Abandoned In Place
Piping system, circuit or contiguous sections thereof meeting all of the following: has been decommissioned with no intention for future use; has been completely de-inventoried/purged of hydrocarbon/chemicals; and is physically disconnected from all energy sources and/or other pigging equipment.
Alloy Material
Any metallic material (including welding filler materials) that contains alloying elements, such as chromium , nickel, or molybdenum, which are intentionally added to enhance mechanical or physical properties and/or corrosion resistance. Alloys may be ferrous or non-ferrous based.
A physical change in any component that has design implications affecting the pressure containing capability or flexibility of a piping system beyond the scope of its original design. The following are NOT considered alterations: Comparable or duplicate replacements and replacements in kind.
Applicable Code
The code, code section, or other recognized and generally accepted engineering standard or practice to which the piping system was built or which is deemed by the owner/user or the piping engineer to be most appropriate for the situation including but not limited to the latest edition of ASME B31.3
Approval/ Agreement to perform a specific activity (e.g. Piping Repair) prior to the activity being performed
Authorized Inspection Agency
Defined as any of the following:
A) The inspection organization of the jurisdiction in which the piping system is used
B) The inspection organization of an insurance company that is licensed or registered to write insurance for piping systems
C) An owner or user of piping systems who maintains an inspection organization for activities relating only to his equipment and not for piping systems intended for sale or resale
D) An independent inspection organization employed by or under contract to the owner/user of piping systems that are used only by the owner/user and not for sale or resale
E) An independent inspection organization licensed or recognized by the jurisdiction in which the piping system is used and employed by or under contract to the owner/user
Authorized Piping Inspector
An employee of an owner/user organization or authorized inspection agency(3.1.6) who is qualified and certified by examination under the provisions of section 4 and Annex A and is able to perform the functions specified in API 570 where contracted or directed to do so. An NDE Examiner is not required to be an authorized piping inspector .Whenever the term inspector is used in API 570, it refers to an authorized piping inspector
Auxiliary Piping
Instrument and Machinery piping, typically small bore secondary process piping that can be isolated from primary piping systems but is normally not isolated. Examples include flush lines, seal oil lines, analyzer lines, balance lines, buffer gas lines, drains, vents
Condition Monitoring Locations CML’s
Designated areas on piping systems where periodic examinations are conducted in order to assess the condition of the piping. CML’s may contain on or more examination points and utilize multiple inspection techniques that are based on the predicted damage mechanisms. CML’s can be a single small area on a piping system E.g a 2 inch diameter spot or plane through a section of a pipe where examination points exist in all four quadrants of the plane.
NOTE: CML’s now include, but are not limited to what were previously called TML’s
Construction Code
The code or standard to which the piping system was originally built (e.g. ASME B31.3)
Contact Point
The locations at which a pipe or component rests on or against a support or other object which may increase its susceptibility to external corrosion, fretting, wear or deformation especially as a result of moisture and/or solids collecting at the interface of the pipe and supporting member.
Corrosion Allowance
Material thickness in excess of the minimum required thickness to allow for metal loss (e.g corrosion or erosion) during the service life of the piping component.
NOTE : Corrosion allowance is not used in design strength capabilities.
Corrosion Barrier
The corrosion allowance in FRP equipment typically composed of inner surface and interior later which is specified as necessary to provide the best overall resistance to chemical attack.
Corrosion Rate
The rate of metal loss from internal and/or external damage mechanisms.
Corrosion Specialist
A person acceptable to the owner/user who is knowledgeable and experienced in the specific process chemistries, degradation mechanisms, materials selection, corrosion mitigation methods, corrosion monitoring techniques, and their impact on piping systems.
Corrosion Under Insulation CUI
External corrosion of carbon steel and low alloy steel piping resulting from water trapped under insulation. External chloride stress corrosion cracking (ECSCC) of austenitic and duplex stainless steel under insulation is also classified as CUI damage.
Critical Check Valves
Check valves in piping systems that have been identified as vital to process safety (See 5.13). Critical check valves are those that need to operate reliably in order to avoid the potential for hazardous events or substantial consequences should reverse flow occur.
Cyclic Service
Refers to service conditions that may result in cyclic loading and produce fatigue damage or failure(e.g. cyclic loading from pressure, thermal, and/or mechanical loads). Other cyclic loads associated with vibration may arise from such sources as impact, turbulent flow vortices, resonance in compressors, and wind, or any combination thereof.
Damage Mechanisms
Any type of deterioration encountered in the refining and chemical process industry that can result in metal loss/flaws/defects that can affect the integrity of piping systems. ( e.g. corrosion cracking, erosion, dents and other mechanical, physical or chemical impacts)
Damage Rate
The rate of deterioration other that corrosion.(e.g. rate of cracking, rate of HTHA, creep rate etc.
Components of piping system that normally have little or no significant flow. Some examples include blanked/ blinded branches, lines with normally closed blocked valves, lines with one end blanked, pressurized dummy support legs, stagnant control valve bypass piping, spare pump piping, level bridles, pressure relieving device inlet and outlet, header piping, pump trim bypass lines. Deadlegs also include piping that is no longer in use but still connected.
an imperfection of a type or magnitude exceeding the acceptance criteria.
Design Pressure
The pressure at the most severe condition of coincident internal or external pressure and temperature (minimum or maximum) expected during service. It is the same as the design pressure defined in ASME B31.3 and other code sections and is subject to the same rules relating to allowances for variations of pressure or temperature or both.
Design Temperature
The temperature at which, under coincident pressure, the greatest thickness or highest component rating is required. It is the same as the design temperature defined in ASME B31.3 and other code sections and is subject to the same rules relating to allowances for variations of pressure or temperature or both.
Examination Point
Recording point measurement point test point. A specific location on piping system to obtain repeatable thickness measurement for the purpose of establishing accurate corrosion rate. CMLs may contain multiple examination points.
The act of performing any type of NDE for the purpose of data collection and/or quality control functions performed by examiners.
A person who assists the inspector by performing specific NDE on piping system components and evaluates to the applicable acceptance criteria (where qualified to do), but does not evaluate the results of those examinations in accordance with API 570 requirements, unless specifically trained and authorized to do so by the owner/user.
External Inspection
A visual inspection performed from the outside of a piping system to locate external issues that could impact the piping systems ability to maintain pressure integrity (see 5.5.4). External inspections are also intended to find conditions that compromise the integrity of the coating and insulation covering, the supporting structures and attachments.
Fit For Service Evaluation
An engineering methodology whereby flaws and other deterioration/damage contained within piping systems are assessed in order to determine the structural integrity of the piping for continued service.
Piping component usually associated with a branch connection, a change in direction or change in piping diameter. Flanges are not considered fittings.
Flammable Materials
An used in this code, includes all fluids which will support combustion. Refer to NFPA 704 for guidance on classifying.
Flash Point
The lowest temperature at which a flammable product emits enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture in the air.
An imperfection in a piping system usually detected by NDE which may or may not be a defect depending upon the applied acceptance criteria.
General Corrosion
Corrosion that is distributed more or less uniformly over the surface of the piping, as opposed to being localized in nature
Hold Point
A point in the repair or alteration process beyond which work may not proceed until the required inspection/examination has been performed and verified.
Flaws or other discontinuities noted during inspection that may be subject to acceptance criteria during an engineering and inspection analysis
A response or evidence resulting from the application of nondestructive evaluation technique
Injection Point
Injection Points are locations where water, steam, chemicals, or process additives are introduced into a process stream relatively low flow/volume rates as compared to the flow/volume rate of the parent stream
In Service
Designates a piping system that has been placed in operation as opposed to new construction prior to being placed in service or retired. A piping system not currently in operation due to a process outage is still considered to be in service. The operational stage of a piping system lifecycle that commences upon initial commissioning and ends when the piping system is finally retired from service or abandoned in place.
In-Service Inspection
All inspection activities associated with piping after it has been initially placed in service but before it has been retired.
The internal, external, or on-stream evaluation of piping condition conducted by the authorized inspector
Inspection Plan
A documented set of actions and strategies detailing the scope, extent, methods and timing of specific inspection activities in order to determine the condition of a piping system/circuit based on defined/expected damage.
Integrity Operating Window IOW
Established limits for process variables (parameters) that can affect the integrity of the equipment if the process operation deviates from the established limits for a predetermined amount of time.
Intermittent Service
The condition of a piping system whereby it is not in continuous operating service.
A legally constituted governmental administration that may adopt rules relating process piping systems
Level Bridle
The piping assembly associated with a level gauge attached to vessel.
A nonmetallic or metallic material, installed on the interior of pipe, whose properties are better suited to resist damage from the process than the substrate material.
Localized Corrosion
Deterioration restricted to isolated regions on a piping system / Corrosion that is confined to a limited area of the metal surface (Non-uniform Corrosion)
Major Repairs
Welding repairs that involve removal and replacement of large sections of piping systems
Management of Change
A documented management system for review and approval of changes (both physical and process) to piping systems prior to implementation of the change. The MOC process includes involvement of inspection personnel that may need to alter inspection plans as a result of the change.
Material Verification Program
A documented quality assurance procedure used to assess metallic alloy materials (including weldments and attachments where specified) to verify conformance with the selected or specified alloy material designated by the owner/user
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
The maximum internal pressure permitted in the piping system for continued operation at the most sever condition of coincident internal or external pressure and temperature (minimum or maximum) expected during service. it is the same as the design pressure as defined in AMSE B31.3 and other code sections and is subject to the same rules relating to allowances for variations of pressure or temperature or both. If the piping system is being rerated, the new MAWP shall be the rerated MAWP.
Minimum Alert Thickness (Flag Thickness)
A thickness greater than the minimum required thickness that provides for early warning from which the future service life of the piping is managed through further inspection and remaining life assessment.
Minimum Design Metal Temperature/Minimum Allowable Temperature (MDMT/MAT)
The lowest permissible metal temperature for a given material at a specified thickness based on its resistance to brittle fracture. In the case of MAT, it may be a single temperature, or an envelope of allowable operating temperatures as a function of pressure. It is generally the minimum temperature at which a significant load can be applied to a piping system as defined in the applicable construction code. It might be also obtained through a fitness for service evaluation.
Minimum Required Thickness T min
The thickness without corrosion allowance for each component of a piping system based on the appropriate design code calculations and code allowable stress that consider pressure, mechanical and structural loadings.
Mixing Point
Mixing points are locations in process piping system where two or more streams meet. The difference in streams may be composition, temperature or any other parameter that may cause deterioration and may require additional design considerations operating limits inspection and/or process monitoring.
An item that is not in accordance with specified codes, standards or other requirements.
Non-pressure Boundary
Components and attachments of, or the portion of piping that does not contain the process pressure.
Off-Site Piping
Piping systems not included within the plot boundary limits of a process unit such as a hydrocracker, an ethylene cracker or a crude unit.
On-site Piping
Piping systems included within the plot limits of process, such as a hydrocracker an ethylene cracker or a crude unit
On-Stream Piping
Piping systems that have not been isolated and decontaminated/ Still connected to in-service process equipment.
On-Stream Inspection
An inspection performed from the outside of piping systems while they are on-stream using NDE procedures to establish the suitability of the pressure boundary for continued operation.
Overdue Inspection
Piping inspections for in-service equipment that have not been performed by their established due dates documented in the inspection schedule/plan and that do not have an approved deferral per 7.10. A piping system not currently in operation due to a process outage would not be considered overdue for inspection if its due date coincides with the time it is out of service; however, it would be overdue for inspection if it were placed back in service before being inspected.
Overwater Piping
Piping located where leakage would result in discharge into streams, rivers, bays, etc. resulting in a potential environmental incident.
The organization that exercises control over the operation, engineering, inspection, repair, alteration, pressure testing, and rating of the piping systems
Piperack Piping
Process piping that is supported by consecutive stanchions or sleepers (including straddle racks and extensions
Piping Circuit
A subsection of piping systems that includes piping and components that are exposed to a process environment of similar corrosivity and expected damage mechanisms and is of similar design conditions and construction material where by the expected type and rate of damage can reasonably be expected to be the same.
Note 1: Complex process units or piping systems are divided up into piping circuits to manage the necessary inspections, data, analysis, and record keeping.
Note 2: When Establishing the boundary of a particular piping circuit, it may be sized to provide a practical package for record keeping and performing field inspection.
Piping Engineer
One or more persons or organizations acceptable to the owner/user who are knowledgeable and experienced in the engineering disciplines associated with evaluating mechanical and material characteristics affecting the integrity and reliability of piping components and systems. The piping engineer, by consulting with appropriate specialists, should be regarded as a composite of all entities necessary to properly address piping design requirements.
Piping System
An assembly of interconnected pipe that typically are subject to the same (or nearly the same) process fluid composition and/or design conditions.
Localized corrosion of a metal surface in a small area and takes the form of cavities called pits. Pitting can be highly localized (including a single pit) or wide spread on a metal surface.
PMI Positive Material Identification
Any physical evaluation or test of a material to confirm that the material, which has been or will be placed into service, is consistent with the selected or specified alloy material designated by the owner/user
PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment
A work process which consists of heating an entire weldment or section of fabricated piping to an elevated temperature after completion of welding in order to relieve the detrimental effects of welding heat, such as reducing residual stresses, reducing hardness, and/or slightly modifying properties.
Pressure Boundary
The portion of the piping that contains the pressure retaining piping elements joined or assembled into pressure tight fluid containing piping systems. Pressure boundary components include pipe, tube, fittings, flanges, gaskets, bolting, valves, and other devices such as expansion joints and flexible.
Pressure Design Thickness
Minimum allowed pipe wall thickness needed to hold the design pressure at the design temperature.
Note 1: Pressure design thickness is determined using the rating code formula including needed reinforcement thickness.
Note 2: Pressure design thickness does not include thickness for structural loads, corrosion allowance or mill tolerance and therefore should not be used as the sole determinant or structural integrity for typical.
Primary Process Piping
Process piping in normal, active service that cannot be valved-off, would significantly affect unit operability. Primary process piping typically does not include small bore piping or auxiliary process piping.
A document that specifies or describes how an activity is to be preformed on a piping system, often a step-by step description .
Process Piping
Hydrocarbon or chemical piping located at, or associated with a refinery or manufacturing facility. Process piping includes piperack, tank farm, and process unit piping, but excludes utility piping (e.g. steam, water, air nitrogen, etc)
Quality Assurance
All planned, systematic, and preventative actions required to determine if materials, equipment, or services will meet specified requirements so that the piping will perform satisfactorily in-service. Quality assurance plans will specify the necessary quality control activities and examinations.
Quality Control
Those physical activities that are conducted to check conformance with specifications in accordance with the quality assurance plan. (e.g NDE Techniques, hold point inspections, material verifications, checking certification documents, etc)
Activity that discards an existing component, fitting, or portion of a piping circuit and replaces it with new or existing spare materials of the same or better qualities as the original piping components.
The work necessary to restore a piping system to a condition suitable for safe operation at the design conditions.
Note 1: If any restorative changes result in a change of design temperature or pressure, the requirements for re-rating also shall be satisfied. Any welding, cutting, or grinding operation on a pressure-containing piping component not specifically considered an alteration is considered a repair. Repairs can be temporary.
Repair organization
a) an owner/user of piping systems who repairs or alters his or her own equipment in accordance with API 570.
b) a contractor whose qualifications are acceptable to the owner/user of piping systems and who makes repairs or alterations in accordance with API 570.
c) an organization that is authorized by, acceptable to or otherwise not prohibited by the jurisdiction and who makes repairs in accordance with API 570
The work process of making calculations to establish pressures and temperatures appropriate for a piping system, including design pressure/temperature, MAWP, structural minimums, required thickness.
A change in the design temperature, design pressure or the maximum allowable working pressure of a piping system
(sometimes called rating)
Note 1: A rerating may consist of an increase, a decrease, or a combination of both. Derating below original design conditions is a means to provide increased corrosion.
Risk Based Inspection
A risk assessment and risk management process that is focused on inspection planning for piping systems for loss of containment in processing facilities, which considers both the probability of failure and consequence of failure due to materials of construction deterioration.
The movement of a device (visual, ultrasonic, ETC) over a wide area as opposed to a spot reading and used to find flaws/defects (e.g. the thinnest thickness measurement at a CML or cracking in weldment)
Secondary Process Piping
Process piping located downstream of a block valve that can be valved-off without significantly affecting the process unit operability is commonly referred to as secondary process piping. Often secondary process piping is small-bore piping (SBP).
Small-bore Piping
Pipe or Pipe components that are less than or equal to NPS 2
Soil to air interface
An area in which external corrosion may occur or be accelerated on partially buried pipe or buried pipe near where it egresses from the soil.
Structural minimum thickness
Minimum required thickness without corrosion allowance, based on the mechanical loads other that pressure that result in longitudinal stress.
Temporary Repairs
Repairs made to piping systems in order to restore sufficient integrity to continue safe operation until permanent repairs can be scheduled and accomplished within a time period acceptable to the inspector and/or piping engineer.
Testing Procedures used to determine pressure tightness, material hardness, strength and notch toughness
Tank farm piping
Process piping inside tank farm dikes or directly associated with a tank farm.
Utility Piping
Non process piping associated with a process unit.