APPENDIX A Flashcards
Chordata (kor-da’tah)
Phylum in which man is classified
Vertebrata (ver´´tӗ-bra´tah)
Subphylum in which man is classified
Mammalia (mah-ma’le-ah)
Class in which man is classified
Primate (pri´māt)
Order in which man is classified
Homo sapiens
Proper way to write genus and species of man
Adenohypophysis (ad´´ӗ-no-hi-pof-ĭ-sis)
The anterior and intermediate part of the pituitary gland
Neurohypophysis (noor´´o-hi-pof´ə-sis)
The posterior pituitary or “pars nervosa”
Hypophysis Cerebri (hi-pof´ə-sis sə-re´bri)
pituitary gland (entire structure)
Epiphysis Cerebri (ə-pif´ə-sis sə-re´bri)
pineal gland (body)
Embryo (em´bre-o)
The name given to the developing human prior to the end of the second month of gestation
Fetus (fe´təs)
Name applied to the developing human after the second month through parturition (birth)
Neonate (ne´o-nāt)
The newborn infant (at this point we prefer calling them Fred, Sally, etc.)
Denate (den´tāt)
notch or toothlike
Arcuate (ar´ku-āt)
Arrange like an arch
Striae (striatal) (stri´e)
A groove or streak-like formation
Rectus (rek´təs)
Means straight
Reticular (rə-tik´u-Iər)
Fissure (fish´ər)
A relatively deep groove (infolding)
Sulcus (sul´kəs)
A relatively shallow groove (infolding)
Gyrus (ji´rəs)
Tortuous convolution. Usually found between the sulci and/or fissures of the cerebrum
Folia (fo´le-ə)
small page-like gyri of the cerebellum
Nuclei (noo´kle-i)
As used in neurology, a cluster or group of neuron cell bodies located within the CNS
Ganglia (gang´gle-ə)
A cluster or group of neuron cell bodies within the PNS (a few exceptions do exist within the CNS)
Neuron (noor’ on)
A nerve cell
Perikaryon (per´´ ĭ -kar´e-on)
used synonymously with the cell body (soma) of the neuron
Axon (ak´son)
A process of a neuron which carries the impulse away from the cell body (perikaryon)
Dendrite (den´drīt)
A process (often several) of a neuron which carries a charge or impulse toward the cell body
Fiber (fi’ ber)
If a neuron has a dominately long process (dendrite or axon) that process can be called a “fiber.” It may be designated also as a “nerve fiber” or a “neuron fiber”
Nerve (nerv)
These are the whitish appearing PNS structures fill with neuron fibers which innervate body’s parts
Ramus (ra´məs)
Literall means a branch. In neurology, we call the major branches off the spinal nerve trunks the white ramus, gray ramus, ventral ramus etc
Axolemma (ak-so-lem´ah)
Name often applied to the outer plasma membrane (plasmalemma) of an axon
Neurilemma (noor´´ ĭ-lem´ə)
A covering around a neuron fiber created by a surrounding cell (It may or may not be myelinated)
Vertebral Canal (Neural Canal)
passageway created by the continuous nature of vertebral foramina
Central Canal
A tiny channel found within the spinal cord and inferior medulla oblongata
Aqueduct (ak´we-dukt´´)
passageway, e.g.– cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius)
Leptomeninx (lep´´to-men´inks)
Thin membrane. Collective term for the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Pachymeninx (pak´´e-me´ninks)
Thick membrane. Used synonymously with the dura mater
Somesthetic (so´´mes-thet´ik)
To sense the body
Modality (mo-dal´ĭ-te)
A specific sensory entity, such as gustatory (taste), olfaction (smell), pain, etc.