App PP Flashcards
Medical Records Retained for
5 yrs From Discharge
3 yrs after Resident reaches legal age
Refer Residents with lost or damaged dentures for dental Services
within 3 days
Must promptly, within 3 days, refer residents with lost or damaged dentures for dental services. If a referral does not occur within 3 days, the facility must provide documentation of what they did to ensure the resident could still eat and drink adequately while awaiting dental services and the extenuating circumstances that led to the delay.
PRN orders for psychotic drugs are limited to
14 days
Facilities must post the Nursing staff data and retain for
minimum of 18 month
Dental services
The facility must assist residents in obtaining routine and 24-hour emergency dental care.
Frequency of Physicians visits
At least once every 30 days
for the first 90 days
at least once every 60 days thereafter
Significant Weight Loss
1 Month 5% or greater
3 Months 7.5% or greater
6 Months 10% or greater
Unstageable Pressure Ulcer
Obscured by slough or eschar
If the slough or eschar is removed a stage 3 or stage 4 will be revealed
Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer
Exposed or directly palpable fascia, muscle tendon, ligament, cartilage or bone in the ulcer
Stage 3 Pressure ulcer
Skin loss
Slough &/or Eschar may be visible
Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer
Skin Loss
Exposed dermis
Stage 1 Pressure injury
intact skin
Venous or Stasis Ulcer
Open lesion
Diabetic Neuropathic Ulcer
Requires that the Resident be diagnosed w/ diabetes Mellitus & have peripheral Neuropathy
Arterial Ulcer
Inadequate Blood Supply to the extremity may initially present as intermittent claudication
Palliative Care
Never Cure/Comfort care
Optimizes quality of life. preventing & treating suffering
Activities Program Must be directed by a qualified professional that
Has 2yrs of experience in social or recreation program in the last 5 yrs
Has completed a train course approved by the state
1-For newly admitted residents, the comprehensive care plan must be completed within
2- A residents assessment instrument/Comprehensive Assessment must be completed with in _______ after admission
3- For newly admitted residents , the comprehensive care plan must be completed within seven days of completion of. the comprehensive assessment and no more than
1- 7 Days
2- 14 days
3 - 21 Days after admission
Interdisciplinary Team is made up of
A - Attending Physician
B - RN Responsible for the resident
C - A CNA/Nurse Aide responsible for the resident
D - Member of the Dietary TM
E - Residents Representative
Comprehensive Care Plan is developed in
7 Days of the completion of the Comprehensive Assessment
excluding readmissions in which there is no significant change in the resident’s physical or mental condition
Not less than once every 12 months.
Baseline Care Plan Consist of what
A - Initial Goals
B - Physicians Orders
C - Dietary Orders
D - Therapy Services
E - Social Services
F - PASARR = Pre-admission screening & Resident Review
(Recommendation if Applicable )
Baseline Care Plan Do within
48 hrs of Residents Admission
Transmittal requirements
Within 14 days after a facility completes a resident’s assessment,
Encoding data
within 7 days after a facility completes a resident’s assessment
Transmitting data
Within 7 days after a facility completes a resident’s assessment,
Facilities are required to maintain _________ months of Assessments data in each Residents Active clinical Records
When to report abuse
No later then 2hrs after forming a suspicion of harm
No later then 24hrs if the event does not cause bodily injury
& Components of the Abuse Policies
1 - Screening
2 - training
3- Prevention
4 - Identification
5 - Investigation
6 - Protection
7 - Reporting
Maintain a Copy of All Grievances decisions for a period no less then
3yrs from the issuance of the grievance
activities program must be directed by a qualified professional
1- Has 2 years of experience in a social or recreational program within the last 5 years, one of which was full-time in a therapeutic activities program; or
2- Has completed a training course approved by the State.
(a) Vision and hearing
(1) In making appointments, and
(2) By arranging for transportation to and from
“Colonized” refers
to the presence of micro-organisms on the surface or in the tissue of a wound without the signs and symptoms of an infection.
“Infected” refers
to the presence of micro-organisms in sufficient quantity to overwhelm the defenses of viable tissues and produce the signs and symptoms of infection.
“Eschar” is
dead or devitalized tissue that is hard or soft in texture
“Slough” is
non-viable yellow, tan, gray, green or brown tissue
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to have a MSDS available for all hazardous materials that staff use while performing their duties
Water Temperature -
155°F. 1 sec 148°F 2 sec 140°F 5 sec 133°F 15 sec 127°F 1 min 124°F 3 min 120°F 5 min 100°F. Safe Temperatures for Bathing ( notes )
Burns can occur even at water temperatures below those identified in the table, depending on an individual’s condition and the length of exposure
Bacteriuria” is
defined as the presence of bacteria in the urine.
“Continence” refers
to any void that occurs voluntarily, or as the result of prompted,
assisted, or scheduled use of the bathroom.
“Urinary Incontinence” is
the involuntary loss or leakage of urine.
“Urinary Retention” is
the inability to completely empty the urinary bladder by
Follow-Up of UTIs
Recurrent UTIs (2 or more in 6 months) in a noncatheterized individual may warrant additional evaluation (such as a determination of an abnormal post void residual (PVR) urine volume or a referral to a urologist) to rule out structural abnormalities such as enlarged prostate, prolapsed bladder, periurethral abscess, strictures, bladder calculi, polyps and tumors.