Application Services Flashcards
What is Kinesis Analytics?
Service which allows you to run SQL queries against data inside Kinesis Streams or Firehose, and then use the query to store the data in S3, Redshift, or an Elasticsearch Cluster
What is Kinesis
It used to consume huge amounts of data. A platform in AWS to send your streaming data to. Kinesis makes it easy to load and analyze streaming data, and allows you to make custom applications.
How long can SQS messages be kept in the queue?
From 1 minute to 14 days, with a default of 4 days
If an SQS queue is producing messages faster than resources can consume them, what can you do?
Create an autoscaling group triggered by the number of messages in the queue to automatically scale up or down
What is the file format of SNS messages?
How are SWF Domains stored?
They are JSON files
How long do shards remain in Kinesis Streams?
24 hours (default) up to 7 days
How many transactions per second can be processed by a standard SQS queue?
Nearly unlimited
What is SQS Long Polling?
It is a way to retrieve messages from a queue that might be empty. With regular polling, SQS returns an immediate response, but with long polling, SQS doesn’t return a response until a message arrivesor the long polling time out
Is SQS pull or push based?
SQS is pull based, meaning the consuming resources are pulling messages from the queue
How many transactions per second can be processed by a fifo SQS queue?
300 per second
What do you do if API Gateway gives an error regarding the Same Origin Policy?
CORS must be enabled on the API Gateway
How do you prevent service attacks to API Gateway?
You can enable throttling in API Gateway
Is SNS pull or push based
SNS is push based, meaning it “pushes” notifications to consuming services such as email, text, CloudWatch, etc
What are the two types of SQS queues?
1`. Standard queue (default) - A message is guaranteed to be delivered, but there might occasionally be a duplicate, and it has best-effort ordering, so messages may not be processed in the order they were sent
2. Fifo queues - Guarantees messages will be processed in the same order they were sent and exactly once
True or false: API Gateway requests can be logged in CloudWatch
What is SNS?
Simple Notification Service - Used to deliver notifications, such as CloudWatch alerts or emails, to subscribers based on conditions in AWS