Apparatus Uses Flashcards
Triple Beam Balance
Used to measure the mass of object
Used to contain reactions. Used as container for samples
Used for filtration. To hold filter paper. May be used in pouring.
Test Tube
Reaction vessel for small volumes . Many used and can be heated.
Test tube holder
Used to hold test tube
Test tube rack
Used to hold test tubes in an upright position
Graduated cylinder
Used for accurately measuring volumes of liquid
Stirring Rod
Used for stirring chemicals.
Watch Glass
Used to cover beakers .
Used in evaporating very small amounts of liquid.
Used for exact measurements of small amounts of liquid.
Is pipette controllersthat allow you to easily draw samples into a pipette
Mortar and pestle
Used for grinding solid chemicals to fine powder
Florence Flask
- It isused as a container to hold liquids.
It is designed for uniform heating, boiling, distillation and ease of swirling
Volumetric Flask
-Used in the preparation of solutions.
-For accurately measuring large volumes of volatile liquid.
- used for storing volatile liquid
Erlenmeyer Flask
-Used to contain reaction solutions.
- usedto contain liquids and for mixing, heating, cooling, incubation, filtration, storage, and other liquid-handling processes
-Used to transfer small amounts of liquid.
Used to transfer solid chemicals
Crucible with cover
Used for heating to very high temperatures
Wire gauze
-To spread the heat of a flame
- to diffuse the heat, helping protect the glassware
Evaporating Dish
Used for evaporation of liquids and solutions to produce a solid substance or concentrated solutions
Bunsen Burner
-Used for heating chemicals
-to heat chemicals in beakers or test tubes
Iron stand
- support with many uses
- used forfixing and supports various instruments
Iron ring
To fasten to the ring stand as a support for apparatus.
used to support various items of glassware, such as beakers, flasks, and test tubes
Spot plate
- for microscale reactions
- to perform reactions on a small amount of chemicals.
Rubber and Cork Stopper
Used to seal flask
Crucible tongs
-To pick up and hold apparatus
- to lift a hot crucible from a furnace or for other items which cannot be handled with bare hands.
Clay triangle
To support the crucible while it is heated over aBunsen burner
For measurement of temperature
Wash bottle
To dispense distilled water
disinfect a lab countertop with bleach, rinse and wash reusable glass and plastic equipment, clean electrodes, work with harsh chemicals, or bring reagents to volume.
Used for cleaning apparatus
Wire loop
used to transfer microorganisms to growth media or for Staining slides