Appedicular Skeleton, Lower Limb Flashcards
What is #1?

Attachment point of the patellar ligament
What is #2?

Attachment point of the quadriceps tendon
What is #3?

What is #4?

What is #5?

Lateral facet
What is #6?

Medial facet
What is #7?

Articular surface
What is #1?

Greater trochanter
What is #2?

What is #3?

Femoral head
What is #4?

Interrochanteric line
What is #5?

Lesser trochanter
What is #6?

Adductor tubercle
What is #7?

Medial epicondyle
What is #8?

Meidal condyle
What is #9?

Lateral condyle
What is #10?

Lateral condyle
What is #11?

Patellar surface
What is #12?

What is #13?

Femoral head
What is #14?

Fovea capitis
What is #15?

Greater trochanter
What is #16?

Greater trochanter
What is #17?

Gluteal tuberosity
What is #18?

Linea aspera
What is #19?

Lateral supraconlyar ridge
What is #20?

Popliteal surface
What is #21?

Lateral epicondyle
What is #22?

Lateral condyle
What is #23?

Intercondylar fossa
What is #24?

Medial condyle
What is #25?

Medial epicondyle
What is #26?

Lesser trochanter
What is #1?

Superior tibiofibular joint
What is #2?

Meidal tibial condyle
What is #3?

Tibial tuberosity
What is #4?

Interosessous memenbrane
What is #5?

Anterior margin
What is #6?

What is #7?

Medial melleolus
What is #8?

Inferior articular surface
What is #9?

Lateral Malleolus
What is #10?

What is #11?

Head of the fibula
What is #12?

Lateral tibial condyle
What is #13?

Medial tibial condyle
What is #14?

Articular surface of the medial tibial condyle
What is #15?

Intercondylar eminence
What is #16?

Articular surface of the lateral tibial condyle
What is #17?

Lateral tibial condyle
What is #18?

Head of the fibula
What is #19?

What is #20?

Inferior tibiofibular joint
What is #21?

Lateral maleolus
What is #22?

Meidal malleolus
What is #23?

What is #24?

Interosseous membrane
What is #1?

Metatarsals (I-V)
What is #2?

Tarsals (cuneiform bones)
What is #3?

Tarsal (navicular)
What is #4?

Phalanges (hallux, distal,medial, and proximal)
What is #5?

Tarsal (cuboid)
What is #6?

Tarsal (talus)
What is #7?

Tarsal (calcaneus)
What is #1?

Illium bone
What is #2?

Iliac crest
What is #3?

What is #4?

Sacral foramen
What is #5?

What is #6?

Ischial spine
What is #7?

Obturator foramen
What is #8?

Superior ramus of pubic
What is #9?

Inferior ramus of pubic
What iis #10?

What is #11?

Pubic symphysis
What is #12?

Obturator membrane
What is #13?

Iliofemoral ligament
What is #14?

Anterior inferior iliac spine
What is #15?

Anterior longitudinal ligament
What is #16?

Fourth lumbar
What is #17?

Fifth lumbar
What is #18?

Iliolumbar ligament
What is #19?

Poupart’s ligament
What is #20?

Anterior sacroiliac liagment
What is #21?

Superior ligament of pubis
What is #22?

Interpubic fibrocartliage
What is #23?

Arcuate ligament of pubis
What is #1?

Crest of the ilium
What is #2?

Middle gluteal line
What is #3?

Anterior superior iliac spine
What is #4?

Anterior inferior iliac spine
What is #5?

Acetabulum or cotyloid cavity
What is #6?

Articular portion of cotyloid
What is #7?

Body of pubis
What is #8?

Spine of pubis
Whatis #9?

Obturator groove
What is #10?

Inferior or descending ramus of pubis
What is #11?

Obturator foramen
What is #12?

Tuberosity of ischium
What is #13?

Small sciatic notch
What is #14?

Spine of the ischium
What is #15?

Great sciatic notch
What is #16?

Posterior inferior spine of the ilium
What is #17?

Posterior superior spine of ilium
What is #18?

Tuberosity of ilium
What is #19?

Posterior gluteal line
What is #20?

Iliac fossa
What is #21?``

Iliac crest
What is #22?

Tuberosity of ilium
What is #23?

Pre-articular groove
What is #24?

Posterior superior iliac spine
What is #25?

Posterior inferior iliac spine
What is #26?

Auricular surface
What is #27?

Iliosciatic or great sciatic notch
What is #28?

Body of the ischium
Whatis #29?

Spine of the ischium
What is #30?

Superior ramus of the ischium
What is #31?

Tuberosity of the ischium
What is #32?

Inferior ramus of the ischium
What is #33?

Obturator groove
What is #34?

Descending ramus of the pubis
What is #35?

Surface of the symphysis pubis
What is #37?

Posterior obturator tubercle
What is #38?

Obturator groove
What is #39?

Pubic portion of the iliopectineal line
What is #40?

Iliopectineal eminence
What is #41?

Iliac portion of iliopectineal line
What is #42?

Anterior inferior iliac spine
What is #43?

Anterior superior iliac spine