aphthous ulcers Flashcards
most common cause of oral ulcers
30% o otherwise healthy persons
assoc w what disease
pathogenesis: ___ immunity mediated
age of onset
ETIOLOGY Idiopathic. Can arise at the site o minor mucosal injury, e.g., bite.
PATHOGENESIS Cell-mediated immune reaction pattern.
AGEATONSET Anyage;o enduringsecond decade, persisting into adulthood, and becom- ingless requentwithadvancingage
diff simple complex and major AU
Simple: 1 to 3 oral ulcers that recur 1 to 3 times per year.
■ Complex: Continuous ulcers and associated with systemic disease or genital ulcers.
■ Major aphthous ulcers (AU) may persist or ≥ 6 weeks, healing with scarring.
■ Behçet disease should be considered in patients with persistent oropharyngeal AU, with or without anogenital AU, associated with systemic ndings (eye, nervous system). See Section 14.
At times, small, pain ul red macule or papule be ore ulceration.
■ More commonly, ulcer(s) < 1 cm
(Figs. 33-10 and 33-11), covered with brin (gray-white), with sharp, discrete, and at times edematous borders.
■ Herpeti orm “or grouped” AU (HAU) and Major AU (MaAU) may heal with white, depressed scars.
■ Number o ulcers: Minor AU (MiAU), 1–5; MaAU, 1–10: HAU, up to 100.
■ Distribution: Oropharyngeal, anogenital, any site in the GI tract. Oral lesions most commonly on the buccal and labial mucosa,
INTRALESIONALTRIAMCINOLONE 3 to 10 mg/mL inlidocaineverye ective orimmediaterelie
o pain and resolution o ulcers. Amlexanox 5% can be applied topically our times a day (a er meals and be ore bedtime). Viscous lidocaine 2%shouldonlybeused orbrie,immediate controlo pain.
■ Prednisone: In persons with large, persistent, pain ul AU inter ering with nutrition, a brie courseo prednisoneise ective(70mg, tapered by 10 or 5 mg/d).
■ Tetracycline syrup and minocycline 100 mg po BID, reported with variable success.
■ T alidomide: E ective in HIV/AIDS, Behçet disease, and large pain ul AU. Adverse
e ects:Peripheralsensoryneuropathy. Lenalodomide may be used in these cases.
■ umor necrosis factor- α inhibitor:
Adalimumab and inf iximab reported to be e ective. Interleukin-1 inhibition shows promise or PFAPA.