Applied Econ Flashcards
Refers to social science that deals with the efficient and effective allocation of limited resources of government, businesses and individuals. It focuses with the effectiveness of producing distributing and consuming of products.
refers to the state of being short on resources in order to satisfy the limitless needs and desires of a citizen..
It is something that you must have in order to survive For example, basic needs like air, food, water, shelter, sleep.
It is something that we desire but unimportant in daily life. For example, mobile phone, laptop, jewdries car etc.
The two types of scarcity namely:
Relative scarcity
Absolute Scarcity
a resource that are limited to sdisty infinite demand
Relative scarcity
when resource are short in supply.
Absolute Scarcity
refers to the foregone benefit or valve •that would have been obtained by choosing an alternative over another. Alternatively, some of us call this as the tradeoff. Trade off refers to a situation where you have to make a decision over another in order to have more beneficial result.
Opportunity cost
refer to the resources consumed in production in order to make product and services. “In layman’s term, they are inputs used for the production procas
Economic resources
Study of people in the organization or society and how prople behave and influene the world. that sorround them
Social science
principle in economics whic analyze how people create and execute choices in distributing limited resources for the satisfaction of limilitless wants and nuds based on their social behav
Economics as social science
is the use of scientific method and knowledge in order to archieve practical of effective result to be used in decision making.
Applied science
refers to the use of economics concepts and theories and their application in real life scenarios and conditions.
Economics as applied science
The economic resources
Land labor capital
Two divisions of economics
Marcoeeconomics and microeconomics
division of economics that is concerned with the studies how an overall performances of the entire economy behaves. Macroeconomics attempts to quantify the performance of the entire economy in differen aspects