Applications Flashcards
Name 4 insurance products with embedded options
- Equity Index Annuities
- Traditional Variable Annuities
- Immediate Variable Annuities
- Structured Product - Based Variable Annuities
Describe the main features of an Equity Index Annuity
QFIQ 134 22
The investor buys the contract with a single premium and in return:
* The product promises a payoff based on the greater of a minimum guaranteed floor and the performance of a reference index
* Usually lasts for 7-10 years
* If the index gains, the investor participates in the gains in excess of the guaranteed floor
* If the index loses, the payoff never sinks below a minimum level
* EIAs offer downside and protection and upside potential
Name 5 crediting methods for EIAs
- Point-to-Point PTP
- PTP with a cap rate
- Cliquet
- Cliquet with a cap rate
- High Water Mark
Give the maturity benefit of the 5 main crediting mechanisms
- Point-to-Point PTP: max{1+α (ST - S0)/S0 ; egT}
- PTP with a cap rate: max{min[1+α (ST - S0)/S0 ; eCAP]; egT}
- Cliquet: Π(i, T) max[1+α (Sk - Sk-1)/Sk-1 ; eg]
- Cliquet with a cap rate: Π(i, T) max[min{1+α (Sk - Sk-1)/Sk-1; ecap} ; eg]
- High Water Mark: max{1+α (SMax - S0)/S0 ; egT}
Describe some differences between EIA and trad VA
- There is no separate account for EIAs, all premiums go into the insurer’s general accounts and benefits come out of there, just like life insurance
- With EIA, Equity risk lies largely with insurer, where VA places equity risk with p/h
- EIA only allow some percentage of participation in equity returns while VA holders can choose and fully benefit from any equity returns
- VA upside potential is limitless
- VA holders can dynamically transfer funds btw investment strategies and EIA holders cannot
- EIAs do not charge fees as they control cost through participation rates/caps/floors
- In USA, EIAs are sold as fixed annuities not under SEC, VAs are regulated by SEC
- EIAs usually involve a static hedge and VAs need a dynamic hedge
- EIA is like a call option while a VA is a put
- EIAs are short term, VAs are medium/long term
- Equity index in EIA are not total return indices as used for separate account products
What are sources of revenue for the insurer for trad VA?
- Rider charge (margin offset)
- Insurance charge
- Admin expense charge
- Mortality and Expense fee (M&E)
- Investment management charge
- Surrender charge
What is the AV during the accumulation phase for a trad VA
Discrete time: Fk/n = F0 Sk/n/S0 (1-m/n)k
n = # periods per year, m = annual rate of charges
Cts time: Ft = F0 St/S0 e-mt
Name the 5 guarantees for traditional VAs
- GMWB for life (GLWB)
Name 4 mechanisms for adjusting the guaranteed amount during the VA life
- Reset option
- Rollup option
- Lifetime high step up option
- Annual high step up option
Define the Reset option for VA
Let T0 = 0 < T1 < … be renewal dates
Under a reset option, the guarantee base at time Tk is
GTk = Max(GTk-1, FTk)
Define the Rollup option for VA
Let ρ = rollup rate. Assume this is the nominal rate payable n times a year. The guarantee base at time k/n is
Gk/n = G0 (1 + ρ/n)k
<=> G(k+1)/n = Gk/n (1 + ρ/n)
Define the Lifetime high step up option for VA
G(k+1)/n = Max(Gk/n; F(k+1)/n)
Define the annual high step up option for VA
G(k+1)/n = Gk/n Max(Fk/n; F(k+1)/n)/Fk/n
This equation leads to:
Gk/n = G0 Π(0, k-1) Max(1; F(j+1)/n/Fj/n)
Describe the GMMB for VA
The guaranteed minimum maturity benefit
* It guarantees that the p/d receives the greater of the underlying investment fund or the pre-agree minimum maturity benefit G
* The guaranteed amount G plays the role of an option strike since it is fixed at inception
* GMMB is a put sold by the insurer on the underlying fund. It is European with maturity equal to the end of the VA contract
What is the PV of the gross/net liabilities under a GMMB
The PV of GROSS liability is e-rT (G-FT)+ I(Tx > T)
The NET liability has PV Le(Tx) = e-rT (G-FT)+ I(Tx > T) - MMin(T, T)
Mt = ∫(0,t) me e-rsFsds, me = cont rate of rider charge for GMMB
Describe the GMAB, what is the benefit payment at the end of the second period?
The GMAB works like the GMMB except that the guarantee is renewed at the end of the first term T1 to a new guarantee value G1 = Max(G0; FT1)
If the separate account performs, the guarantee is set to account value, otherwise it remains at the inital level
The benefit payment at the end of the second period is Max(G0; FT1) (1 - FT2/G1)= I(Tx > T2)
Describe the GMDB for VA
The guaranteed minimum death benefit
* This option is similar to the GMMB that it is a put option, but with a couple exceptions
* The excess of guarantee over investment fund account is payable on death, which is a random variable
* Valuation needs to account for the probability of death at any time t during the contract
What is the PV of the gross/net liabilities under a GMDB
Assume a rollup option (Gt = G0eρt
The PV of Gross liability is e-rTx (GTx - FTx)+ I(Tx < T)
The PV of net liability is
Ld(Tx) = e-rTx (GTx - FTx)+ I(Tx < T) - MMin(T, Tx)
Mt = ∫(0,t) md e-rsFsds
What is the incremental AV under a GMWB VA
F(k+1)/n - Fk/n = [(S(k+1)/n - Sk/n)/Sk/n Fk/n] - m/n Fk/n - w/n
This can be written as F(k+1)/n = Max(0; [S(k+1)/n/Sk/n Fk/n] - m/n Fk/n - w/n
where w/n represents an actual withdrawal amount
Describe the liability of a GMWB from the insurer’s perspective
Let τ = min{k/n} s.t. Fk/n <=0
The PV of insurer liabilities is PV of all withdrawals after ruin time and before maturity. They also collect M&E fees while the account has a balance to make profits. Therefore:
Lw(n) = Σ(nτ, max[nτ-1, nT]) e-rk/n w/n - Σ(1, min[nτ-1, nT]) e-r(k-1)/nF(k-1)/n mw/n
Describe the GLWB for VA
- As the name suggests, these withdrawals are guaranteed for life
- The amount of each withdrawal is usually a percentage of AV at beginning of year (xWL = h = guaranteed withdrawal rate)
- The total amount of these withdrawals is unlimited
- Often GLWB contain features to increase the guaranteed withdrawal amount if the fund performs well
- On policy anniversary, the AV is compared to a fixed WBB = withdrawal benefit base
- If AV > Benefit Base at anniversary, then the guaranteed withdrawal amount is increased
What is the net liability of the insurer for a GLWB
Lw(n) = Σ(nτ, max[nτ-1, nTx]) e-r(k+1)/n Gk/n h/n - Σ(0, min[nτ-1, nTx]) e-rk/nGk/n mw/n
When n goes to infinity, we get
Lw(inf) = h ∫(τ, max[τ,Tx]) e-rtGtdt - mw ∫(0, min[τ, Tx]) e-rtGtdt
For an immediate VA, what is the P/h subaccount value at time k
Fk = (Fk-1 - Pk-1) Ik = Sk/Sk-1 (1-m)(Fk-1 - Pk-1)
Where Ik = [Sk-1 + (Sk - Sk-1)]/Sk-1 (1-m)
And Pk = P0 Sk/S0 [(1-m)/(1+i)]k
For a whole life immediate VA, what is the P/h subaccount value at time k
Let the intial payout rate be P0 = F0/äx
The time k value of the subaccount is
Fk = (Fk-1 - Pk-1) Ik = Sk/Sk-1 (1-m) (Fk-1 - Pk-1)
Or Fk = Sk/S0 (1-m)k (F0 - P0äk|)
How do we price the GMMB
The expected payoff of the GMMB is E[(G - FT)+] Tpx
The price at time t to charge for the GMMB is calculated via BSM as
Be(t, F) = Tpx BSPt(F, T-t, G, m)
How do we value the rider charges used to fund the GMMB
The time t value of all rider charges is ∫(t,T) e-r(s-t)meFs I(s < Tx)ds
Taking the expectation, we get Pe(t, F) = metpxF∫(0, T-t) e-msspx+tds
How do we price a GMAB
The first period benefit is similar to a GMMB of maturity T1:
Be(t, F) = T1px BSPt(f, T1-t, G, m)
The second period benefit is more complicated
Ba(2)(t, F) = T2pxe-r(T2-t) E[Max(G0; FT1)|Ft = F] E[(1-FT2/G1)+]
How do we price a GMDB
Since the GMDB is a put with variable expiry (time of death), we can integrate over the PDF of Tx
Bd(0, F) = ∫(0, T) BSP0(t, G, F) fTx(t)dt
How do we value the rider charges used to fund a GMDB
The time t value of all rider charges is given by
∫(t, Min(T,Tx)) e-r(s-t)mdFsds
Taking an expecation, we see that the no arbitrage value of the income fee deductions of the GMDB at any point t during the contract is
Pd(t, F) = mdFt tpxāx+t:T-t;m
Describe the general flow of a hedging program for a GMMB
A hedging strategy is typically implemented in a way similar to a discrete time model as follows
1. Begin with 0 value. Estimate Δ0 and hold that many shares of the underlying asset
2. Update Δt periodically and adjust stock holdings accordingly
3. Increase (decrease) stock holdings by borrowing (lending) to the money market account
4. If Δ0 is positive, the purchase shares by borrowing from money market account, else short that many shares and deposit into MM account
What are the steps for hedging a derivative with exogeneous cash flows
- Begin with 0 value. Estimate Δ0 and hold that many shares of the underlying asset
- Deposit net CF C0</sub in the MM account
- Collect and deposit net CFs over time Ct into MM account
- Update Δt periodically and adjust stock holdings accordingly
- Increase (decrease) stock holdings by borrowing (lending) to the money market account. If Δ0 is positive, the purchase shares by borrowing from money market account and/or using the initial CF C0, else short that many shares and deposit into MM account
What are three objectives of new VA products
P/hs, asset managers and insurers are looking for new ways to make product portfolios that
* Reduce balance sheet exposure to difficult to hedge risks like volatility spikes
* Enable insurers to support meaningful retirement income levels
* Minimize loss of investment upside potential perceived by clients