AP2 Exam 3 Flashcards
Some mediators can be both a neurotransmitter and a hormone: what are some examples?
Oxytocin: as a neurotransmitter, released throughout the brain and expressed by neurons
Exocrine glands secrete their product into ______ that release into body cavities, lumen of organs, or to outer surface.
Local hormones:
- act on neighboring cells or the same cell without entering the bloodstream
- paracrine: act on neighboring cell
- autocrine: act on same cell
Amino acids:
- amines
- peptides
- proteins
Amino acid hormones:
- water soluble
- unbound in the blood
- cannot bass through cell membrane
- bind to receptors on the outside/surface of the cell
- second messenger
- derived from modification of one or multiple AAs
Steroid/cholesterol hormones:
- lipid soluble
- must be bound to transport proteins in the blood
- provide a ready reserve of hormone in the blood
- can freely pass through cell membrane
- binds to receptors on the inside of the cell
- derived from cholesterol
Steroid hormones
androgens: test., androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate
Synthetic thyroid hormone is ______.
lipid soluble
taken orally; easily absorbed through intestinal wall
bioavailability is drastically reduced when transdermal/INJ (because all the membranes it has to travel through)
Insulin is ______.
water soluble
cannot survive acidic environment in the stomach (destroys peptide bonds)
must be INJ SQ
Hypothalamus (picture):
- controls the ANS through neural and hormonal approaches
- connected to the pituitary via the infundibulum:
- infundibular stalk + pars tuberalis = indundibulum
- hypothalamus and posterior pituitary connected via infundibular stalk
- pars tuberalis of the anterior pituitary wraps up the infundibular stalk
- infundibular stalk + pars tuberalis = indundibulum
Hypothalamic Axes:
- Adrenal Axis
- Gonadal Axis
- Thyroid Axis
- Others are not a part of an axis but rather controlled by circulating levels of other hormones
- Example: PTH, calcitonin, calcitriol
Releasing and inhibiting hormones of the hypothalamus:
The Pretty Dressed Girl Got Some Courage
- Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
- Prolactin releasing hormone (PRH)
- Dopamine; Prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH)
- Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)
- Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
- Somatostatin: Growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
- Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
The pituitary gland:
- aka hypophysis
- sits in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
- anterior pituitary aka adenohypophysis aka pars distalis (the gland)
- pars tuberalis partially covers the infundibulum like a sheath
- posterior pituitary aka neurohypophysis aka pars nervosa
Posterior pituitary:
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin are stored and released here
- these two hormones are produced in the hypothalamus and sent via the axons (infundibular stalk) to the terminal ends (posterior pituitary) where they are stored
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- aka vasopressin
- effects:
- anti diuresis (U/O can increase to 20L/day without ADH)
- increased reabsorption in collecting ducts
- inhibits sweat production>decreased water loss
- systemic vasoconstriction of arterioles (smooth muscle)
- anti diuresis (U/O can increase to 20L/day without ADH)
- amount secreted varies with blood osmotic pressure and blood volume
- monitored by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
- osmotic pressure increases with “thicker fluid”
- may also be secreted in response to: pain, stress, anxiety, morphine, tranquilizers, anesthetics, nicotine
Diabetes Insipidus
- defects of ADH receptors or inability to produce/secrete ADH
- neurogenic DI: reduction/cessation of production/secretion of ADH (tumor, trauma, surgery)
- nephrogenic DI: kidneys don’t respond to the ADH
- non functional receptors in kidneys or kidney damage
*can die in a day from dehydration
- childbirth (stretching of uterus stimulated secretion)>pos. feedback
- stimulates milk ejection (let down) in response to suckling
- may be involved with:
- emotional/social bonding with others
- parenting (levels increased in new moms/dads)
- autism (many have low oxytocin levels but not all)
- sexual pleasure during/after (length/strength of orgasm and post coital)
- no affect on sexual arousal, erection, sex drive
Anterior pituitary:
- aka adenohypophysis aka pars distalis
- secretes hormones from 5 types of cells:
- somatotrophs: human growth hormone (hGH) aka somatropin
- thyrotrophs: thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) aka thyrotropin
- gonadotrophs: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH); luteinizing hormone LH)
- lactotrophs: prolactin (PRL)
- corticotrophs: melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH); adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) aka corticotropin
Human growth hormone (hGH)
- aka somatotropin (secreted by somatotrophs)
- most abundant anterior hormone
- targets most cells in the body rather than a particular gland/organ
- produced and released in a pulsatile/diurnal manner (increase during first 2hrs of sleep)
- main function is to promote synthesis/secretion of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs aka somatomedins) by cells in the body (liver, muscle, bones, etc)
- (believed) most changes seen in body are due to IGFs rather than hGH directly
- someone can have nml hGH but low IGFs>abnormalities
- IFG functions of note:
- adipose tissue: lypolysis> increased fatty acids released> used over glucose (more so during fasted state)
- skeletal muscle: suppresses protein catabolism; favors fatty acid use over glucose
- immune: stimulates B and T cell function
- metabolism: can cause beta cell burnout from extended insulin production (diabetogenic)
- (believed) most changes seen in body are due to IGFs rather than hGH directly
- secretion decreases with age
- muscle wasting, unwanted fat
Disorders of human growth hormone (hGH):
- Hypersecretion
giantism (gigantism)
hypersecretion in childhood stimulates chondrogenesis in epiphyseal plates
- results in very tall with normal body proportions
- will also normally experience:
- hyperglycemia leading to insulin burnout (diabetes)
- panhypopituitarism: hypertrophy of somatotrophs which eventually render the whole gland dysfunctional
hypersecretion in childhood stimulates chondrogenesis in epiphyseal plates
- acromegaly
hypersecretion in adulthood
- enlargement of many internal organs (liver, kidneys)
- thickened skin
- bone thickening (enlarged facial features, feet, fingers)
hypersecretion in adulthood
giantism (gigantism)
- Hyposecretion
- dwarfism
hyposecretion in childhood
- epiphyseal plates close before nml heigh is attained
- some keep child like characteristics whereas others can develop some adult characteristics with the addition of androgens
hyposecretion in childhood
- dwarfism
Prolactin (PRL)
- pregnancy:
- stimulates growth/development of mammary glands
- synthesis of milk
- PRH stimulated by high levels of estrogen and suckling
- dopamine/PIH stimulated by low-moderate levels of estrogen
- Disorders:
- hypersecretion most commonly caused by a prolactinoma (benign pituitary adenoma)
- non pregnant, non breastfeeding female complaining of milky discharge
- male with milky breast discharge or ED with no obvious cause
- hypersecretion most commonly caused by a prolactinoma (benign pituitary adenoma)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
- females:
- stimulates follicle production in women monthly
- stimulates ovarian follicular cells to produce estrogen
- males:
- stimulates production of sperm cells
- regulated by neg. feedback by estrogen and testosterone
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- females:
- triggers ovulation
- triggers formation of corpus luteum>secretion of progesterone
- triggers secretion of estrogen by ovarian follicular cells (along with FSH)
- males:
- stimulates testes to produce testosterone
- peptide hormone produced not only in the anterior pituitary but also in the skin itself
- exact role of anterior pituitary produced MSH in humans unknown
- possible appetite suppression
- MSH is produced locally in the skin>pigmentation of skin (melanin)
- dopamine (PIH) inhibits MSH release
Thyroid gland and thyroid hormone:
- largest of “pure” endocrine glands (very extensive blood supply)
- only endocrine gland that stores its hormones in large quantities (~100day supply)
- follicles are the functional unit
- parafollicular cells reside in between follicles
- produce calcitonin (not considered “thyroid hormone”)
- inhibits calcium breakdown in bone and absorption in the intestines (closes certain channels)
- increases calcium loss in urine (DCT)
- produce calcitonin (not considered “thyroid hormone”)
- Thyroid hormones
- production stimulated by TSH (inhibited via neg. feedback)
- anything that increases cellular energy demand causes increase in T3/T4 production (cold, hypoglycemia, altitude, pregnancy)
- Tetraiodothyronine (Thyroxine, T4)
- inactive form of thyroid hormone
- more abundant but less potent
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
- active form of thyroid hormone
- less abundant but more potent
Resorption vs. Reabsorption/Absorption
- Resorption: back into the blood
- Reabsorption/Absorption: out of the blood
Synthesis and transport of T3/T4 (picture with steps):
- Follicular cells trap and pull iodide ions into the cytosol.
- Follicular cells are simultaneously producing the glycoprotein, thyroglobulin (TGB):
- TGB is produced in the RER, modified in the Golgi body, and secreted into the colloid via exocytosis
- Iodide is oxidized into iodine by perioxidase then move into the colloid
- Iodine binds to the tyrosines that are part of the TGB
- Monoiodotyrosine (MIT, T1): one iodine binds
- Diiodotyrosine (DIT, T2): two iodines bind
- Coupling of T1 and T2:
- T1+T2=T3 or T2+T2=T4
- Pinocytosis and digestion of colloid; lysosomes cleave off T3 and T4 molecules
- Left over T1 and T2 are deiodinated and recycled
- Secretion of T3 and T4
- Transported in the blood via proteins produced in the liver
- Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) (70%)
- Albumin (20%): generic transport protein
- Transthyretin (10%): releases T3/4 into the CSF
- transported by one of these proteins (all made in liver)
- thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) (70%)
- albumin (20%)
- transthyretin (10%): releases thyroid hormone into CSF
- actions
- increases BMR
- rate of O2 consumption under normal conditions
- stimulates synthesis of additional Na+/K+ pumps
- increased ATP production and consumption>increased heat>maintain body temp
- regulate metabolism
- stimulates protein synthesis, lipolysis, cholesterol secretion
- increases glucose and fatty acid use for ATP production
- stimulates protein synthesis, lipolysis, cholesterol secretion
- enhances actions of some catecholamines
- T3/T4 upregulate beta receptors> increased HR, BP
- works with hGH and insulin to accelerate body growth
- nervous and skeletal
- deficiency can result in mental retardation and stunted bone growth (fetal growth)>cretinism
- increases BMR
- myxedema:
- accumulation of negatively charged mucopolysaccharides in connective tissues (attracts sodium>fluid follows)
- puffy features, enlarged tongue, hoarseness, joint stiffness
- increased chance for effusions (serous cavities)
- cretinism (untreated congenital hypothyroidism)
- associated with stunted growth, mental retardation, impaired motor neuron dysfunction, constipation (severe)
- usually caused by severe lack of iodine or immune dysfunction
- Hashimoto’s disease
- autoimmune
- Ab attack TSH receptors and thyroglobulin
- apoptosis of follicular cells
- thyroid tissue becomes infiltrated with B and T cells
- goiter
- Grave’s disease
- autoimmune
- caused by production of thyroid stimulating Ig (autoantibody)
- mimics TSH at TSH receptors excessively>overstimulation of thyroid gland
- goiter
- exophthalmos and periorbital edema (bug eyes)
- orbital fibrocytes have TSH receptors>autoantibody stimulates these causing edema
- thyroid will burn itself out if TSH receptors are constantly stimulated by autoantibody>becomes hypothyroidism
- Tx: removal of thyroid tissue and supplementation with T4
Hyper can turn to hypothyroidism quickly (its rare for it to go the other way)
Parathyroid glands:
- chief cells are the functional cell
- produce and secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- resorb calcium from bone
- produce and secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Adrenal glands:
- covered by connective tissue capsule
- adrenal cortex:
- adrenal medulla:
Adrenal cortex:
- zona glomerulosa
- mineralocorticoids
- ACTH can stimulate however angiotensin2 and hyperkalemia stimulate to greater degree
- aldosterone targets nephron
- promotes filtration of K+ and H+ in urine
- promotes reabsorption of Na+ in urine
- mineralocorticoids
- zona fasciculata
- glucocorticoids
- stress management (overreaction if stressor not removed)
- cortisol (95%), corticosterone, cortisone
- normal levels>stimulate:
- gluconeogenesis
- protein catabolism
- lipolysis
- excess levels cause:
- inhibits bone formation
- inhibits connective tissue formation
- suppress immune response
- suppress Ab formation, cell mediated immunity, kills immature T cells and B cells
- anti-inflammatory
- inhibits inflammatory cytokines>delays healing
- stimulates anti-inflammatory cytokines (good under normal stress conditions)
- glucocorticoids
- zona reticularis
- androgens (weak variety)
- dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
- precursor to numerous hormones: androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrogen
- androstenedione
- can be converted to: testosterone or estrone (precursor to estradiol)
- dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
- androgens (weak variety)
Disorders of adrenal cortex:
- Addison’s disease:
- autoimmune attacks ACTH receptors
- hyposecretion of gluco/mineralcorticoids
- symptoms don’t present until 90% of cortex is destroyed
- low aldosterone: hypoglycemia, anorexia>weight loss
- low cortisol: hyperkalemia, acidosis, hypotension
- low androgens: more noticeable in women>loss of pubic/axillary hair, decreased libido
- increased circulating ACTH and MSH
- distinct bronzing of the skin
- hyperpigmentation of gums
- autoimmune attacks ACTH receptors
- Cushing’s
- Disease: increased ACTH from pituitary>increased cortisol
- Syndrome: increased cortisol from adrenal glands without increased ACTH (or even exogenous corticosteroids>organ transplant, chronic inflammatory conditions)
- Both result in:
- muscle breakdown
- redistribution of body fat
- moon face
- HTN (80%), hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, immunodeficiency, mood swings
Adrenal medulla:
- functional cells are Chromaffin cells
- considered modified sympathetic ganglion
- signal received through splanchnic nerves>Ach binds to nicotinic receptors
- produce/secrete catecholamines
- epinephrine (more numerous and potent) and NE
- intensify sympathetic responses throughout the body
- stimulates glycogenolysis
- considered modified sympathetic ganglion
Disorders of adrenal medulla:
- pheochromocytoma
- usually caused by a benign tumor of the chromaffin cells
- most often arise in adrenal medulla however they can arise anywhere along sympathetic ganglia
- prolonged “fight or flight” response
- usually caused by a benign tumor of the chromaffin cells
- both exocrine and endocrine gland
- head, body and tail
- Islets of Langerhans (pancreatic islets)
- 4 types of islet cells
- alpha (20% of cells): glucagon
- raise blood glucose levels (receptors in pancreas)
- glycogenolysis and lipolysis
- regulated by neg. feedback
- short lived (liver deactivates very fast> first pass of portal blood)
- raise blood glucose levels (receptors in pancreas)
- beta (75% of cells): insulin
- presence of food in small intestine triggers release of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GDIP)
- lowers blood glucose levels
- facilitates glucose uptake into cells
- stimulates glycolysis and glycogenesis
- neg. feedback
- little longer lasting than glucagon (liver deactivates> first pass of portal blood)
- alpha (20% of cells): glucagon
- 4 types of islet cells
- delta: somatostatin (GHIH)>actions concentration based
- acts in paracrine manner by inhibiting both insulin/glucagon
- F: pancreatic polypeptide> actions concentration based
- inhibits: somatostatin release, gallbladder contraction, secretion of enzymes and bicarb from pancreas
- possible role in appetite suppression
Disorders of pancreas:
- Growth:
- Diabetes mellitus: inability to produce or use insulin
- type 1: autoimmune attacks beta cells>no insulin
- symptoms do not show until 80-90% destruction
- 3 P’s and possible DKA
- symptoms do not show until 80-90% destruction
- type 2:
- cells have less insulin receptors>insulin levels increased, increased blood glucose
- usually obese
- more mild symptoms (usually found with labs)
- type 1: autoimmune attacks beta cells>no insulin
- Hyperinsulinism
- usually occurs when diabetic injects too much insulin> results in hypoglycemia> causes secretion of epi, glucagon, hGH
- symptoms: AMS
- usually occurs when diabetic injects too much insulin> results in hypoglycemia> causes secretion of epi, glucagon, hGH
- Hyper and hypoglycemia can present similarly
- Ovaries
- synthesize/secrete:
- estrogen, progesterone: along with LH/FSH regulate menstrual cycle, maintain pregnancy, lactation
- inhibin, relaxin>only produced in large qty in pregnancy
- inhibin: inhibits FSH>deters follicle development
- relaxin: relaxes cartilage of pubic symphysis, widen cervix>prepare for delivery
- synthesize/secrete:
- Testes
- synthesize/secrete:
- testosterone
- stimulates decent of testes before birth
- regulates production of sperm and secondary sex characteristics
- inhibin
- high concentration: inhibits spermatogenesis
- low concentration: reduces rate of spermatogenesis
- testosterone
- synthesize/secrete:
Pineal gland
- secretes melatonin
- sets biological clock
- more secreted in dark light>promotes sleepiness
- sets biological clock
- seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- type of depression worse in winter months and in areas that have more darkness (Alaska very long periods of darkness)
- increased melatonin levels
- Tx: bright light therapy
- type of depression worse in winter months and in areas that have more darkness (Alaska very long periods of darkness)
Atrial natriuretic peptide/hormone (ANP/ANH)
- secreted by the heart when atria are stretched>reduces blood pressure
Kidney hormones
Renin: stimulates the release of aldosterone
Calcitriol: increased Ca2+ absorption in the GI
Erythropoietin: stimulates RBC synthesis in bone marrow
Adipose tissue hormones:
Leptin: promotes satiety signal to brain
Adiponectin: helps to reduce insulin resistance
Cholecalciferol is produced by the ______.
modified from of Vit. D
Thymus hormones:
- atrophies with age
- produces multiple hormones that promote maturation of T cells
- thymosin
- thymic humoral factor
- thymic factor
- thymopoietin
Misc. liver hormones:
- angiotensiongen
- thrombopoietin: PLT’s
- Hepcidin: blocks release of iron into body fluids
Digestive tract hormones
- gastrin:
- promotes H+ section from parietal cells and growth of gastric mucosa
- cholecystokinin:
- gallbladder contraction
- slows gastric emptying
- stimulates pancreatic enzyme release
- Glucose dependent insulinotropic peptide (GDIP/GIP):
- stimulates insulin release
- inhibits H+ ion secretion in gastric mucosa
- Secretin:
- stimulates secretion of: pancreatic and biliary bicarb
- inhibits effects of gastrin
- found everywhere except RBC
- act as paracrine/autocrine
- very short lived (rapid deactivation)
- prostaglandins: smooth muscle, glands, blood flow, PLTs, TAGs, immune
- leukotrienes: mediates inflammation and chemotaxis of WBC
- synthesized in mast cells and platelets (most tissues)
- from trauma (burns)
- immune response
- functions
- contraction of smooth muscle in lungs, uterus, stomach
- vasodilation
- stimulates gastric acid secretion
- iflammation>increases permeability (immune)
- synthesized by cells in the intestines (90%; bacterial colonies), brain, CNS
- platelets take up and store free serotonin until its needed (no production)
- stimulated by:
- mood, anxiety, sleep
- general body mvmt
- GI motility
- can acts as vasocontrictor/dilator depending on concentration
General Adaptation Syndrome
- Alarm stage:
- min-hrs
- initiated by any stressor
- cortisol release (impairs immune response)
- SNS stimulated
- Resistance reaction (“recovery phase”)
- hrs-weeks
- stressor removed but dealing with psychological aftermath
- cortisol levels should decline (immune system back to nml)
- SNS stimulation is reduced
- increased parasympathetic (rest and digest)
- Exhaustion response
- if stressor is not removed or when resistance reaction not sufficient
- depletion of physical/psychological energy levels
- physical and mental illnesses begin to surface (ulcers, immunocompromise, depression, fatigue)
- prolonged cortisol (immunocompromise)
- prolonged SNS stimulation
*view body as a complete, integrated system>treat the whole person/body> treat underlying root causes of disease
- general reduction in hormone production and response
- decreased hGH, thyroid hormones (worn out thyroid)>but increased TRH and TSH (no negative feedback)
- adrenal cortex becomes fibrous (medulla usually unaffected)> decrease cortex hormones
- pancreas>releases insulin more slowly (glucose receptors less sensitive)
- gonads
- ovaries> decreased estrogen>osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, menopause
- testes>decrease in size but still produce test.; sperm are decreased quality
- bone injury
- increased PTH likely due to decreased dietary calcium
- calcitriol and calcitonin levels reduced