apa lagi Flashcards
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
Example: Understandably, Jillian struggled with ambivalence regarding the group project: she loved working with her friends but felt that the work was never divided evenly.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
Example: The town’s enforcement of parking rules felt arbitrary, as some days the rules would be strictly enforced and other days
it seemed impossible to get a ticket no matter how severe the infraction.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to increase the strength of or justification for; to reinforce
Example: The commissioner has promised to train 30 new recruits by the end of the year in order to buttress the police force as the city’s needs expand.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to find a way around
Example: Having forgotten the password to his email account, Aiden was able to circumvent the login screen by having a code sent to his phone.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: pleasant, friendly, or agreeable
Example: Known as quite the congenial host, Davante made sure the atmosphere of his game nights was welcoming to friends both old and new.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: guilty or worthy of blame
Example: Though he insisted upon his innocence, it was clear from video evidence and eyewitness testimony that the bank thief
was indeed culpable for the robbery.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to reduce in extent or quantity
Example: The new office time card system was designed to curtail unauthorized extensions of lunch and break times.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: humble submission and respect
Example: The student spoke with deference to his instructor when discussing the proper application of a mixed martial arts technique.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: tending to be different or develop in different directions
Example: Due to the unclear instructions, students took divergent paths in their papers, with some arguing multiple perspectives and some switching topics altogether.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep
Example: Though the volcano once erupted randomly and violently for decades, it now lies dormant and is a popular tourist attraction.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to draw out a response or fact from someone
Example: Through a series of carefully crafted questions, the professor hoped to elicit the answer to the geography question from
her students, which would prove that they already knew the correct information.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a perfect example of something
Example: The three sisters were the epitome of the spirit of entrepreneurship: through their hard work, their baking business had begun as a roadside stand and blossomed into a multi-million-dollar brand.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to reveal the presence of a quality or feeling
Example: Benjamin’s numerous social media posts within just one day of returning from his vacation were clearly meant to evince the enjoyment he had felt during his trip.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to place close together for contrasting effect
Example: Video production teams working on horror movies will often juxtapose darker scenes with livelier music to create a
deeper sense of tension and discomfort within the viewer
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: existing but not yet developed or manifest
Example: From the moment his fingers began dancing over the keys as fi he’d been playing his whole life, it was obvious that Nikolai had a latent talent for the piano that had hitherto gone unnoticed.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
Example: Ruchi was incredibly meticulous in the production of her photos on her social media page: the lighting, filter, and expos- ure were each precisely adjusted to enhance the visual quality of her subjects.
Part of Speech: adjective Definition: easily noticeable
Example: The excitement in the air prior to the start of the concert was palpable: you could practically see the energy emanating from the crowd before the band even stepped on stage.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to refuse to accept or be associated with
Example: Any time one of her friends advised her to try online dating, Becky would repudiate the suggestion completely, as she
had been deceived by inaccurate photos or descriptions too many times.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: included or absorbed into something else
Example: Literature texts can be subsumed under two general categories: poetry and prose.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: very weak or slight
Example: With just seconds to go in the game, the team clung to a tenuous one-point lead.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: not conspicuous or attracting attention
Example: Garbage cans at the theme park are painted ot be as unobtrusive as possible, often blending into their surroundings.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the appearance of being true or real
Example: Despite being awork of fiction, the movie posesed such authentic characters and believable dialogue that critics praised it for its verisimilitude.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried
Example: Carla could not hide her vexation at her son for arriving home two hours past curfew without telling her ahead of time.
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to clear someone of blame or suspicion
Example: Upset that he had been accused of staying home sick to avoid an exam, Xander hoped that a formal doctor’s note would vindicate him in his teacher’s eyes.