Appendicular skeleton practice questions Flashcards
Which part of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium?
sternal end
A shoulder separation results from injury to the ________.
acromioclavicular joint
Which feature lies between the spine and superior border of the scapula?
supraspinous fossa
What structure is an extension of the spine of the scapula?
Name the short, hook-like bony process of the scapula that projects anteriorly
coracoid process
How many bones are there in the upper limbs combined?
Which bony landmark is located on the lateral side of the proximal humerus?
greater tubercle
Which region of the humerus articulates with the radius as part of the elbow joint?
Which is the lateral-most carpal bone of the proximal row?
The radius bone ________.
has a head that articulates with the radial notch of the ulna
How many bones fuse in adulthood to form the hip bone?
Which component forms the superior part of the hip bone?
Which of the following supports body weight when sitting?
ischial tuberosity
The ischial spine is found between which of the following structures?
lesser schiatic notch and greater schiatic notch
The pelvis ________.
has a subpubic angle that is larger in females
Which bony landmark of the femur serves as a site for muscle attachments?
lesser trochanter
What structure contributes to the knee joint?
medial condyle of the tibia
Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia and fibula?
What is the total number of bones found in the foot and toes?
The tibia ________.
is firmly anchored to the fibula by an interosseous membrane
Which event takes place during the seventh week of development?
the rotation of the limbs
During endochondral ossification of a long bone, ________.
growth of the epiphyseal plate will produce bone lengthening
The clavicle ________.
develops via intramembranous ossification