What are the info on Sarcosytis spp?
Sarcocystis hominis & suihominis
IS: Bradyzoite
DS: Sporocyst (meat), Tachyzoite & Merozoite (PBS)
MOT: ingestion of undercooked meat
DH: Swines & Pigs
IH: Man
Sporocysts = fluoresce under UV light
Lab Dx: biopsy of muscle
Tx: Albendazole, Metronidazole, Co-trimoxazole
Suihominis = pigs
Hominis = cows, cattles
What are the clin presentation of diff stages of n T. Gondii?
Acute toxoplasmosis = swelling of lympho nodes (supraclavicular, cervical, inguinal)
Chronic toxoplasmosis = Myositis, Focal pneumonia, CHorioretinitis, Encephalitis
Cogenital toxoplasmosis = HIC: Hydrocephalus, intracranial calcification, Chorioretinits
What are MOT, IS, DS, DH, IH, Tx of T gondii?
MOT: ingestion of undercooked meat, cat litter
IS: Oocyst (Man), Bradyzoite (meat), Tachyzoite (blood)
DS: ^any
DH: Cats
IH: man
Tx: Pyrimethamine & Sulfadiazine
What are morpho of T gondii? special conditions?
Oocyst = oval, thin-walled
In brain = spherical
In muscle = elongated
In chronic stage = lodged in tissue
Trophozoites = crescent shaped
2 forms of trophozoites: bradyzoites & tachyzoites
*Tachyzoite = acute stage
*Bradyzoite = chronic stage
What are info on Babesia?
MOT: bite of an infected Ixode tick
IS: Sporozoite
DS: Trophozoite & Merozoite (blood)
DH: cattle, white-footed mouse
AH: Man
IH: Ixodes tick
Primary reservoir: Rodents
Tx: Azithromycin + Atovaquone
Merozoite = maltese cross
Trophozoite = multiple delicate rings
What er info on. Cryptosporidium parvum & hominis?
MOT: fecal-oral route
IS: thick-walled oocyst (man)
DS: thick-walled oocyst
Autoinfection: thin-walled oocst
DH: Cattle (major host)
Tx: Nitazoxanide
What are clin presentation of Cryptosporodium spp?
Immuncompetent = self-limiting, diarrhea
IC = acute & gangrenous cholecystitis
Water, frothy diarrhea
Nursery school ourbreaks of diarrhea
Habitat: brush border of intestinal wall
What re info on Cyclospora cayetenensis?
MOT: fecal-oral route
IS: sporulated oocyst
DS: oocyst
Fluorescent immunoassay
Tx: Co=trimoxazole (trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole)
What aer the clin presentation & habitat of Cyclospora cayetenensis?
Habitat: small intestine (jejunum)
Oubreaks of raspberries, basils, & cilantro
IC = bile duct
What aer info on Cystoisospora belli?
MOT: fecal-oral route
IS: mature oocyst
DS: thin-walled oocyst
DH: man
Tx: Co-trimaxazole
What aer clin manifestations of Cystoisospora belli?
Common among AIDS px
Monoxenic = 1 host
IC = fat malabsorption, diarrhea