Application Modernization Flashcards
What is a monolithic achitecture?
A monolithic architecture is an architecture whereby applications are composed as indivisible units of software. Even though an application can have many different components, none of those components can be deployed as stand alone services
What is a microservices architecture?
A microservices architecture is an architecture whereby applications are composed of divisible units of software. Each component that makes up an application can be deployed as a stand alone service
What is a Dockerfile?
A Dockerfile is a file of instructions for building container images
What is a container registry?
A container registry is a repository for container images
What is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is a system for deploying and managing containerized applications
What is orchestration?
Orchestration is the automated configuration, management, and coordination of computer systems, applications, and services
What is a pod?
A pod is the smallest unit of execution in Kubernetes and holds 1 or more containers
What is a node?
A node is a virtual or physical machine used to run 1 or more pods
What is a cluster?
A cluster is a set of nodes and control plane
What is the purpose of the control plane?
The purpose of the control plane is to manage nodes and pods
What are the 4 components of a control plane?
- API Server
- Scheduler: assigns pods to nodes
- Controller Manager: monitors cluster state
- etcd: key-value store for all cluster data
What are the 4 components of a node?
- Pod
- Container runtime: runs the containers inside pods
- Kube-proxy: maintains network communication rules to pods
- Kubelet: makes sure the containers in pods are running
Does Kubernetes interact with containers directly?
No. Kubernetes interacts with pods
What is the purpose of a configuration file?
To specify the desired state of a cluster
What is a deployment object?
A deployment is a file that defines a pod’s desired behavior and life cycle
What are ConfigMap objects?
ConfigMap objects are key-value pairs that define environment variables for pods. This decouples environment configuration from container images so that your applications are easily portable. Containers in the pod reference the ConfigMap and use its values
Does each pod get its own IP address?
How do pods communicate with one another?
Through Kubernetes service objects
What is load balancing?
Load balancing is the process of efficiently distributing network traffic among multiple resources
What is the purpose of an ingress object?
To expose traffic routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster
What is PaaS?
PaaS offers a set of services to build and manage modern applications so organizations do not need to manage the underlying infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems)
For example, developers can build custom applications online without having to deal with hardware, operating system, storage, and infrastructure management and maintenance issues
What is the purpose of a service mesh?
Weaves together thousands of microservices through automated, cross-channel communication between running applications
What is the purpose of IaC?
What is the difference among IaaS, PaaS, SaaS?
What is CI/CD?