APK 4175 Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the smallest functional unit of a muscle fiber where muscle action takes place?
What is a Motor Unit?
a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates
What are the different kinds of muscle fibers types and their attributes?
Type l - Slow twitch
-High oxidative capacity
-lower contractile force capacity
-better for endurance
Type ll- Fast twitch
-High glycolytic capacity
-higher contractile capacity
-Strength and power activities
What are the contractile proteins in skeletal muscle?
Actin and Myosin
What is the muscle spindle vs golgi tendon organ?
Muscle spindle: Provide information about the rate of change in muscle length
Golgi tendon Organ: Located in the musculotendinous junction and respond to changes in muscle tension
Movements and their planes: In which plane does extension/flexion, abduction/adduction, circumduction/rotation occur?
extension/ flexion: Sagittal
abduction/ adduction: Frontal
Circumduction/ rotation: transverse
What is concentric, eccentric and isometric? Can you identify it given different exercises?
Concentric: muscle shortening, Going against gravity ex. lifting a weight
Eccentric: muscle lengthening, Going with gravity ex. lowering a weight
Isometric: When a muscle is activated but no movement occurs ex. the standing phase of a squat exercise
What is the blood-flow through the heart? Name all structures and valves?
- superior and inferior Vena cava
- into right atrium
- through tricuspid valve
- into right ventricle
- through pulmonary valve
- through pulmonary artery
- to the lungs
- through pulmonary veins
- into left atrium
- through bicuspid/ mitral valve
- into left ventricle
- through aortic vavle
- into aorta
- to the rest of the body
What is stroke volume? Cardiac output?
Stroke volume: the amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle from a contraction
Cardiac output: stroke volume x hr; blood per min
What happens to HR, Blood pressure, and respiration rate during aerobic exercise?
HR = 170-210
BP = 200/85
RR = 40-60 breaths per min
What part of the body is responsible for producing red blood cells, protecting organs and tissues, and providing support for the body?
Skeletal system
Which is lordosis, kypohosis and scoliosis?
lordosis: excessive inward curvature of the lower spine
kyphosis: excessive outward curvature of the upper spine
scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Where can you measure HR (pulse)? Which is the most commonly used during exercise?
Carotid artery; Brachial artery; Radial artery
Are body weight exercises the most appropriate for beginners and the overweight and obese?
What are the energy systems and their contribution to exercise?
Krebs and Phosphagen
How many minutes of moderate intensity activity per week should adults engage in according to the 2018 guidelines?
150 min per week
what are the recommendations for muscle strengthening activities for adults per week?
two or three times per week
What percentage of adults in the nation in 2018, are meeting both, the aerobic and muscle strengthening guidelines?
What is the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. adult population from 2015 to 2016
Obesity affects some groups more than other T/F
There is no relationship between education level and obesity T/F
Which of the following two states has the highest prevalence of obesity (>35%) from 2016-2018?
Mississippi and West Virginia
A-B ——-> A+B+Energy is an example of which type of reaction
A+B+Energy ——–> A~B is an example of which type of reaction
The breaking down of molecules into smaller ones is called
Which of the following primarily dictates the degree that an energy system contributes to the needed production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Extensive activation of which of the following energy systems is associated with lactic acid production in the muscle
Fast glycolysis
Carbon dioxide is the primary by-product of which of the following pathways in the mitochondria
Krebs cycle
Which of the following energy systems is capable of producing ATP at the greatest rate?
Which of the following energy systems is primarily active during rest
Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy for all cellular functions
Adenosine triphosphate (ADP)
Which of the following vessels or structures does the blood flow to after leaving the right ventricle
Pulmonary artery
In which of the following structures in the lungs does gas exchange take place
Cardiac output is the product of stroke volume and heart rate T/F
The higher the intensity of exercise, the higher the excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) after exercise T/F
Oxygen uptake rate can be decribed as, at the beggining of exercise the body undergoes ________ and after exercise __________
Oxygen deficit; oxygen debt
Which type of muscle action indicates the muscle fiber is shortening
the ________ explains how muscles contract
sliding filament theory
Muscle connective tissues
endomysium, perimysium, epimysium
Which muscle fiber type is only recruited through higher intensity activities
type II
Which of the following provides storage for calcium in the human body
The following assessment is an indirect measurement of pressure inside an artery cause by the force exerted by blood against the vessel wall
blood pressure
The seven skinfold measurements used for calculating body fat are
chest, midaxillary, abdominal, suprailiac, subscapularis, triceps brachii, thigh
which of the following muscle is considered the primary mover in the squat exercise during hip extension
Gluteus maximus
Body weight exercises is much easier for those who are classified as obese and its preferable than machines or resistance equipment T/F
which of the following joint actions happen in the sagittal plane
plantar flexion
Which of the following movements (joint actions) happen on the transverse plain
Which of the following spine conditions is associated with an anterior pelvic tilt, curved spine, and is common in obesity
leg raise specifically target
the hip flexors
which of the following exercises targets the deltoids
overhead press
if a client is performing concentric shoulder flexion, which of the following exercises may her or she be performing
front shoulder raises
What is the flow of air through respiratory systems?
The air that we breathe in enters the nose or mouth, flows through the throat (pharynx) and voice box (larynx) and enters the windpipe (trachea). The trachea divides into two hollow tubes called bronchi.
oxygen deficit
The period during exercise when the O2 delivered to the muscle is less than that required for ATP to be produced aerobically. The anaerobic systems make up the extra contribution required.
oxygen debt
During recovery where the O2 delivered to the muscle is above that at rest.