What are the three functional roles of appendicular skeleton?
- Allows for completion of daily tasks such as dressing up, eating, writing, using a smart phone, etc
- Allows for adjustments in body posture
- Allows for mobility of the body
What is glenohumeral joint?
Ball and socket; allows movement in multiple places
What is rotator cuff?
Joint capsule of glenohumeral joint is weak; reinforced by four shoulder muscles
What is the joint between trochlea and trochlear notch?
Hinge; allows flexion/extension of forearm
What is the joint between capitulum and radial head?
Condylar (ellipsoid); allows pronation/supination of forearm
What is the joint between radius and scaphoid?
Condylar; allows flexion;extension and abduction/adduction of hand
What is joint between trapezium and 1st metacarpal?
Saddle-shaped; allows for opposition of thumb
What is hip joint?
Ball and socket; allows movement in multiple planes
What is iliofemoral ligament?
Capsule of hip joint reinforced anteriorly by and important for upright posture
What is knee joint?
Hinge; allows flexion/extension of leg
What is ACL?
Anterior cruciate ligament
What is joint between tibia and talus (ankle joint)?
Hinge; allows plantarflexion/dorsiflexion of foot
What is joint between talus and navicular?
Condylar; allows inversion/eversion of foot
Which carpal bone is found ONLY in the anterior view?
Which carpal bone is found ONLY in the posterior view?
Which three parts of the os coxae is ONLY part of the medial view?
- Iliac fossa
- Auricular surface
- Pubic symphysis
Which two parts of the os coxae is ONLY part of the lateral view?
- Ischial tuberosity
- Acetabulum
Who has a wider ischial spine, male or female?
Which two parts are part of the femur ONLY in the anterior view?
- Intertrochanteric line
- Patellar surface
Which two parts are part of the femur ONLY in the posterior view?
- Gluteal tuberosity
- Linea aspera
Which part of the tibia and fibula is ONLY part of the anterior view?
Tibial tuberosity
Is the ulna or radius closer to the body with palm facing down?
Is the ulna or radius closer to the body with palm facing up?
Is the ulna or radius bigger?
Ulna due to the olecranon bulging out from the top
Is the fibula or tibia bigger?
Is the fibula or tibia closer to the body with feet facing forward?
How many cuneiforms do we have in our foot?
What are the two joints of the clavicle?
- Sternoclavicular joint
- Acromioclavicular joint