Applications to Specific Substantive Areas Flashcards
Reminders Re Applications to Specific Substantive Areas
- interest analysis is NOT sensitive to the substantive area at issue
- under 1st Restatement, same vesting rule generally applied to entire claim
- 2nd Restatement + interest analysis, each issue may be analyzed separately
Torts - First Restatement Vesting Rule
- governing law = where injury occurred
Torts - 2nd Restatement Factual Connections to Consider
Factual connections include place:
1) of injury
2) of conduct causing injury
3) where the parties are at home
4) where the relationship, if any, is centered
Torts - 2nd Restatement Policy Principles to Consider
- relevant policies of the forum state
- relevant policies of other connected states
Torts - Usual Outcome
- for all 3 approaches, governing law almost always = law of place of injury
-> BUT exceptions arise occasionally, especially under interest analysis + most significant relationship
Torts - Exceptions to Usual Outcome
Typically arise when:
- rule at issue = loss distribution rule (loss limitations, vicarious liability rules, + rules eliminating liability like immunity rules)
- parties share a common domicile
Contracts - Choice of Law Provision
- choice of law provision allows parties to select law that will apply to their own contract
- enforced if valid and express
Impact of Choice of Law Provision
- if choice of law provision is enforced, the provision displaces the choice of law analysis that the court would otherwise perform
- if choice of law provision is rejected, court should conduct a choice of law analysis
- if in doubt on bar exam, find the provision invalid
Reasons to Find Contractual Choice of Law Provision Invalid
- if the law selected has no reasonable relationship to the contract
- if the provision was included w/o true mutual consent
Contracts - First Restatement Vesting Rules
- Rule 1: if case about FORMATION, apply law of place of contracting
-> ex’s of formation issues include: 1) capacity, 2) contractual formalities and 3) consideration - Rule #2: if case about PERFORMANCE, apply law of place of performance
-> ex: 1) time, place, + manner of performance, and 2) excuses for nonperformance
Contracts - Second Restatement Factual Considerations
1) place of contracting
2) place of negotiation
3) place of performance
4) place where parties are at home
Contracts - Second Restatement Policy Principles
1) relevant policies of forum state
2) relevant policies of other connected states AND
3) reasonable expectations of the parties
Property + Choice of Law
- one area where all approaches essentially continue to apply the same rules
-immovable (real) property -> apply law of the situs
- movable (personal) property:
1) if case involves inter vivos transaction, apply law of situs at time of transaction
2) if case involves matter relating to inheritance, apply law of decedent’s domicile at date of death
Family Law - Recognition of Marriage
- general rule: if a marriage is valid where performed, it’ll be recognized as valid everywhere
- exception: temporary relocation for marriage
-> when domiciliaries of one state temporarily relocate to another state to enter into a marriage that violates a prohibitory rule in their home state, the state of domicile won’t recognize the marriage
Family Law - Prohibitory Rules vs. Directory Rules
- prohibitory rules = rules that express a strong pub pol re marriage, such as rules against incest, polygamy, + marriage under a minimum age
- directory rules = administrative in nature
-> ex: rules requiring a marriage license, parental consent, + certificate of a blood test
Family Law - Divorce
- rule: forum applies own divorce laws
- rationale: to acquire jur, at least one party must be domiciled in the state -> state therefore has interest in applying own law
Family Law - Legitimacy Rules
- rule #1: legitimacy governed by law of mother’s domicile at time of child’s birth
- Rule #2: validity of subsequent acts of legitimation re paternity governed by law of father’s domicile
Corporations - Choice of Law
- place of incorporation for both vested rights and most significant relationship approaches