AppBrewery - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp Using Dart Flashcards
blank screen for app;
implements the basic material design visual layout structure.
This class provides APIs for showing drawers, snack bars, and bottom sheets.
use it to place common items on your screen
Column, Row
A widget that displays its children in a vertical, horizontal array.
get image from internet, typically provide as source Image(), using ‘’ url
The image will be cached.
codesigning iOS
sign app build with certificate from Apple.
ensures source of app, for security.
enables installation, App Store, etc.
app of Material design
typically root widget
An application that uses material design.
home property is the widget for the default route of the app.
A convenience widget that wraps a number of widgets that are commonly required for material design applications.
It builds upon a WidgetsApp by adding material-design specific functionality.
MaterialApp props
home: where our app starts
app starting point
in main.dart
, start at void main()
bar at top of app
title, actions, ThemeIcon, etc.
can put in scaffold’s appbar prop
Image, widget
widget to contain an image, a portrait, with an image property to set
for strings, ‘ or “ ?
’ in Dart
Inflate the given widget and attach it to the screen.
configuration file;
inform app of assets here
how to add an asset
- folder for asset type (e.g. images), with asset, in root of project
- in pubspec.yaml, add asset to flutter;
how to use image asset
site for generating app icons
where to put app icons in Flutter
go to ios and android assets;
android->app->src->main->res folder, replace mipmaps
ios->Runner->Assets.xcassets; replace Assets.xcassets
hot reload updates
stateless and stateful widgets
shortcut for statetless widget
type stless
build method
comes with stateless widget, gets called whenever we create a new version of this widget
hot restart
R; hot reload + state reset