldwork.
What is Ethnology?
Study and analysis of different cultures in order to explain their differences and similarities among those groups.
How is culture learned?
Culture is learned and acquired through our learning process.
What is Enculturation?
It is the process by which culture is learned.
How is culture integrated?
How is culture shared?
Culture is shared throughout generations but not equally among the members of society. There are cultural differences between societal groups such as age groups and generations.
How is culture symbolic? What is the main symbol of culture?
The most basic symbolic dimension of culture is language. Words are vocal symbols.
What is cultural relativism?
It is an idea that each culture must be understood in terms of the values and ideas of that culture and should not be judged by the standards of another culture.
What is ethnocentrism?
The belief that the ways of ones culture are the only proper ones. An individual would consider that his culture is superior and it is the only valid way to live.
What is diffusion?
The spread of certain ideas, customs or practices from one culture to another.
What are innovations?
The creation, invention or chance discovery of a completely new idea, method or device.
What is cultural adaptation?
To survive, individuals adapt to their environments. In the cold, humans created warm clothing to adapt.
What is informant and participant observation?
Anthropologists immerse themselves in the daily lives of the people they study. Informants are the members of the culture being studied.
What is acculturation?
The process by which a group adjusts to the influence of a dominant culture, while at the same time maintaining its original cultural identity.
What is globalization?
The process in which the exchange of products, investments, and people across national and regional boundaries increases.
What is assimilation?
The entire value and meaning system of another culture and the abandonment of ones beliefs and values.