Aphorisms 27 - 49 and 82 - 104 Flashcards
What do curative powers of a remedy depend on?
27 – Curative powers depend on the symptoms produced being similar to the symptoms of the disease but stronger.
How does homeopathic cure work?
28 – 29 – Artificial disease of the remedy overpowers the weaker natural disease. When the force of the artificial disease is spent, the body returns to normal health.
What is more likely to alter the human body’s state of health – drugs or nature?
30 – Drugs, because medicinal agents affect all people, so the body is more susceptible to medicinal forces.
Do disease agents affect everyone?
31 – No, we fall ill only when susceptible.
Do medicinal agents affect everyone?
32 – Yes, medicinal agents affect all people
Is the body more susceptible to medicinal forces or natural ones?
33 – More susceptible to medicinal forces.
What must the artificial disease be like in order to cure?
34 – The artificial disease must be stronger and and most similar
Can nature cure an old disease by adding a dissimilar one?
34 – No, nature cannot cause an old disease by adding a new dissimilar one.
What happens when two dissimilar disease meet in the same person?
35 – See aphorisms 36 - 40
When two dissimilar diseases meet in the same person, what effect does old disease have on new dissimilar diseases?
36 – An old disease that is equally strong or stronger will keep away new dissimilar diseases.
What effect do non-homeopathic treatments have on chronic disease?
37 – Chronic diseases are not affected by non-homeopathic treatment
What effect do new, stronger diseases have on the old disease?
38 – New stronger diseases can suppress old disease, but will never remove it.
What does allopathic treatment do to the disease? What happens when the medicine is withdrawn?
39 – Allopathic treatment suppresses the disease. The chronic disease returns when the medication is withdrawn.
Do new diseases remove old diseases, or vice versa?
40 – No – new diseases can join older diseases and become complex, but neither one removes the other.
What is the effect of heavy drugging with allopathic medicines?
41 – Heavy drugging with allopathic medicines leads to an artificial drug disease and makes it into a chronic problem.
Can two dissimilar disease exist in the body at the same time?
42 – Yes. Two dissimilar diseases can exist in the body at the same time.
What can we observe when two similar diseases meet?
43 – When two similar disease meet, we can observe how cure takes place.
Can two similar diseases suspend, ward off, or exist at the same time?
44 – No, two similar disease cannot suspend, ward off or exist at the same time.
What will two similar diseases do to each other in the organism?
45 – Two similar diseases will destroy each other in the organism
Aphorisms 46 – 47
46 – Examples of foregoing
47 – It should be convincingly clear that this is how to cure according to natural law.
Do dissimilar diseases cure?
48 – No, dissimilar diseases do not cure.
Is nature rich in remedial homeopathic diseases?
49 – No, nature is poor in remedial homeopathic diseases so we do not notice them often.
How should the case be conducted in trying to cure disease?
82 – Carefully
What are requisites for understanding the picture of the disease?
83 – Freedom from prejudice and sound sense.
What should the patient do? What should the physician do?
84 – The patient should talk. The physician should listen, not interrupt, and write it all down.
Should all the symptoms be written down together?
85 – No. Start a new line for every symptom.
When should the physician ask for particulars?
86 – When the patient finishes talking, the physician can ask for particulars.
What kind of questions should the physician not ask?
87 – The physician should not ask yes or no questions.
What should the physician ask the patient about the body?
88 – Ask the patient about the parts of the body not mentioned.
What should the physician ask after asking particulars about the body parts not mentioned?
89 – The physician should ask more special detailed questions
What should the physician note down?
90 – The physician should note what he observes in the patient.
What must be understood in cases of chronic disease? What must the physician ask the patient to do?
91 – In chronic cases, understand what the symptoms were before medicines were taken. Ask the patient to discontinue medicines to see the real disease.
What should the physician do about other medicines n cases of rapid course (acute) disease?
92 – In cases of rapid course disease, the physician should forget the other medicines and do what she can to sort it out.
What other sources of information are useful to understand the patient?
93 – Learn what the patient’s friends say about the patient.
What questions are useful to remove the maintaining causes in chronic cases?
94 – In cases of chronic disease, ask about habits, diet and domestic situation to be able to remove the maintaining causes.
Is a broad overview sufficient in cases of chronic disease?
95 – No. In chronic cases, the minutest peculiarities are attended to.
Do patients always describe their symptoms accurately? What two ways might patients describe their symptoms?
96 – Some patients might exaggerate their symptoms.
97 – Others have false modesty and allege that their symptoms are of no consequence.
What is a credible source of information from the patient?
98 – The physician should attach credence to the patient’s own expressions.
What is the advantage to case taking and treatment in acute disease?
99 – Acute diseases of short duration and easy to treat. There is less to inquire into. They are often spontaneously detailed.
What is true of epidemic diseases?
100 – 102 – It takes time to see the totality of the epidemic disease. You must see the characteristics of the disease through several patients.
How must the physician proceed in case of chronic disease? What must they see about the patient?
103 – Chronic disease must be carefully investigated. You must see the totality of the patient.
What must be done to see the effect of the medicine?
104 – Once the totality is sketched, the most difficult part is done. The physician has a picture of the disease. To see the effect of the medicine, just ask how the patient is and cross out the symptoms that have been cured.