AP Vocabulary 81-99 Flashcards
Extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall. In AP language hubris can be found in the authors attitude toward the reader. In literature, portrayal of hubristic characters serves to achieve a moralistic end.
A literary device used by writers for a prominent character in a play or book that has characteristics opposite to that of a conventional hero. The protagonist is generally admired for his bravery, strength, charm, integrity etc. while the antihero is typically clumsy, unsolicited, and unskilled and has both good and bad qualities.
A persuasive technique and a type of programs through which a writer persuaded his readers, so that majority could agree with the argument of the writer. Suggesting that since majority could agree with the argument of the writer that since majority agrees, the readers should too
Bandwagon ( function)
The purpose of this technique is to make the audience think and act in a way that majority follows. This tendency of following the beliefs and actions occurs when audience sees others are also conforming. We see it’s usage in literature, politics, and ads.