Applied econometrics Flashcards
How can we determine causality?
Optimally, through an experiment designed by researchers that randomly assigns subjects to treatment and control groups. Might also be through a quasi experiment that has a source of randomization that is “as if” randomly assigned. Causality is thus determined if only the specific variable is changed, while all other variables are controlled for
How do we interpret variance and correlation?
Variance: squared unit measure of the standard variance/difference bewteen an observation and the mean. Correlation: linear relationship between two variables, will always be between -1 and 1
What is the relationship between correlation and covariance?
p = cov(x,y) /*
What is cross-sectional data? Examples?
Usually a random sample, Each observation is a new individual with information at a point in time. Examples: Grade distributions, everyone’s mood at a specific point in time
What is panel data? Examples?
Aka. longitudinal data. Following the same random individual observations over time. Example: A number of firms’ performance over time
What is time-series data? Examples?
Separate observation for each time period of a specific variable. Examples: Stock prices, inflation, commodity. In this, trends and seasonality should be taken into account
What is the least square principle?
Choosing the estimates such that the residual sum of squares is as small as possible
How do we estimate b1?
Minimizing the SSR through FOCs, to end up with: Cov(x,y)/var(x)
How do we estimate b0?
Minimizing the SSR through FOCs, to end up with: b0 = Y’ - b1*x’ . This can be thought of as normalising the bo to fulfilling the assumption of zero mean of the error term in OLS.
What is homoskedasticity? and what is the opposite?
Var(u|x) = 0, so the variance does not vary with x. Heteroskedasticity is the opposite, and here variance will vary with x,
What to do about heteroskedasticity?
Use heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, such as White std.errors. Actually, you should always use heteroskedastic-robust standard errors, to ensure that external people will not judge your findings badly.
What is R^2? and Adj. R^2?
ESS/TSS or 1 - SSR/TSS. It is a measure of goodness of fit. Measure of how much of your data is explained by the regression. 1 - (SSR/(n-k-1))/(TSS/(n-1))
What is a type I and a type II error?
Type I: Reject H0 when it is true. Type II: not rejecting H0 when it is false
How many degrees of freedom are needed to assume se=1.96?
120 - otherwise, look the SE up in the book on page 805
What is the formula of the t-statistic?
t = (Y’ - y1,0)/se(y)
Which distribution function should be used for creating CIs for the variance?
The X^2-distribution
Can R^2 be negative?
The raw r-square can be negative with regression without a constant
In multiple regression, when is beta1 equal to beta1 in a linear regression?
Two instances; when all other betas are equal to zero and when the observations in the multiple regression are uncorrelated
What are the properties of R^2?
Between 0 and 1, Can never decrease when another variable is added, cannot be used to compare different models, since it will always increase when another variable is added, here you can use adj. R^2 as long as y variable is the same.
Are OLS estimates unbiased?
No. When we say that OLS is unbiased under the assumptions, we mean that the procedure we used to get the estimates is unbiased.
Effects of rescaling variables: What happens when you change the Y variable?
It will lead to a corresponding change in the scale of the coefficients and standard errors, thus no change in interpretation or significance.
Effects of rescaling variables: What happens when you change the X variable?
It will lead to a change in the scale of the coefficient and standard error, thus no change in the significance or interpretation.
What is a standardized variable?
Variable subtracted mean and divided by standard deviation. Coefficients are then interpreted as the change in Y of 1 standard deviation change in X. There is no constant in this regresssion
What is perfect multicollinearity?
A phenomenon in which one predictor variable in a multiple regression model can be linearly predicted from the others with a substantial degree of accuracy. Generally, if we observe few significant t-ratios, but high R^2.
What are the consequences of high, but non-perfect multicollinearity?
OLS is still BLUE but: Large variances and covariances, precise estimation difficult, wider confidence intervals, t-ratio tends to be statistically insignificant, R^2 tends to be very high, OLS estimators and standard errors can be sensitive to small changes in data
What is an auxiliary regression? How do we use it?
When tro variables are highly correlated, we can regress all our other variables against one of them and use the residual errors from the regression instead of the variable in the primary regression
How can we detect multicollinearity?
Looking for: High R^2 values but few significant t-values, High correlation between two explanatory variables, Scatterplot, Auxiliary regressions
Interpretation of b1 in log-models: log-log, log-linear, linear-log?
Log-log: b1 is the elasticity of Y with respect to X. Log-linear: b1 is approx. the percentage change in Y with respect to x. Linear-log: b1 is approx. the change in Y for a 100 percentage change in X
Why should we use a log model?
Log models are invariant to the scale of the variables since measuring percent changes. They give a direct estimate of elasticity. For models with y > 0, the conditional distribution is often heteroskedastic or skewed, while ln(Y) is much less so. The distribution of ln(Y) is more narrow, limiting the effect of outliers.
What is heteroskedasticity and what are the implications of heteroskedasticity?
OLS is no longer blue, there is biased standard errors, and the normal t- and f-statistics cannot be used
What is serial independence in autocorrelation?
When the covariance between the error terms are zero; they are independently distributed. If not, there is autocorrelation
What is the effect of adding a dummy variable? And an interaction term?
Dummy variable can be thought of as changing the intercept. Interaction term bewteen a dummy and a continuous variable can be thought of as changing the slope (and intercept?).
What does the Chow Test test for?
It tests if one regression line or two different regression lines best fit the data. If the two coefficients are equal, the null hypothesis can be rejected; two lines fit better than one
What are the problems of having a dummy variable as dependent variable in the linear probability model?
Probabilities/ the prediction can lie outside [0;1], therefore, use Probit or Logit. Also, the error, u, has a discrete, non-normal distribution.
What are the properties of the probit and logit function?
Pr(y=1|X) = phi(beta0+beta1X) . 01
In panel data, is omitted variables a problem?
No, assuming the ommited variable does not change over time, the change in Y must be caused by the observed factors